How y'all feel we just lost this gens tupac?

How y'all feel we just lost this gens tupac?

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It's just a nigger, who cares. The world is a little better today, user.

Looks almost as retarded as Xxboxtentacoon. Another victory.

And safer

Oh, another one died. I'm okay with this.

x was pure ass cheeks this man had talent

2017 - Lil Pepe
2018 - XNXXTentacion
2019 - Jazz World


>Lil Pepe
>Jazz World
Literally who?

XXXtentacion was trash but RIP Juiceworld

literally they are all bad aside from juice

>Nigger tries headbanging once
>Has a seizure and dies
Metal: 1
Nig-Hop: 0

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What, crazy

The rap problem seems to be solving itself.

hahahahaha ha

all shit tier hacks with no actual talent other than shock videos where they hang an 8 year old white boy in front a town of niggers

zoomers fucking suck at everything

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Mumble rap down

Another nigger dead means the world is a bit better place.

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Damn dude I thought you were fuckin around at first but nah the nigga actually dead

fucking who?
without any MTV nobody knows who the fuck these people are

Who is this?

Another dead nigger. Good riddance.

honestly Tupac wasn't even a big deal
you think anyone has Tupac on rotation like the Beatles or Stones or even Wu Tang? Not really



this gen’s 2pac? was he also a violent rapist?

Nooo not juice wrld

>another nigger dead

Let's all rejoice and be thankful for this wonderful occasion

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Yeah actually, plenty do.

you're 30~ years old right?

I liked Lucid Dreams tbqh

He was alive at the hospital. What 3rd world shit hole did they take him to?

Tupac was/is a whiny bitch. Complete garbage, like all West Coast bullshit.


Im the only Juice this wrld should know

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I'm literally 32 and had never heard of any of these motherfuckers until they died.

You're terribly wrong there, fren

right here boys

Ok boomer

First decent rapper to die in the past few years


RIP Juice Word

I'm 30 and same. And who the fuck cares anyway about some unter "music" for a deaf retarded niggerkids.

lmao zoomers in this chat, total garbage tier music suburban white kids listen to to feel hood (which is hilarious because this shit is pussy tier music). Dont do drugs kids and you wont die from a seizure at 21.

U made me lol, guy

Deserved lol what a fag

What?! The drug user overdosed? NO! How could this happen!

Of course, I didn't care that he used drugs, only when he overdosed do I suddenly care.

I don't know who any of these people are. Modern rap is terrible. Worst music ever.

This Gens Tupac?, who the fuck are you kidding?bitch please Tupac was the king, this was just a millennial bitch trying to rap

I had to make sure there wasn’t another me... I mean i hate to see there isn’t another me

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anyone have pics or vids of it happening

user wake up!
you have been in a coma since 1995 who the fuck cares about mtv

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