Why do my GF's gauges smell so bad?

Why do my GF's gauges smell so bad?
I'm sick of the smell when we're laying in bed together and she washes them regularly.

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well, shes obviously trash, so she probably smells like garbage

It's an open wound no matter how cured it looks, it's probably bacteria or some shit. Maybe she just doesn't wash them enough, get a soapy finger in there sometimes.

She washes them out and massages them with argon oil all the time.
She sleeps with her silicone tunnels in if that would do it?

mutilate your body
then asks why it smells?


It’s her tuna canoe it’s got maggots in it

Maybe the silicone has gotten smelly, try to smell them with them on and then off.

Gauges always stink. Literally everyone I've ever known with them has complained or commented about the smell at one point or another.

It's an open wound to a degree. Even though they're not bleeding, the skin is always fighting the guage to return itself to a smaller size. The skins also in contact with the gauge at all times, creating a breeding ground for moisture and bacteria.

She needs to wash them more. The smell is caused by a buildup of sweat/body detritus building up on the jewelry and the fistula. The jewelry needs to be cleaned with soap, and water, and changed regularly. If she wears the same plugs 100% of the time, she is basic and stupid. Ears should be cleaned with warm water, and soap, and should be rubbed with coconut oil daily. This is a question of shitty girl hygiene.

tell her to stop being a fatass its from her ear cheese and the only way to fix it is to clean it more often, shes probably fat

Let's get educated quick.

A gauge is a unit of measurement.
Nobody has "gauges". They can have a piercings stretched to a specific gauge and have jewelry at a specific gauge but having gauges is not a fucking thing.

They look like shit, they smell like shit, but they're just 'so cool', huh?

no one cares bitch

Cringey smugness

Sorry asshole. This is commonly refered to has having a Gauge. For the last 20 years at least people have used the term gauge to refer to this type of piercing. It's better to say "I think I'm going to get my nose gauged." Than I'm a fucking moron and I would like to be an unemployed pile of shit from here on out."

>I'm a fucking moron and I would like to be an unemployed pile of shit from here on out."
Ok Boomer

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All piercings smell to a degree. If you wear any kind of plastics/silicone it can be worse as the smell can stay in the material. No matter how much you wash them they always retain some kind of smell. I only use hardware that's surgical grade material. Easy to clean and little to no smell.


No need to be sorry.

Hate to say it but people have been wrong for 20+ years. Also, if you are good at what you do, body mods/art have nothing to do with employment.. that's just being a lazy shit.

Correct though

You probably "well, actually" a lot don't you?
Do you push your glasses up before you correct people?

No glasses and I hardly correct people unless its work related.
People historically get this incorrect and walk around thinking they know everything about body piercings bc they have their "ears gauged". Tattooing and body modification is an industry thats always under alot of scrutiny and it's mostly bc of people that dont know what they are doing but think it's easy. Atleast use the right terminology.

you're a fucking moron

>People call them gauges for 20+ years

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Who finds mutilating your ears to be attractive?

You dumb fucks can't bother to think this through for even a few seconds, can you? Skin sheds. Even you stupid shits know that. When you stretch a piercing you are increasing the surface area of the piercing. Now plug up that area with something (lets call it a "plug" so you can follow along) and where does all that shed skin go? But yeah, keep thinking its a open wound that magically won't heal despite all of the sores you get from jerking off six times a day healing just fine

If you’re still here OP , tell her to get wooden plugs. She will never smell. I have only like a size 7” or something wooden and it’s never smelled. My gf uses size 12” wooden, they don’t smell ever either.


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You are at 7 inches and your girl is at 1 foot??

every single person i ever seen or knew who had gauges were insecure attention whotes

You must be fun at parties

She needs to wash the gauges in alcohol every night. After bathing she leaves them out for the night . I wear mine during day but take out and wash in alcohol then bath and don't put back in till next day

>going to parties
Degenerate swine. You should be decorating a cross.

The buildup people get on them that smells is called sebum if I remember correctly, I wash my every day and have never had a problem with stink unless I forget to wash. Also stone/glass plugs

Okay Boomer, for when you cant even be bothered to bait.

I don't know why people think it's some big open wound, yet again lots of people stretch like retards and it probably is for them

Hmm, who's wrong? A thriving comunity of looses and meth heads or some random asshole here? Head to tell. One this that you're wrong about for sure is body "art" not effecting you get a real job.

are you sure it's not her breath? hair? or maybe her pussy or ass? send her my way, I'll give her a full inspection. My sister's boyfriend is going to medical school next year, so, I know a thing or two about a thing or two

>dating someone who has gauges
She's probably got dyed hair and some obnoxious septum piercing too.

Get wood gauges. They smell less

wow. trash everywhere.


Argan oil is shitty enough, even without the gauges.

I understand some of what you said. You dont know how to use words well, do you?