>I'm not supposed to say this. I wasn't supposed to say it then, but this is a film for 12 year olds - George Lucas
I'm not supposed to say this. I wasn't supposed to say it then, but this is a film for 12 year olds - George Lucas
what film
>thousand yard stare into his food
What did they do to him?
Star War
The Phantom Menace
Lucas wears hilarious shoes. It's like what down syndrome kids wear.
Those are some Nike airs, you autist
Every Star Wars film except Revenge of the Sith
Lmao someone wears running shoes with jeans
The Dark Knight
Red Tails
Must be why he had a that inane political dialog. Kids love politics and trade deals.
Saying its "for kids" is the telltale line of a hack to try to end just criticism.
Citizen Kane
Adelaide here anyone else ?
Oh god this is so painful to look at but so funny at the same time.
>tfw sold your baby to the white slavers
Yeah I was 12 when Attack of the Clones came out and I thought it sucked then too.
Force awakens - female main character and black boyfriend
Rogue one - female main character
Forces of destiny - entire female only focused show
Battlefront 2 - Finally added an actual campaign wait.. female main character!
Getting rid of George was a mistake.
>Mr Lucas, could you please smile a little for the photos
It's the /r9k/ look.
You just KNOW...