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Morning Diesel, how are you?
Doing pretty meh. Finally back to full 8s starting tonight, but pretty damn sore and stiff. Hope it will wear off eventually cause yesterday I could barely walk. How are you doing?
I hope you feel better, make sure to eat lots of food and drink lots of water to regain your energy. Stretching definitely helps too.
I'm not doing great, but at least my parents are gone for a few days, that'll be nice
That's FoxQueer. Far from straight.
I'm trying to drink plenty of fluids at work, mostly cause its hot even in the winter there, and stupid sweltering in the summer. I've tried stretching before and it didn't seem to help much. I only seem to get really sore like that when I'm not working. Hope you enjoy some time alone
Howdy love. How are you today?
meh I'm okay I guess
out of food here, but feeling to lazy to go get something to eat for breakfast
The sad part is that I saw this coming even as a child. My teachers used to ask me, "Why don't you do any school work? Why don't you care?". It's because I knew exactly how bad shit was going to get because the internet was still young, and I knew how bad propaganda was since it was taught right in front of me yet none of my peers seemed to understand just how bad things were becoming. The false outrage is absolutely absurd, and how these horrible people try to set up events to fuel their propaganda and disinformation powerhouse. 'The Joker' bullshit that happened a couple months ago with government owned news outlets trying to warn about the "incels" shooting up places to do their bidding, only to be a massive failure, was disgusting to me because it shows how little the government and corporations care about public safety, by trying to make everyone terrified with their police state. It's hard to not bear the burdens of the world when it seems as though so few others understand the level of greed and corruption that controls this planet.
I know how you feel. Hows work been?
work has been alright
there have been some payroll issues lately that have been a real pain in the ass to get fixed, they owe me some significant back pay as they have been underpaying me for the past couple months. Only noticed it a few weeks ago.
Wow thats messed up. I'm guessing they weren't paying you for your new position? I know my job does a trial period of like 6 weeks before they up the pay when you move up in jobs. Kinda iffy if they actually back pay or not though
I want to say I'm surprised by your employer doing that, but I'm really not. I feel bad for you and everyone who works there.
yeah the first two checks were correct so I stopped doing the math on my paystubs, but they then reverted the pay back to my old rate. I was able to get HR to fix the rate, but they've been giving me the run around about actually getting the back pay I'm due. It looks like I may actually have to file a complaint with the department of labor which is just so ridiculous. These fucking multinational corporations man, just doing the HR thing and I got transferred between four separate departments based out of three different countries, all of them trying to shift responsibility somewhere else.
Holy hell that sounds terrible, I'm sorry you've gotta go through that. I'm kinda glad I'm in a little local yocal shithole then, cause at least I can talk to the people who are in charge of that. We floor bitches rarely have to deal with the mother company
This is why you take up maximum benefits available, work for your own company, and dodge as many taxes as possible. Wagecucking is not the correct way of life. And neither is paying 30% of your paycheck like a super cuck.
>dodge as many taxes as possible
Damn man, that's a great idea! That'll sure show that pesky government! Has anyone ever told you how brilliant you are?!
Shut up incel that's so fucking cringey
Yeah I'm in the process of saving capital for my own thing, but man I can't imagine having the debt load of the average american, everything I've got in savings right now would have been lost to paying down interest, not even principle, on loans and debt. basically all of my coworkers live paycheck to paycheck, and while they probably would have noticed the issue sooner it would have impacted them a lot more.
just shoot the tax man and burn the bank down
party like it's 1890
I'm voluntarily celibate because I hate most people, and it's too much effort to go meet people just for sex when all I want is love. I would have no problem getting sex; I just choose not to for various reasons.
The truly sad part is that that may actually work more than anything anyone says on the internet
Damage control is even worse just take my advice and post pics without talking you autist.
Your taxes go to corrupt cops, 100k earnering gov workers spying on you, politicians, and megacorporations that pay exactly 0% tax.
Wagecuck mindset if I've ever seen one. Lol. Keep paying your 30% lmao.
The average american is pretty braindead, so feel better everytime you see a BMW or Benz down the street as you drive your shitty car. That's an opportunity cost they're not getting back.
Work for cash mainly. Claim exempt on taxes when possible. Build a passive income.
>and while they probably would have noticed the issue sooner it would have impacted them a lot more.
Nah, it's all competition amongst themselves. Let them be. They'll never notice it, even when they're 80 and 1/2 their social security is going to paying old accounts that should have been paid decades ago. Most people don't think too smart. Lol.
>projecting this hard
must suck being an angry incel
Well it's a good thing I don't work thus don't pay taxes
You should work for cash like all the mexicans on max benefits. That's why they get rich by generation 3.
People are pretty shitty so you are dodging a ton of rape accusations, alimony payments, and child support compared to others.
I love how these threads are always full of people sharing images from before they where probably born. Yiff from the late 90s and early 2ks is nostalgic for me.
how can one person be so informed about human behavior and society, yet simultaneously be so stupid to not understand that not everyone is the same, and that you don't have all the solutions to problems?
Gonna go ram through the shower
wat dude
hai thar
Hello Fursi, how are you?
Doing okay, lazy sunday
ok boomer
technically I'm a zoomer
why is it that whenever I come to these threads someone is always arguing about something?
because feralfag
that's how s/fur has always been
im gonna go have sex again for a bit. Later.
Nah it's cool, you can just like, not come back. Ever.
Because I'm a jaded asshole, and find little joy in daily activities, so I insult people on the internet in my callous, naïve way of hoping they'll change their attitude and perspective when I can barely change myself
why can't he make his own thread for that unless he is trolling
I guess that's why its usually depressing in here