Dude technology lmao
Dude technology lmao
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Oh great, more hamfisted messages and overly cynical trash
>Season 4 episode 1 features an unnamed nations President (totally not based off Trump though ;) heh) doing something evil and dystopian using technology that was originally designed to help people
yes more interracial
Twist; he's referring to the all white cast.
How is this shit so popular. Every episode is literally just a premise that goes nowhere.
Is this the most reddit opinion in the entire world?
The Twilight Zone was never as Luddite as Black Mirror. Brooker should just get Ted Kaczynski to co-write an episode with him
*tips fedora*
How miserable are you?
really made me think
>dude im married to a hot chick now so im like hyper sensitive and interested in 'issues' dude
shitcunting paki
Interracial couples are a really common thing on British television. Presumably this is a reflection on reality there.
Can you please just fuck off back to Sup Forums?
On a scale of 1 to 10 probably about 3 my man.
>How is this shit so popular. Every episode is literally just a premise that goes nowhere.
It doesn't have to go anywhere, the main point is just to put all these concepts into the public discourse, so that when they actually happen, people take it seriously and discuss pros and cons (and eventually come to peace with it), instead of outright revolting.
For example, if your masters wanted you to accept a daily watermelon up the ass, they can't just up and say "HAHA NEW LAW, WATERMELONS UP THE ASS FOR EVERYONE", because it sounds insane, but if they mention it on a TV show first, it will be seen as a legitimate thing.
>Dude Facebook and tindr and everyone having an electric eye is baaaad
>Continues not actually shitting on this this dystopian degeneracy outside of the show
>It doesn't have to go anywhere, the main point is just to put all these concepts into the public discourse
That's not a show, that's just an idea you tell someone. "Wouldn't it be cool if toilet paper was sentient". There, this just now was not a show, it was an idea. Idea needs to go somewhere to be a show.
I saw only one episode, Shut up and Dance, only cuz I was recommended it. It was a boring and lackluster piece of shit. A sad attempt at trying to get the energy of a twilight zone episode. I can only expect more like that from this series. Also why is England so fucking depressing? The suburbs have nothing. It's all shades of grey and brown and households didn't even have nice interiors.
It's an idea that's shown to millions of people. That's all it has to be.
Shit weather and Anglo cucks can't design good architecture
because most of Britain lives either
a) terraces or houses that were mass constructed in the 1800's
b) council estates
And both aren't particularly pretty
Britain isn't like the US where you can just start a new suburb or city, there isn't enough land left, there's no space left for people to move. Imagine if white Americans didn't have the option to just move and start better suburbs when black people started moving in and instead had to try and make it work but It'll never be the same because It's a lot easier just to start something like that from scratch than to try and fix it.
There's a lot of depressing shitholes that could be better in the UK but there's no Detroits or Gary's.
There's also the fact that British people want a detached home, It's just part of the culture and has been for a long time. For example the Netherlands and England have about the same population density but Dutch architecture and urban design is far superior to British because the Dutch don't want to live in houses, they're okay living in row housing, which means you can make more out of less and can spend more resources making It not look like shit.
>Political figure uses NOT TWITTER (Twitter) to reach out (brainwash) to the masses directly.
>Fake News episode where people are driven insane trying to research and form their own opinions on their own
Can I replace Charlie Brooker as showrunner now
The population of Britain is only 2% black
So it's absolutely bizarre how many black people are on British television
Every article out of the UK which directly considers race seems to directly decry that there isn't a prominence of interracial interaction. They're just being outbred so halfus and quatros look a lot more prominent than they are because full blood semitics and negros born in the UK are even more prominent, and they're visually in the same group.
Me? Poles altered Brits to the point every white on an estate looks like slavtrash. Nothing is worth saving there.
How am I being a contrarian by agreeing with the producer? Are you fucking retarded?
>Dude I flunked my sociology degree and now I think I know more than my professors!
It's because BBC has diversity quotas. And that isn't a joke.
>"in our society, we cull the genetically inferior - those unfortunate subhumans prone to violence, social dysfunction or low IQ"
>*cut to footage of black soldiers gunning down white prisoners*
This innuendo was too subtle for me, does anyone care to explain it?
Anything that shits on the delusional and retarded right wing is a positive thing
amen, brother
fuck trump and fuck white people
>meanwhile in America
It'll happen to everybody.
Britain today is exactly as white as America was in 1970. Look how that worked out.
more like 1960 but your point still stands
Good, i cant wait for racist white losers to start crying about being mistreated because they are a minority.
All these years of non white discrimination iwll pay off
lmao seriously? where is that from?
