Be me

>be me
>getting gas
>girl pulls up to the gas pump next to me
>give her a compliment
>asks me to pay for her gas
>reluctant at first, but I figure out how to make this better
>gladly fill up her car for her and pay for it
>doesn’t even thank me and drives off
>mfw I put diesel in her car
>mfw that was probably the best 20 dollars I’ve ever spent

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If I remember correctly, gasoline fueled cars can be driven on diesel albeit at a lower efficiency.

A diesel car cannot be driven with gasoline for longer then a few minutes and it'll pemanently damage the engine.


you faggot, diesel hose can not get into gasoline tank ... you that dumb incel?

It can if you force it in

>>moving the goal post...okay incel

No it'll start clogging your injectors and fuel lines, causing permanent damage.

There are some engines that can use both but nothing for civilian markets.

You can drive a gasoline engine on diesel, but if you go through a whole tank it’ll fuck up your cat

Why would you lie on the internet?

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Can confirm this.

Diesel fuel is just basically lower flash point version of gasoline. Just more clean and energy efficient.

Diesel engine doesn't even have spark plugs as it solely relies on comperring piston to the point diesel fuel ingnites itself.

By filling gasoline car with diesel, OP just gave away free 20 dollars and thinks himself some sort of genius.

If the story that OP made up would have gone so that he filled diesel car with gasoline, it would have destroyed or at least damaged motor, depending how much that chick had diesel in tank already.

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No. False. There are several parts before it ever makes it to exhaust that will be clogged or destroyed. Fuel injectors are the biggest one and even a few gallons of diesel can warp them shut.

Bunch of attempted trolls here trying to get people to put diesel in a gasoline car.

Spoken like a basement dweller who has never even seen a car.

So, you've obviously no clue what you're talking about. Diesel in a gasoline engine will fuck it up.

Top fucking kek Mr beta if a bitch asked me to buy her gas I'd ask her what am I going to get out of this

Nice fantasy, virgin.

You seem to think diesel is some kind of slurry. But it's actually such a thin liquid that it can permeate your skin.
Keep your hand dipped in diesel for a minute and you'll breathe out small amounts of diesel fumes. Just the same as gasoline.

Now, backa a long time ago, they used to mix in special oils in the diesel to lubricate the pistons, I could theoreticly see that old diesel clogging up the injectors, but not modern diesel.

The worst you'll see driving a gasoline car on diesel is darker exhaust because of the lower flash point making it not burn 100% of the injected fuel.

In the end, you're probably better of googling this then trusting anyone on this board.

Diesel cannot be combusted in a gasoline engine. It will simply stop working.

You're assuming it's solely diesel in the tank tho'.
In this case, we have a fuel mix.

A diesel nozzle is bigger than gas. So just stop OP you look like a fool. Good luck floating that in.

The car would immediately detect misfire and throw a check engine light, also would probably not even sound remotely like a healthy engine start

OP is full of shit

Correct answer.

"modern diesel"
Nigga that's dinosaur jizz!

It's not a matter of lower efficiency.

Diesel is more energy dense than gasoline, requiring higher compression and releasing it a bit more violently than gasoline. That's why gasoline engines are lighter and built with more aluminum parts while diesels have held onto more steel components. It's also the reason diesel engines have more low end torque but can't rev as high.

Diesel won't run in a gas engine. It'll cause the engine to stop running, and OP's bimbo will need to pay someone to drain her fuel system and refill.

I'm fairly certain you have no idea what that phrase means.

Soo...nice one Elon

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Implying you can't just fill it at a slower speed and not put the nozzle all the way in, but just line it up

Good bait but no one here will ever have enough nerve to talk to a girl.

It works but you make a mess and get diesel all over your shoes. Also diesel is spendy OP actually helped that bitch out.

Some gas stations accommodate small diesel cars and trucks. I filled my work truck up yesterday and it was a small nozzle. Maybe should have filled it with DEF.