It just looks so natural. Look how easily she takes it.
It just doesn't seem we, as white men, can compete..
It just looks so natural. Look how easily she takes it
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself you filthy nigger lover
why would a white man want to compete with a whore in deepthroating dick? Faggot
These threads are fucking trash and serve no more use than to clutter bandwidth
You know what they say, a Jewish woman's lust for blacks is insatiable.
my god it looks like a horse in the thumbnail
Shut up you giant faggot
everyone knows better than to believe that word in your daily threads, bud
goddamn, more?
>It just looks so natural. Look how easily she takes it.
>It just doesn't seem we, as tiny dicked losers, can compete..
Full vid with sound pls
you can contact the zoo, this is footage from their gorilla enclosure
Fuck whoever said size doesnt matter.
why do you stupid nigger loving cuckolds always get triggered and respond without saging?
because theres more to life than reeeing at threads you dont like. i dont give a fuck if I bump this piece of shit thread
I'm not him, but every little thing counts bro. Bumping jewish threads is bad, very bad
I dont get why it fucking matters, just ignore it
I bet she has a white boyfriend.
because other people will see it including women you fucking retard
you are making all white guys look like cucks and making white women want to fuck niggers
i bet you have a tiny Asian dick
Because it literally brainwashes weak people. It might not brainwash you, but people like him are too weak and easy to manipulate. And these kind of brainwashed people, make white males look very bad. Females don't like weaklings.
Then survival of the fittest, why should I give a fuck some weakling jacks off to monkeys?
she looks fat and gross
because they make you look bad by proxy
women are going to think you are a small dicked cuck because you are white
Dude, I dont give a fuck what women think. And if you do then some fucking online weirdo posting this shit is the least of your problems.
i mean, is there any "hot" black chicks? you always post the ugliest ones, or is it the prettiest one? in that case, yikes
yeah because you're a pussyless loser
wait until your son becomes a nigger dick sucking tranny faggot because he got brainwashed by internet porn
then will you care?
will you care when your kid gets beaten up and disrespected by niggers at school for being white? you are a fucking retard and with your passive cuck mentality whites will be enslaved or genocided
you can't just let people disrespect you without fighting back
said the tiny penis Asian male
kill yourself you cuckold faggot nigger lover
No point in boasting about pussyslaying on this basket weaving nepalese forum, and only weak kids from WEAK PARENTS go down that road. All that matters is that your dad is not a fucking wimp and you'll do fine.
whats with your obsession with asians
bullshit faggot
what happens when niggers outnumber whites 4 to 1
having a tough dad won't mean shit
the faggot who spams these threads is an Asian incel who hates white guys
arent you behaving just like him though? why do you post whites fucking other races? shouldnt you post whites with whites?
They already do, in fact, 10 % of the world is white. So? Either step up or die, because if apes can kill you, maybe you aren't that evolved after all.
The lack of sound is disappointing...
because my goal is white male sexual dominance and i do post whites with whites occasionally but white men fucking white women isn't white racial dominance
OP's thesis is that niggers fucking white women means they are dominant over whites so by his own logic white men fucking black women makes white men dominant over blacks
>if apes can kill you, maybe you aren't that evolved after all
10 apes could easily kill a human. Your analogy is shitty. If you bump threads like this you are only making these apes even more powerful. Congratulations, cuck.
Youre a disease and should be purged
wrong retard. niggers have about a billion population and so do whites. you are fucking retarded. there are more than two races.
unfortunately the vast majority of white males are too fucking retarded to understand propaganda
thank God for my trace amount of Jew blood which makes me not retarded
Christ. Im talking about real whites, and those are around 800 mil TOPS. Look it up, and population is hitting 8 bn soon.
My father fought in Rhodesia, I can guarantee we can take more than 10 apes if we want.
>posts IR
yeah, checks out, you are just as bad as op.
hell, you might be op, you are always in these threads.
>My father fought in Rhodesia
You lost there, you fucking cuck.
Yeah because we got betrayed. Yet with betrayal and all we lasted 14 years and were the top economy of that shithole of a continent.
Even if we lost, the point still stands: others can't defeat us, only us can bring our own downfall, so I am not worried in the least about some dumb thread online.
>only us can bring our own downfall,
Y-E-S, what do you think cucks are? The faggots that promote white genocide and make dumb threads like this? Do you think they are your allies? NO, they are your number one enemy, white cucks are the ones doing this because they want to bring the downfall of the white civilization. And you are literally helping them.
Then I'll fight like the ones before me, not worrying about what some white cuck posts online. Maybe you spend too much time in here, not saying it to dismiss you though, but it might be the case.
/now thats a fuckin throwback, I wonder what happened to him
Would be better if she had pushed it into her ass when it popped out.
ignore jewish threads
bump jewish threads!
ug ug
can you faggot niggers lovers learn to sage?
This slut would love a nice BBC
Kik cuck199
shut up discord tranny