>We keep moving, almost every 6 months to a year.
>Mom tries to find love. All abusive assholes. One would beat her all the time, broke her fingers, choked her til she passed out...His name was Marty
>Marty introduced her to heroin...
>We all move in with my grandmother.
>Mom gets off the heroin.
>Grandmother loves us all so much. She is awesome and likes to play Sega all night (this was the late 90's)
>Early 2000's
>One night, brother comes to me and says grandma hasn't opened her door all night. Usually she keeps it open unless she's sleeping.
>We check on grandma. She's sitting on her bed, staring at the clock, zoned out..
>Can't get her attention.
>Call paramedics, they snap her out of it.
>Grandma doesn't know who I am.
>She gets taken to the hospital, brain cancer.
>She starts chemotherapy. Loses her long beautiful hair.
>Her bones are fragile, she breaks her arm one night while sleeping...Never heard her scream so hard...
>Doctors didn't do shit.. They think its arthritis.
>She's in so much pain she can't bare it.
>Somehow though..Through the pain of an untreated broken arm grandma found a way to smile, every, single, time she saw me. She forced it.
>After two weeks of untreated broken arm, doctors realize it isn't arthritis. Finally they do something about it.
>They give her some shitty cast made of plastic that keeps digging into her skin and causing her pain.
>Grandma still finds a way to smile every time she sees me.
>She gets worse, they send her to hospice.
>Brother going to see her, I don't go.
>Grandma dies next night.
>She was the strongest person ill ever know. I am so thankful she kept smiling. I realize now that it was for me to remember her not dying, not in pain. But smiling..I love her and I miss her.
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