Who else can't wait to see Biden DECIMATE Trump in the election?
Who else can't wait to see Biden DECIMATE Trump in the election?
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He’s going to reduce Trump by 1/10th?
haha ol pervert Joe doesn't stand a chance. Is he even mentally stable? youtube.com
he's the male equivalent of killery. Except I don't think he suicides people. His mental health is on par with hers.
trump has already won hahaha
id take trump over creepy joe any day of the week any month any year on any fucking planet in any solar system i dont even give af
I don't want biden any more than I want trump. Fuck democrats for putting another old white pervert up.
>ITT nigger
Why don't Israelis understand the English language?
Mfw Trump wins easily and I’m watching libs and the media cry foul and spend 4 more years investigating and trying to impeach him instead of doing thier fucking job.
haha in your dreams libcuck. We all know that hillary is going to decide to run last minute, steal the nomination (see 2016/bernie) then lose again. It's going to be pandemonium
That milquetoast neoliberal POS is a horrible bet for 2020. I'd rather see Sanders with maybe a Stacey Abrahms or Harris VP.
But we probably get Butt Judge or Biden as long as his other eye doesn't explode during a debate.
if joe looks mentally unstable when debating trump, what will that make trump look like? even worse in comparison looool
this. Then the left will run the same shitty candidates in 2024 and we'll have candace owens et al to crush them for 8 more years
his speeches are so great. Also, why don't lefties care about his creeper status towards women and young children but Trump says "pussy" one time and they lose it
>so great
do i detect a note of sarcasm?
butt chug > butt judge
There should be a law that presidents, when assuming office, should be no older than 50 years.
Wisdom comes with the years, but so does senility.
Biden is in severe mental decline. He won't be able to compete with Trump.
did you just call my super joe senile?
just play clips of him with little girls non stop and he wont be beating anyone
>being this naive
is he still having children rub his legs and bounce on him? What a creeper. Can this be a creepy joe thread now?
the left does not believe in age or gender bias, so it's fine for an older man to be with a child because that older man might identify as a 7 year old and the child as a 40 year old... maybe the child should go to prison?
I would vote Democrat if they nominated an accelerationist candidate like Bernie. Biden would be the most boring President ever.
even hillary couldn't get away
I'm not being naive at all. It's true
top kek. So true
I can’t wait to see the opposite which is what will happen. Trump will destroy fuckhead biden
So you'll say shit that Democrats would make illegal to say, but still vote for them? Alright homophobe, but are you sure you want to get your cake and eat it too?
Joe Biden is practically dead already.
If you vote for a 77 year old you are not sane.
Shitty B8 M8. No one believes this. If they say they do they're lying or just have not come to terms with the Democrats putting up a fucking awful candidate again.
He's not even going to win against his own kind.
You mean the girl who tries to rip off people's brands to make a profit? She's trash. Find a new black girl to dream about getting your swirl on with.
you can see the political machine propping him up and shooting down more viable candidates like Gabbard
damn even snl got in on the democrat shit show
cant wait for senile grandpa joe to face off against shameless shit-talking trump
its gonna be awesome
Lol im a center left dem FUCK joe biden Bernie is the only one who has been entirely consistent next to all those show ponies...
Four more years of trump won't be so bad.
Democrats want a woman as a candidate so they'll probably pull a Bernie on him and pick some cunt.
Biden is one step away from getting his driver's license taken away.
If Bernie run trump wins in a landslide, his proposed polices are fantasy at best
As a non-american, i don't understand why this dude in particular was chosen?
Can you clarify that? We hear all the time about Sanders and AOC, but this one I don't even know who he is??
The only thing Biden is decimating is his own campaign. Talking about black kids playing with his leg hair and shit. WTF Biden.
and there should be a law that raises the legal voting age to 30, so people can vote based on reason instead of emotion.
The political parties are sort of like gangs. He's a higher up and has connections. It has nothing to do with what people want.
uncle joe is a creeper. See my vidya links
definitely check out this glorious speech in its entirety. He spoke to 20 black children. Here's a spoof of it, his words
Nice try boomer
He won't, he's a dodgy boy, something is going to surface soon about him. He's what the modern Democrats hate, the status quo, its a lose lose for them. And they deserve it. I'm not a burger but the Democrats have never been the same since the wikileaks documents.
voting based on income would make more sense - if someone doesn't pay taxes and takes in welfare, they should not get to vote for more welfare
There should also be a law banning people from voting after 50.
Why would you vote for a future you're not a part of?
Fuck off with your fake ass BS no one is buying it trumptard
the left will ignore it like they ignored hillary's emails, benghazi, etc. But Trump...oh man he said something many of us say.
>grab em by the puthy
That's not backed by fact. Sounds more like whatever demographic you're a part of is the one that would vote based on emotion.
What, like with a cloth or something?
Same energy, shill.
but that eliminates many of the democrat voters! That's "not fair"
To make it simpler, you should vote with money
If you don't spend money, you're not invested enough to care
If you spend millions on someone, your voice has to count more.
That's pure logic.
They're outright necessary. We've backed corporate welfare for over a hundred years so they can store nuts. Americans now are crippled by the market even more so than they were during the great depression.
The nigga is Roosevelt-lite. There's more people hurting than there are cynics like you. That reality will move mountains.
Talking about fake things, using a fake photo.
No, the man's retarded. Not fake. BEEG facts, breh.
