Post sluts you know irl who have cheated, been blacked, or a threesome. Preferably mfm with stories
Post sluts you know irl who have cheated, been blacked, or a threesome. Preferably mfm with stories
She cheated on her bf to get some dick on the side
Love Chics that do mfm. Alll I'll date.
slut from school, loved mfm with black guys
coworkers exwife got caught cheating with three black guys and then fucked a few of us just to piss off her ex
ex gf, cheated on me a lot. slept with at least 10 guys when we were together. later found out that on our 2 year anniversary, when she called me to say she loves me while sucking a guy in her car.
my ex, was cheating on me a lot, mostly her black co-workers
Slut bump
nice RBF on her
Threesome on her honeymoon
friends mom was cheating with guys from her gym
Saw it on here. Some dude posted her pics and the story. Guess she got tag teamed
You don't have?
That's the same chick?
was blacked a couple times.
cheated on her BF with a girl.
blacked girl from gym
the act of sex cannot exist without a man
he didn't say sex, faggot
Heyyy!...he was behind of this
mom was cheating
I’ve been in a threesome with my girl if you want details. Don’t know if it’s interesting though/what you’d want to know
More of Desiree
Can you start a cola?
Nigger dicked most likely
Who is this? Looks like someone i know.
I don’t have any pics of her because I deleted them all when we broke up, but my ex cheated on me during a Halloween party in college.
It was a house party that got moved to another house, and so she texted ,e that she would meet me there. At the new location, I couldn’t find her and she wouldn’t respond back. I asked around and some people said they saw her staying at the old location. So I go back, and sure enough, I found her still there with a handful of guys drilling her. I watched them for a couple of minutes through a window before I got angry and left. She was on top of one guy, sucking another off, while two more waited their turn.
Both have been blacked and have also had a threesome together
I feel bad for your dad
Give every detail
Desiree loves black cock
Slampig ex was one of the biggest sluts I met
>Lost her virginity to her uncle who raped her repeatedly from 12-15
>Told me me her family walked in on her getting her “pussy pounded”
>Told story of how she fucked a married couple while their neighbor watched & jacked off
>Let a model & his friend take turns on her for a night
>She would also stay the night at her “friends house” a couple times a month
>I check her phone when she comes back one night
>Find FB messages to her black friend asking him “how hard will you fuck me the next time?”
>Keep reading & find out he fucked her raw & was cumming inside of her for two days straight
I miss her sometimes..
Pic related
yeah really messed up after years of marriage, and especially it was with black guys that added to the pain
Would use the fuck out of this fat slut
Cheated at her bachelorette party in Vegas
Moar holy fuck
Forgot to add sending nudes to people if they bought her food. Bunch of gross old white guys were always hitting her up
Cheated on her black boyfriend with a white guy
chick from hiking group that was blacked and enjoyed threesomes
Damn she’s nice for her age
Rejected for some black guy back in high school, ended up getting pregnant to another I had no idea she was such a mudshark
Been blacked by a few guys
A former High School classmate is passed around at college parties now. Being fucked all night by like ten dudes. WTF is wrong with her.
Hoes be hoes. Ignoring the risks I can understand how she would find enjoyment in it
movie plot
Story? Fiance find out?
She was a pure, innocent cutie at High School. I don't know what happened with her, after two months at college she became a cum slut. Pretty surreal.
>I can understand how she would find enjoyment in it
How so?
Just take a look at her... it’s obvious
She cheats and has been blacked regularly, lives in a 500 pop town and everyone knows what a whore she is now lol
Sounds like she found her true calling. Enjoy it.
Always wonder it. Any femanon in this thread? Why some girls love being used and abused like a rag doll by a group of guys?
She has been blacked, double teamed, and a fff threesome
For the same reason guys want to do a girl like that. It’s just primal instinct
aunt was blacked and had threesomes
Hot. More?
Any nude?
Yeah, seems like that. Five guys run a train on her once. They keep fucking again and again until they can't get hard again. She was so horny and drunk that she told the guys to call some friends then. WTF.
Cheated on me with at least four guys
At same time?
How do you know it?
my shitty ex. Chat me in the unsee and I will show whatever you want. appDOTunseeDOTcc / #24a0149c
Horny and drunk is a dangerous combo
Initials DF?
During 3 years, one by one
I broke with her after learning about the first. Then I heard about the second and asked her. She accidentally told me about the third, thinking it was the second. We fucked again, for a time, and she told about those three and the forth. I would not be surprised if there were any more
She fucked her ex, the friend of her friend's hook up, the flatmate of her friend's sister and the fuckbuddy of one of her friends
No, AM
She was fucked for like 8 hours straight. Surreal.
Nice whore you dated.
no, about as close I got
ricky ortiz blacked?
Well the cheater I know her husband or the guy she's cheating with post here. Wouldn't put up her pic cause they'd know.
this pic is as old as the internet you unrepentant faggot
Not cheating.
Fuck off incel
Uhhh, old, old pic that has been all over forever, you're full of shit
I don't want to sound mean, but she (is a she, right, not a trap?) is ugly.