are you hyped?
are you hyped?
another netflix show doing a school shooting scene?
so controversial
wew, at least the plot is about something else than HS drama
are they saying dancing in a cringey way would've saved Columbine from Eric and Dylan?
They're saying that netflix just greenlights fucking everything regardless of how shit it is
>not liking Amy Schumer's leather special
stop reminding me please
The fucking cafeteria worker saved the day and nobody gave a shit
why cant they get a chad to be the shooter? subtly ingrain in the heads of normies that theyre bad, therefore them losing irl
>the shooter wouldn't immediately unload his weapon into these dancing faggots
what the fuck is this show?
Will they have him posting on Sup Forums on the show?
it's about a girl who gets missing as a kid and returns to her home like 20 years later, she used to be blind as a kid so she dont know what anything looks like idk
just read the description and it seemed like shit
>The fucking cafeteria worker saved the day and nobody gave a shit
Yes but there was a wonderful interpretive dance routine that was enjoyable.
This is why I hate art.
That's not art.
>tfw Garrett saves the school and finally gets to bang Alexa after she dumps cowardly Chad
This ones for you gun shooter man!
holy fuck why would they upload that? whoever did that is a piece of shit
I bet he even sleeps with his fedora
I assume the channel and video was made to advertise the box of chocolate, the channel is named Shari's Berry and looks exactly like the chocolates in the box
I bet they just asked some lonely fuck if he wanted help to go on a date, and this was the gift (to make advertising for their products)
that's why it's so fucking bad, they upload it and parade it as something that's not fucking pathetic
I-I don't think that's Garrett. Did she not love his dance?
hey uh wait though
the dancing in the OA was clearly them using divinity of some sort right
like a spell
Maybe Alex shot himself with the gun Bryce was holding at Jessica's so he can legit be arrested
so far Alex didn't have any firearms on the show, Justin and Jessica were the only ones to have one
what is it with all these american turbosluts and these fucking professional photoshoot pictures?
wew stopping wearing a fedora sure have a lot of impact on one's physical appearance
She's lucky to have anyone desu. She has a fucked up stomach.
Nobody cared who I was until I took off the fedora.
>Justin and Jessica were the only ones to have one
did you miss the scene where tyler bought the gun from that back alley ginger?
Is that one of the Jonas brothers? Or J-bros as I like to call them
Never watched this all the way through. God damn
I demand a season in which Clay and Hannah get together and they hang out with Jeff.
I will be forever grateful for the user that posted that a while back, hence saving me from wasting my time on this piece of shit
>Those ridiculous sweeping camera angles (idk but this triggers my autism something fierce)
>That tacticool Big-Scary-Black-Assault-Machine-Gun(tm) with extended clip - oh and you're a racist btw
Why would he buy a gun when he owns a UZI and a Shotgun in his bedroom
For when his uzi and shotgun runs out of ammo obviously.
Everyone knows that swapping to your sidearm is faster than reloading.
What do you think he bought?
just a two-hour thing of them just living a nice happy life
I just noticed a small pistol in his weapons case, it might be it
so far he seems to have 4-5 weapons
I have not laughwed like this in years
Jeff did nothing wrong
his death was more relevant than hannah's
How much did Remington and Federal have to pay for this brief product placement?
Would Sherri calling 911 have prevented Jeff from crashing?
It happened under 20 minutes after what she did, I am pretty sure cops would've been there only a few hours after the initial call since it's only a broken stop sign
I blame the old fuck that was driving while being on phone
Hannah standing by the broken sign until somebody drove by would have done.
"Excuse me this stop sign is broken, be careful driving! by the way can I borrow your phone to call the police?"
every day until you like it
now that is cringe worthy right there, I would be embarrassed to be on that show
Shotgun looks like an 870, then there's a Tec-9 on the left. The pistol looks sort of like a PPK, might just be a generic prop pistol. I can't tell WTF that black bar between the shitty and the Tec-9 is
It would've been kino if they just had him waste all the dancers mid performance.
>brit marling
if Hannah had learned Interpretive Dance maybe she wouldn't have gotten raped
Her acting seems terrible
If Hannah reported the rape of her friend to the police in the first place, maybe she wouldn't have gotten raped.
What the fuck? Do they have super powers or some shit by dancing? PLease tell me this is the case and they didn't stop a school shooting by dancing for no reason
The shooter was at rock bottom. He was disgusted by the human race having been through it all and was ready to do something about it. Then he saw faggotry which made him realise he hadn't seen anything, the hatred in his heart was only a fraction of it's true potential. It gave him pause, but before he could snap out of it and reload the cafetria worker got him.
If you were ever considering watching this teen fagfest you need to go back
What the fuck is even happening here
What the fuck are they doing?
Where did the shooter go?
Who gave this shit the green light to go ahead into production?
What the actual fuck.
plebs don't even know what the school shooting KINO is
shooter is so touched by the beauty of the dance he decides to leave this plane of existence .
>not Zero Day (2003)
I am so utterly disappointed in you.
zero day is the only school shooting kino
Nigga you obviously havent seen
>tfw not american
>tfw HS was boring as shit
>tfw never experienced american HS where any second bullets can start flying
Why didn't anyone do anything when they walked in and had their guns exposed for everyone to see.
they were shocked. these guys were bullied the entire movie.
you should really watch it.
>not a single review on Rotten Tomatoes
O I'm laffin
>caring about RT
O I'm laffin
>only critic reviews are from third-world shitholes that use moon-runes as a language
O I'm laffin
The shooter would probably be more likely to shoot people if they got up and started gyrating like retards. What a terrible show.
You got a review from your Sup Forums friend. Isn't that enough? Or do you need to suck more hollywood-jew cock?
they were using the movements , he cant shoot them.only the oa got 'shot' (transported back to the other near death dudes)
Is the alternate title: "Or Why I Was A Huge Fucking Pussy Who Decided To Gun Down Unarmed People Proving What A Beta Coward I Was and How Right They All Were To Treat Me Like the Human Garbage I Was"?
School shooter faggots are literally just as big of beta pussies as those shitskins driving trucks into crowds of people, maybe more so. Stop making movies about them and stop giving them press, it's what they want, and they should get nothing more than the rope as they piss their pants in front of a laughing crowd.
the one I posted was from a canadian tv show.
>DC Cupcakes
>shooter isn't immediately opening fire
That's not how school shootings wor-
>they start dancing
like, whoa, now it all makes sense :^)
the original one is much better than this imo
>nobody gave a shit
What makes you say that? Everyone seems relieved that they're not dead, aside from the autists dancing of course.
Stop watching this show.
they're angels
There's nothing "beta" about killing. Death is the ultimate, you're cucking them out of life itself. When you kill someone you become their god. Cowardly? Maybe. Human garbage? Definitely (I don't believe in killing except in defense of life). But to argue that it's beta is a hard sell for me. It may sound like semantics, but I think it's important not to downplay the act.
>they're angels
Fair enough, but why do they have to be such fags about it? I thought angels were supposed to be majestic not some B reel Ru Paul rerun.
90% of people in this thread are female, as in, cis female, not that girl with a dick crap. They can't help it. They have to watch it.
Is this satire?
Is better than hanging yourself in your room, at least that way you make them pay, faggot?
is it actually good? From the description it sounds like boring "everybody has bodies in his closet"-type of teenage drama.
Much better than the book, it have a nice intrigue that hooks you in and gets darker through the show but it's still HS drama
Star-Lord would say so
Reminder SSRI medication is responsible for school shootings but big pharma will never be investigated for it.
SSRIs block/dilute emotion, it's a lot easier to mow people down when you don't have feelings on it.