Biden has a very long history in the Democratic party. He has been in the Federal government basically his entire adult life, has ran for president twice before and was Obama's Vice-President for all 8 years. He's a very conservative democrat who, if elected, thinks all he needs to do is bring about a public option for healthcare and that's all. Biden, though, has a very long history of gaffes and fuck ups that place him basically on the wrong side of the current Democratic party in recent years but the Democratic National Committee are basically "Republicans who are not overtly racist or sexist" and want to keep lapping up that donor money from Wall Street which has fucked over the average American for decades.
Sanders, meanwhile, has been in office at the Federal level for years and years and has not really changed any single position since he was first elected. He has been at the forefront of pretty much every policy debate and has called out every single fuck up years in advance. He knew we would get bogged in endless foreign wars, he knew a lot of the government was infringing on people's privacy rights, he knew constant tax cuts for the rich and rolling back of social safety net programs would gut the middle class, he knew the "war on drugs" was a war on minorities and an attempt to militarize the police, and he knew the ACA would not be enough and that prices would continue to spiral out of control while the insurance companies and private hospitals and Big Pharma continued to monopolize and hide pricing and jack up costs. Right now Bernie is up in Iowa, up in New Hampshire, and up in Nevada. If he carries them (or if Biden fails to even get third in them) and then does overly well on Super Tuesday (where him and Warren are looking to be the only candidates that will even carry any delegates in California at the moment) then Biden is toast. No one is exited for "let me tell you about Corn Pop" and "I love kids jumping on my lap" Joe Biden.
but then a small handful of billionaires control everyth- oh wait....
This nigga gets it. Proud South Carolina boy right here, the OG Bernie got me and my bros support and we been phoning up and down state all year. Ain't no one saying they all in with Three-Strike Joe but anyone who says they with the Bern are 100% sure they is.
Trump literally promised the earth and has delivered ......
..... corporate cronyism?
That’s about all.
Now, here’s where you interject with some “”””facts””””” about the current state of the American economy and other things of which Trump is not in control of, and claim them as “wins for trump”.
As a counter - Bernie is responsible for the Sunrise every morning.
Are you enjoying the daylight?
Then thank Bernie.
You’re welcome
Trumps 3500 law suits against him at the time he ran for president was covered, in its entirety, by the mainstream media in under 4000 words combined.
Hilary Clintons one email scandal was covered in it’s entirety by the main stream media in over 600,000 words.
But muh media bias against Trump.
Sure cuck
One was in a high level of government in an issue concerning national security. The other was being sued for money. Which is more important?
Both were running for President.
Do you think one persons crimes should be overlooked because someone else committed a different crime?
Yup, you sound Republican alright
Actually a lot of the lawsuits weren't even for money but for discriminatory practices at his businesses and bad business deals.
"i did not have sexual relations with jeffrey epstein" ...........26 times
I'm not a republican. You are saying ALL CRIMES are equal. Jay walking and murder. Listen to your retard logic. You think that having off-grid communications while holding a high level public office is ok. Trump is a piece of shit. Hilary is fucking evil.
>sued for money.
And money laundering.
And extortion
And sexual assault
And racism
And fraud
And bribery
Three Thousand And Five Hundred Lawsuits.
In under 4000 words.
Across all the mainstream media platforms .
You are not educated enough to make an informed decision.
Show me where I said all crimes are equal faggot.
You can’t argue from an honest position and so have to invent extreme positions and misrepresent them as my own.
You fool no one but yourself
i wanna make a deal with hunter biden! cant wait to get blackmailed
Thats not what some of us took away, the all crimes being equal thing.
Nice try, tho.
And you are arguing it is better to betray the country. You should be shot.
You are insinuating both of their crimes are equal. How fucking dumb are you?
> a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy - Thomas Jefferson
We are failing as a democracy
>Trump being sued by businesses is AS BAD OR WORSE than Hilary involved in murders, conspiracies and leaking sensitive government info and then covering it up.
You're right, Trumps are way worse. Thanks for reminding me!
>insinuating both of their crimes are equal
You are the one insinuating that, here and now. I made no such claim.
I’m simply pointing out the patent and objective truth, that despite claims of media bias against trump, the reality is he was not put through the same level of scrutiny as other candidates - in part because of the sheer volume of accusations against him....any other candidate , just having this much dirty laundry would have taken them out of the running - but HA HA funny orange racist man is saying outrageous things - how entertaining - and low effort for journalism.
Yawn, why yanks think we give a shit which puppet they are going to elect?
>both crimes
Hillary has not been found guilty of any crimes.
So you’re comparing g a crooked businessman to an innocent person with no evidence against them , and stating that the innocent person with no evidence against them deserves greater press scrutiny than the obvious lying conman crooked businessman.
Because you’re a cuck
The rest of the international Jews
What crimes did Hilary commit, and why has she not been charged?
Grey Woman Bad!
Biden's a corporate butt puppet. Even Warren's better than that spineless turd.
Can Joe Biden feel these muffins?
So, Ideal for American politics then.
Ok, so no actual charges....but she is a Satan worshipping pedofile enabling murderer , and I just don’t like her.
what muffins
Hating corporations is hating groups of people. That's all they are. It's irrational.
Besides, government controls corporations (inb4 "no because hurr durr..."). Government makes the laws, they have all the power. If they don't use it then blame them.
This message brought to you by the Trump Foundation
Naive in the extreme
Can I interest you in buying some magic beans?
Try setting your family up as a corporation and then tell me that “it’s just the same”
Can't wait to see those two morons grab each other by their pussies.
If Biden gets the Dem nom, Trump will be reelected 100%