You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face.
Rugby < Football
You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face.
Rugby < Football
Other urls found in this thread:
Hand eggball. Soccer > *.*
Rugby players don't need loads of protection. Pussy NFL
NFL players need protection because hits in NFL are much harder than rugby hits. They would die if they didn't wear pads since the hits are so brutal.
Stupid jock sniffers. I bet you like offense responding to hard man to man pressure amd love it when they take it to the hole from deep. You probably comment about how he's a powerful striker with great ball handling skills
Rugby is just much more fun to watch. The breaks at football are so annoying.
shut up nigger lover
you are a cuckold
>both players are white
Hmmm what did user mean by this?
That's because in NFL you get about 18 minutes of action with 2 hours of commercials and inane commentary
I thought that once. Was at a local bar and the expats had a rugby game on, and I noticed they didnt stop the game when somebody was injured, they just played around the medical staff working on the guy on the ground.
Love 4 seconds of actual play time every 15 minutes after a scheduled commercial break
Yes, I hate that. It takes all the tension.
Two different games really so it’s not a fair comparison. Both sports are filled with incredible athletes and greatness in either sports wouldn’t translate into greatness in the other sport.
But the intelligence level of the faggot OP is “oblong ball and large muscular men I’d wish we fuck me in the ass tackling must be the same sport”
argument that is reasonable and makes sense? thats not how we do things round here
You've obviously never played either outside of your highschool gym class.
I don't get the tension part. You are watching a white dude throw balls to a bunch of roody poos whole other roody poos try and stop him, in publically subsidized stadiums. They are all paid way too much like thier coaches. If I want white on black publically subsidized drama I'll watch police activity or COPS.
Oh man! I've not seen this thread in ages. It used to be huge a few years ago, like dozens of em a day.
This is nice to see again.Takes me back.
British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy - because they are covered in armour.
American football players never play rugby - because they are too scared of being injured .
Says it all about which one is “the real mans” sport.
Pro-tip: it’s rugby
This is not at all about black vs. white.
I bet you think sarcasm is something that happens in the bedroom and irony means kinda like metal
It wasn't funny at all.
>It wasn't funny at all.
Better to swing and miss then never come up to the plate at all.
Sure brits try their hand at American football, doesn’t make them successful.
Britfag here.
I've tried watching American Football but the breaks every time a player is tackled or something is stupid. It kills the pace. At least with rugby it there's a foul the advancing team gets an advantage and keeps the action going.
Why would they measure a Quarterback? Quarterbacks don't tackle hardly ever. Gimme the data on a Linebacker.
The only real football is the one you play with your foot and a ball...end of the story.
The American rubbish you watch is only a local league not known outside the USA.
Rugby is way more established and better in everyway , and is a world sport. Surely you can tell theres no flow in american football, a flawed contest that heavily relies on protection equipment...thats why outside the USA , no one knows or cares about american football. Fact.
Most quarterbacks are black.
The BEST quarterbacks are white.
You do know that football is inherently more dangerous due to the rules? How you tackle some one in Rugby, is complete 180 on how it's done during football. It's why they don't wear as much protection, because they're actually treated more like little princesses. Either way, both sports are gay as shit.
American and even i have to admit that rugby is a brutal fucking sport. You're just really young educated and have never watched any rugby. Do some research before making a fool of yourself.
That’s just nonsense. And since you say this regularly happens you should be able to link to some evidence or results of this happening.
If you took a pro rugby and pro nfl team and made them play each other’s respective sport, both side would be completely outclassed when they were playing cross sport.
A rugby team would have absolutely no ability to play defense against a pro nfl offense. The would no idea how to pass rush, no idea how to cover receivers or how to account for a offensive line that pulls to block for a runner. Tackling would be less of an issue although I suspect that rugby players would be a little thrown off by an nfl player who is playing for absolute yardage as opposed to possession like in rugby. Also, second level tackling would be a nightmare as rugby backs would be incapable of run box stacking duties of NFL safeties. We haven’t touched on a rugby teams complete and total inability to run an NFL offense. There is nothing here that a rugby team could even hope to do.
On nfl players playing rugby. Nfl players would have no idea how to scrum. Would have no idea how to run a line out. Would have no idea how to play a kicking position game. Would have idea how to wrap tackle for possession and from a ruck. never mind that given the specialized nature of nfl players they would likely not be conditioned for the constant running a rugby game requires.
So yeah. No.
Rugby is more like soccer except they hug each other and use their hands. Pretty gay
No, retard.
This is when doing “cultural exchanges”.
Rugby players find it very easy to participate in American Football, because there is so much padding and armour, and it’s basically like rugby , only play is constantly stopped to make time for advertising.
Where as American Football players flat out refused to participate in a game of Rugby, unless they were allowed to wear their American football gear , because they were too scared of being injured.
Rugby = Real Mans Game
American Football = Rugby for Chickens
Your move faggot
But without all the breaks how will the advertisers sell you fast food and light beer?
Why arent there former rugby players in the nfl?
lol squarespace
Legit journalism there
Right? NFL plays ludicrous amounts of money. You'd think rugby britbongs would be chomping at the bit to play if they're so fucking good at it.
>lol square space
You obviously have no clue as to who’s squarespace page that is. Retard
We like our sports un-armoured and out healthcare Free at the point of Need, thank you very much
Hockey >
>hurr durr
>muh Square spayce
>le Kek dum dum journalism Kek dum dum
Tony Collins : Sport Histprian specialising in Rugby and Professor of History and Director of the International Center for Sports History and Culture at De Mont University.