Technology is bad because it can hurt people's feelings and relationships is the most Reddit opinion, which is the Black Mirror stance.
like do any of you guys notice everyone is just buried in their smart phones these days?? like come on people TALK to each other hahaha i remember playing outside that was a better time i dont like where this is headed
Based Wyoming
Based New Hampshire
Based Vermont
Based Maine
Black Mirror S03E05 "Men Against Fire"
>that indian county in mn
>cuck cities
A: The enemy in Men Against Fire weren't "white," they were explicitly Slavic
B: The point was about institutional racism and dehumanization and the use of black soldiers was just to add a layer of irony to it, not to justify it. If somebody made a Holocaust analogue where all of the concentration camp guards were played by black actors it wouldn't make you go "wtf I love genocide now"
charlie is a dum dum ngl
>Maybe if I say something true sarcastically people will agree with me
There are good and bad things that come with change. To ignore the bad is silly.
Bring back Futurism.
The oldest of us is thirty: so we have at least a decade for finishing our work. When we are forty, other younger and stronger men will probably throw us in the wastebasket like useless manuscripts—we want it to happen!
They will come against us, our successors, will come from far away, from every quarter, dancing to the winged cadence of their first songs, flexing the hooked claws of predators, sniffing doglike at the academy doors the strong odor of our decaying minds, which will have already been promised to the literary catacombs.
But we won’t be there... At last they’ll find us—one winter’s night—in open country, beneath a sad roof drummed by a monotonous rain. They’ll see us crouched beside our trembling aeroplanes in the act of warming our hands at the poor little blaze that our books of today will give out when they take fire from the flight of our images.
They’ll storm around us, panting with scorn and anguish, and all of them, exasperated by our proud daring, will hurtle to kill us, driven by a hatred the more implacable the more their hearts will be drunk with love and admiration for us.
Injustice, strong and sane, will break out radiantly in their eyes.
Art, in fact, can be nothing but violence, cruelty, and injustice.
The oldest of us is thirty: even so we have already scattered treasures, a thousand treasures of force, love, courage, astuteness, and raw will-power; have thrown them impatiently away, with fury, carelessly, unhesitatingly, breathless, and unresting... Look at us! We are still untired! Our hearts know no weariness because they are fed with fire, hatred, and speed!... Does that amaze you? It should, because you can never remember having lived! Erect on the summit of the world, once again we hurl our defiance at the stars!
It was good until you started using exclamation points
>Lo! What doth this hold!
you used to love this series, and discussed it seriously with zero retarded meme faggotry, what happened?
although i accept the netflix season was pretty shit. no episode was at the level of the bad ones of the earlier seasons.
2 or 3 episodes will be based on Brexit and Trump
He's quoting a manifesto from 1909, dumbass
The Futurists liked symbols.
Yes, (((bizzare)))
>Bring back Futurism.
they got what they wanted but in a really [perverse way
Rate this episode pitch:
>A society where a wall is built around every individual person on the planet
>And the penalty is death if anyone illegally immigrates into someone else's little one person country and the only way to communicate is through Twitter
>But then one day a brave, handsome black man begins to question the system after he accidentally peaks over his wall and notices the white woman in the neighboring micro-country and they fall in love
Ending theme music: "Walls" by Kings of Leon
"There was a writer guild strike and we got this retard last minute for the script" tier.
This guy seemed really aware that sandkips were going to overrun everything.
It's a pretty amazing prediction when World War I hadn't even broken out yet.
I mean fuck, he references mosques in the very first line
unknown dot nu/futurism/manifesto.html
The strange thing is that BBC diversity isn't even remotely diverse.
They want black people from London, particularly Afro-Caribbean as opposed to African.
I knew when they said there was going to be a new Dr Who companion everything down to her hairstyle and accent automatically before they ever announced her.
I imagine many black/ethnic minority actors think that being a Brummie or a Geordie or whatever holds them back more than the colour of their skin.
And they'd be right.
everyone spends an inordinate amount of time on the wire, communicating and sharing information with each other
in an effort to differentiate from the crowd, people start taking on increasingly outrageous and ludicrous forms of self expression
I can't believe how Twilight Zone is better written, directed and acted than almost every show to this day.
Not particularly, Marinetti was all about replacing natural landscapes with more durable, man-made things. The battlefields of WWI were expressions of mankind's technical abilities raising it to new heights (i.e. above nature). It is quite weird for our modern sensibilities to read his glorification of chemical warfare, but within the Futurist model, it all makes sense. Technology has made it so mankind no longer has to "struggle" to survive, a fact which will lead to lethargy and decadence. Thus constant conflict is necessary to continue elevating the human race by preserving those with better technology who are able to utilise that to protect themselves.
>I knew when they said there was going to be a new Dr Who companion everything down to her hairstyle and accent automatically before they ever announced her.
She's gay too, ticks all the boxes
>Implying the episode ends on a happy note like that
It's ends with a white man who likes Nigel Farage gunning them down while smoking a cigar and drinking some bitter.
>that filename
looks like*
I live in a pretty wealthy part of America, but even I go to the less wealthier parts, it's still not as depressing as England. It's like the houses are built right on top and there is no nice interior designs. Your cars even look like shit too.
>agreeing with reddit by saying disagreeing with reddit is reddit
Seriously, you have to go back.