Have any of the girls you've posted been actually recognized? what happened?
Have any of the girls you've posted been actually recognized? what happened?
Mine was, and nothing. Waiting for a new recognize bthread
Who recognized her?
Nope but whatever I post one I think for a few days I'm gonna get busted
Had a few people say they knew her but could never follow through for more info. I wouldn't be surprised if someone user did know her though. Luckily she keeps a super low social media presence online so even if she did get exposed, not sure it would do much.
Not me, but a friend once posted her own tits. Someone called her by her very specific, very non-standard nickname and she got spooked and deleted them.
Hs acquaintance
3 times.
Once a girl I post often with her name
Once a girl I posted literally once and someone knew her
Once someone tracked everything I posted of a girl and figured out who she was.
Luckily nothing happened in any case yet.
Don't know her, but that's a beautiful pooper.
How'd they figure out girl 3?
Had a girl's, I assume, room get recognized since she has 3500 or so followers on IG. Someone posted a pic from her IG and asked for more. They never posted any other pics and never started another thread as far as I know.
She was recognized by a hs acquaintance too, nothing has happened since.
I stupidly posted her first name and location in separate threads
Makes sense. I've never posted location of some girls outside of country and I always give an alias that becomes her name.
She did end up on xhan. Latina?
I've seen my first love in a thong on here and seen a face pic of old best friend on here.
They posted her full name in response. The nudes get posted every few months asking if anyone has more. I have stopped posting her since.
I recognized a girl I fucked. An user was posting her in a Instagram thread.
how was that
Did you post more about her?
I've posted her with first name and location and nothing
I'm posting now
This is her
ever been recognized?
Once. Dude asked me for all I had on her. He was pretty happy.
Same, I hope someone posts other pics of her someday
What’s she look like?
Holy crap she’s hot. Good for you man.
Please no not share more
Lost my fiance.
I saw some big hoe who had dd titties in this nj middleschool named like Alora or something and she had a crush on me. She turned tranny and now goes by the name aaron. 10 years go by and Literally saw her nudes and knew it was her shit it was wild. She didnt transition into a man fully but she cut her titties off fk man i loved those titties. Ya if u see this aaron or whatever u were mad cute b4 u did that shit. The fuck is wrong with people.
bro what
guy said they work with my wife I posted in a cuck thread.
said they recognized her and have seen her tattoos.
didn't respond when I said I wanted to chat. figured if he was here on /b, he would want more
Marissa R
that could very well be my wife, but she has inverted nipples.. so fairly sure its not her.
It's my fiancee but her nipples are inverted until erect
Marissa Rivera from D******* Mass. Post more.
Got any nudes of her?
Got any more ?
Imagine the smell
yes. her.
Lets see face
She looks like a normal Anna Bell Peaks.
any social media or other details?
Nice. Show tits n face
Fuck she’s sexy where form ? Got any of her Pussy ?
I've had a few ppl track down my gf's identity and social media. Some followed her but nobody has exposed so far.
Someone recongised a gkrl i posted purely by a tattoo shit myself...
OP's pic for the thread is her pussy too
Dont have one together sorry just what's in thread plus this
Is she your OC?
Got any more of her?
Also nice! Keep sharing her
i know right
In thread:
Thats my lot I'm afraid
Soo...he was behind that...?
Saw the step daughter on b. Wife didn't want to see but she had clothes on at least.
Damn she's pretty
DEserves her own thread
Nope. I've never posted her face clearly, but she does have a couple tattoos that i'm sure someone would be able to identify. Doubt it though.
posted cousin.
family member saw it, but luckily they got confused and thought i was another cousin and nothin happened to me.
posted ex. guy who knew her from school blackmailed her and got her to send him nudes and sex vids all the time.
Lets see then
yeah. my gf got recognised by someone she knows. luckily he hasn't said anything and only reposts every month or so. fucking terrifying though, I wish i'd never posted her face.
Plzzzz there must be more shes ur fiancee haha
One guy replied to an image I posted of a girls butthole and face on /s/. All he said were her initials with a question mark. I never replied but I noticed her Instagram went private soon after.
Yeah bro. Like a hot normal ABP. More?!
They got preganent
Thanks bro. Very nice
she loves anal
and already made a head on all friends, I'm not joking
Great fat ass, post more
I post my ex gf here sometimes and her friends will recognize her and tell her about it. She freaks out and goes on high alert because she still hadn’t figured out how I have access to her pics. I’ve shared her here a lot today hoping one of her friends will notice, since I haven’t done it in awhile.
I believe you. She is something else. Any nudes?
how you know they do recognize her? post her pls
Post my fwb on b/ regularly. Only been recognized by one dude. All he wanted was more Content. She has been reposted by randoms that don’t know her.
Is this OC? Because if not then I’m certain that’s not her name or country.
We’re on speaking terms. She thinks it’s another one of her exes doing it. He did it one time and caused her to get a bunch of harassment so I picked it up after we broke up. We don’t talk often but she’s confirmed before that her fag friends always let her know when they see her pics here.
Pic related
>go to the party
>get drunk
>sucks every dick she see in front
we call her "boquinha de veludo" "little velvet mouthpiece"
Love me some Brazilians, anyone found out about the pics ?
saw some nudes of a cute latina chick i know get posted a lot about a year ago. reposted her and had someone recognize her too. initials are nm if anyone else knows who im talking about
someone recognized and called her by name in the fb/insta thread
Wonder if she knows, I don’t think my OC knows how many guys have fapped to her
OMG great fat ass, would Love to burry my face in that asshole lick it and eat that pussy, then fuck her and cum deep inside that pussy