im going to kill myself tonight and i want to talk to you people first. ive been planning for this date for nearly a month and im perfectly happy with it now. feel free to talk about anything
Im going to kill myself tonight and i want to talk to you people first...
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you spend all the money you have on lottery tickets just in case you could win a couple millions?
Good luck. See you on the other side.
stream it
How ya gonna do it? How long before you think you'll be found? Do you have pets? If you do find someone to take them first.
thats funny and i sort of wish i had thought of it. i spent most of my money on a scooter and a laptop and sex
thanks x
I'm sorry you felt so low and no one helped you. I know I cant stop you. But my heart hurts for you. You matter, I love you.
You could have done a 1-year trip around the planet or something just before too.
either rope or razor. i thought i should just decide in the moment. have a dog but my friend took him because he knows.
Why not go out in style?
What was the tipping point?
almost wish i could have. drink a little more than half my daily money so a years trip would take way too long to fund.
But user, why do you want to kill yourself, huh ?
streeaam it
Yo that's my hometown lmao
my fiance killed herself 8 years ago. recently i managed to fall in love with another woman and after months of us seeming to be in a slowly blossoming relationship she told me she didnt want to see me anymore. on top of this my tinnitus has got to a point where i cant sleep and i cant enjoy anything
Kek, try to beat the score in the same mall
Stream it please
How long after you lost your fiancé did you feel like trying to find another person?
1-800-273-TALK call this number first before talking to us. Just encase you are serious.
took about 5 years before i humoured the dates i was being sent on. in recent months ive lost most of my friends because they cant stand me and my emotional state
Bro that's EZ 8 people ain't shit, plus Christmas is coming up soon, watch this
ive spent years calling those numbers. im not at all interested in being here anymore. im not going to stay alive to prevent any pain i might cause by killing myself
Do you believe in after-life?
What do you wished you’d done before you wanted to die?
lol the fact that you're killing yourself over other human beings passing reinforces the fact that you should do it. you're weak and pathetic.
You're a fucking coward. Stick it out like everyone else. "Hurr durr, I'm so sadddd :("
Grow up, faggot
i think im mostly in the belief that theres nothing after we die. to me it doesnt really matter but i hope theres nothing
im not afraid of anything. im not going to suffer anything i dont have to.
Don't do it. Find happiness in your daily routine, in the small things. Just think about yourself and don't be stupid. Take your time, ask for help, talk with somebody that is not a newfag here. I know what it means to be nihilist, but you can still enjoy the small things. Trust me
Why not kill yourself by old age after working your ass off all your life to help other people.
Anyway there's nothing after death, so the method you pick is not important.
There are people that have it a lot worse than you, faggot. You think your suffering is worse than theirs? Quit being a selfish prick and fix yourself you numbnuts.
And don't give me that "I've tried everything" bullshit, there's always a solution. Just because you're an impatient cunt doesn't mean nothing is going to change. Killing yourself IS the most cowards way out you can take.
You have a weak constitution and the human race doesn't need you. Au revoir
mind sending me all your money
blackberrycock014 gmail
Your friend just took your dog because he knows you're killing yourself? You have god awful friends no wonder your killing yourself.
my suffering is just what it is. i dont need to continue it and no-one needs me to be here. staying alive is a waste of energy and resources
Youre not even going to do it. You and i both know.
may actually send it. its less than 20 GBP
Owww a girl doesnt want me...lets kill myself, im such a sad person.
Go fuck yourself you aint even ready for the real world
user what is so wrong in your life that you want to end it all?
>waste of energy and resources
So we should all just kill ourselves because it's a waste of energy and resources? Don't talk so fucking dumb, get help.
as someone who has felt like you, shut the fuck up. you're not going to do it and you want sympathy. get off the internet and go outside. you're sad, we know. everyone's fucking sad. welcome to fucking life, you colossal fucking pussy. it has ups and downs. nut the fuck up, dude. jesus christ, this sad boi hours pity party is making ME want to jump off a bridge.
If you’re so set on this then there wouldn’t be any harm in one more person trying to talk you out of it right? The worst that happens is I waste a few minutes of your time and you do it anyway. If i dropped my Discord would you be willing to talk for a few minutes?
