Just saw this cat walking around this truckstop, so I grabbed him and put him in a vending machine lol...

Just saw this cat walking around this truckstop, so I grabbed him and put him in a vending machine lol. Trips decide if I let him go or order some heavy stuff from the top shelf

Attached: cat machine.jpg (900x1200, 318K)

fake and gay

so's ur mum but i still had sex with her

Because they put cinderblocks for sale in the top rack of a vending machine. Derp.

This is fake, you’re a huge faggot. Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit, no one will miss you

The heavier items are stocked on the bottom rows, dumbass. What are you going to drop on it? The heaviest bag of chips?

bottom shelves look like all light candy bars too me

And the top shelf (not pictured) with the "heavy" items is full of nothing but bags of potato chips and doritos.


cats are fucking shit tier, kill the fucker

Let him go


eat cat, free candy bar

Save him/her and take them to a cat shelter!

Wholesome winrar

Literally all you have to do is look up cat in a vending machine and it’s the first fucking result. You faggots don’t even try anymore

Attached: CE921C3D-3D56-41C1-8AB9-665883E436CF.jpg (600x315, 42K)

different cat, op's has a black mark on his nose

the sex was fake and you are still gay

Are you retarded? Look at literally everything else.

same machine but different cat

no you're retarded, put them side by side

What ever do you mean. Stupid, OP.

Attached: images (4).jpg (196x257, 13K)

i'll put your mum side by side my cock

Let him go faggot lol xD


End your worthless life