I dare you to find me a higher authority on the topic a Rugby , faggot.
Go ahead.
I’ll wait.
I have no idea what you think you linked to but there is nothing on that page about “ British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy”
I don't see anything in the article referencing Rugby players playing American Football, other than that it was the precursor to American Football in the early 1900s.
I have no doubt the man knows a lot about Rugby, but his contributions aren't relevant to the discussion at hand, here.
Tony Collins has three times been awarded the Lord Aberdare Literary Prize for Sports History book of the Year.
But go ahead and explain why what ever shitty article you find from some shit stain mainstream media outlet would know more about rugby than this guy.
Go ahead.
I’ll wait
all sports are bad fagget
It’s not my fault if you didn’t read the article.
Just made them read it twice.
My sides
No, Tony Collins is the source of the claim that Ameritard Football players are too homosexual to play rugby, a real mans game.
Why don’t you cut and paste the relevant section since 2 of missed it.
Regardless, you clearly are a fan of rugby. As am I. I am also a fan of American football. I don’t know if you are but, they are different sports. A top national rugby team could not beat a top NFL team at American football just as a top NFL team could not beat a top national team at rugby. They are different sports. Why is this so offensive to you?
Did you read the whole thing?
Do you want me to process the words for you too Amerifat, or is thinking a challenge for you too, as well as reading!
I never claimed that any top team of the respect sport could beat the other team in their respective sport.
You’ve just invented that claim right there.
>when you can’t win the argument, change the subject
Good job
Rugby all day long. No pads, faster, big hits, structure, no waiting around after 5 secs of play. Google All Blacks vs France 2015 World Cup for a good example.
Plus, how many ears get bitten off during American football.
Happens all the time in rugby
And you wonder why Americans are scared to play!?
You said that Rugby teams played American football and found it easy.
Given that they're completely different sports with only passing similarities, FUCKING DOUBT.
You're an idiot.
>British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy
It doesn’t matter what level you pick dumbass. College, high school, whatever. It’s the same situation. The sport differences don’t change.
Found it easy , because now they are covered in armour. The basics of throw/catch/kick are the same and are translatable skills.
Where as American football players, without the protection of their armour, do not know how to tackle, or fall, without injuring themselves.
And, I guess the unspoken thing, is that British Rugby players are all covered for their injuries by the National Health Service and so have nothing to fear from injury.
Where as American Football players risk bankruptcy if they get injured. That’s probably the main reason they refused to play
>British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy
Nothing in your link about that.
Did you read the whole article?
You are a retard. You think pro football players cant afford health insurance? Also no human can take the violence of those hits without pads. There are tons of injuries with pads
American Football players routinely make $10-30 million per year. They don't fear bankruptcy for injury either.
I think you SEVERELY overestimate the cost of healthcare in the US. Break your arm? Yeah, you're gonna need xrays, and it set, and a cast, and it's probably gonna cost you about $9000. PENNIES to a professional football player. The most expensive thing you can get in the US would be an experimental cancer treatment, which might run something to the tun of $400,000.
nothing like seeing man to man coverage force a tight end into a wide receiver
and yet they fail when they transition
And American football players were not willing to jeopardise their lucrative career by playing in a friendly rugby match with no armour. Regardless of the cost or the healthcare procedures, they still risked bankruptcy by losing their job, and no longer being able to afford the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Where as British Rugby players don’t give a fuck.
Because they’re real men
You should learn the magical power of Ctrl+F
Relevant term? "American." The article references the induction of American Rugby and it's ultimate failure, but nothing whatsoever about Rugby players playing American football. The timeline on the article ends in like the 1950s.
And because nobody will pay a Rugby player shit because they're garbage.
they sound fucking stupid - you telling me you'd throw away millions per year that easily? you're a fucking liar lol
and if brits were so much tougher they would dominate combat sports, which they don't
There’s nothing in what you linked to that has any evidence or any backing for your claim that >British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy
>when you can’t win the argument change the subject
So, no, you didn’t read the article.
Got ya
True, British rugby players have pretty low IQs.
Did you read the whole article?
Given that the entire article is demonstrably worthless to the conversation, it's a moot point.
So, no, you didn’t read the article.
Yet you are here to tell me what is and isn’t in it.
Got ya
Ok just finished it. Yep. Nothing in it about
>British rugby teams regularly participate in American football and find it easy
Amerifats don’t read, silly.
They wait for the movie adaptation that has them as the heroes.
Ok. Just finished it. Nothing in it about British rugby teams regularly participating in American football and finding it easy
No I have not read the article
YesI have read the entire article, and that to me includes reading and responding on /b
Lol you know the nfl use a rugby tackle.
Sorry. Didn’t mean to double post. First post didn’t look like it went through.
I dont know man, have you ever seen rugby players get in a fight? Theyre more hardcore than footballers, thats for sure
College and pro football are massive industries. I live in the US and I cant remember the last time I saw rugby on TV. We dont give a shit.
You’re responding to multiple people. I finished the whole thing. So. Waiting for more evidence from you.
Football is a game for Gentlemen played by hooligans.
Rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen.
So you read the whole article ?
*sigh*... alas, true.
Of course not.
They skimmed it at best, probably just ctrl+f’d and read nothing
Unless you talking about the All blacks