Had gay butt sex... got bumps on tip. Sti?

Had gay butt sex... got bumps on tip. Sti?

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nice cock. when you cum is it alot?

Looks like a little yeast infection apple cider vinegar diluted in warm water will clear that up

Your skin just got stressed. Probably happened as soon as you put it in. You should have used lube.

Look like a yeast infection. That's a vagina thing. You you were being straight you faggot cocksucker.

You can use fluconazole orally.

Came here again in a week.

It's Ligma.

I hope so

Thx b/ros and yeah i can have a decent loadXD

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what's ligma

Well i did do both actuallyXD iether wat thx

It's a testicle condition that can spread to the glans.

ligma balls

gott im boys


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Yeah you got the gay.

did you wear a condom

Go to a doctor pls dont listen to these anons

It's just basic inflammation, called balanitis, and could mean many things. 95% of cases it's just a minor bacterial infection or a yeast infection. But since you said it happened after you had anal sex, there is a chance it could be an STI.

Heyy!...nice Elon

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