Picking when and how we die is a luxury humans often don't have. Go out with your head high.
probably worth mentioning to people like you that im also constantly ill due to a poor immune system. only a year ago i managed to get past encephalitis which has left me more or less useless
The real world.... Where do you live, user ?
sick need it
im not sad. you should consider jumping
乃乇乇#3339 is my Discord. Hmu let’s talk about whatever. You have options.
If you are ready to die just do it. I ll shake your hand for that courage. If you hesitate, just for a second, dont do it trust me you dont want to think "shit I am not ready" just before dying.
I suggest that you di the same think as I did, take a revolver and play Russian roulette. You have to be the calmest you can before pulling the trigger. It's so liberating. I played 4 times before stopping.
Life is better when you missed death.
So what's your plan? Tell us how you're going out.
i don't consider jumping because i realized a long time ago that i was just feeling sorry for myself and being pathetic. i get up, go to work, and continue to live life because that's what people do that aren't pieces of shit.
plenty pieces of shit do that. im a piece of shit that realised that not doing it is more sensible
im probably going to hang myself. its not a certainty yet
The real world is where he and all those moaning crying bitches arent.
So what the girl doesnt want him
So what you have a bad day
So what you didnt get the job
So what your parents hate you
Shut the fuck up
Be a man
Instead of whining and feeling sad for yourself
do not do it, OP
Walk us through it, gives us the logistics, materials, distances, details mate, details.
There is no other side.
First of all, don't do it. Second of all, if you're going to do it then do it in a way that people will remember you by. Being remembered after death is a luxury not many are given, so if you really are going to do it, at least be memorable
i really dont know exactly what you mean. theres no logistics involved. i have a garage with beams and i have rope. i also have a bath and razor blades. at the moment im watching sugar pine 7
You aren't either. You are on Sup Forums.
Stop giving lessons, it feels more like you are trying to convince yourself. "be a man"..... for god's sake...
You should take an insurance policy out. It’ll put your plans back a year but you can make someone you know rich. They’ll have you on a pedestal for eternity or name some organization your beneficiary like pro aborts, or better turn it into a scholarship where applicants have to write essays on bs topics you made so you can troll from beyond the grave
As a preface I'm a physicist and used to be an atheist but I believe that life, existance and being is something far beyond human reasoning and imagination, so I have faith in that death is not the end of the journey, even if it is the end of my particular self.
You don't know. Nobody does.
Do a flip faggot
Stephen Paddock, Anders Breivik, Brenton Tarrant. Here's some memorable names.
You'll get to wish her a Merry Christmas if you do
but op are you really going to send it
No you have to do a barrel roll if you want to cut your head off with a katana
Sup Forumsro please reconsider. it will not be victimless.
Post pics before you kill yourself
Bye bro
Try this
I've been planning a suicide for a few months and I feel it coming soon, but can't settle on a way to go that's not too messy or painful? What method did you choose? Also I'm in constant physical pain and not even my family cares about me but just uses me which is why I'm checking out, out of desperation and hopelessness. I hope you also have solid reasons, otherwise you shouldn't.
>not being able to give a step by step
>not even having one definite method
You're either going to change your mind at the last minute or you're going to half-ass it and live on as a potato.
What insurance pays out on suicide?
sounds like youre good at comitting suicide
You wont find any insurance that pays out on suicide
hey man, at least try dmt before you do it.
It actually feels like dying, and you'll know if it's worth it after you do it.
don't kill yourself without trying options out first, that's just running away because it's easier for you to end your life than actually try and find a reason to live.
What got you over the hump of wanting to do it and knowing you'll do it someday (where I'm at) to actually doing it
this is accurate. they figured out that trick as fast as they figured out insurance
not sure if trolling or not but if my voice count i will speak
1. Live is pice of shit, even to those who say its not , i understand.
2. i tought abut it too but i said to myself :its gona be an ez way, nah kill myself and its gone, its just ez way, living in this world is a hard way cos so many ppl dont care about anything.
3 But considering you created this post and you are serious about it , you want help, this "last" post on/b/ is a sign that you want help and want to live and recive "last goodbye"
4. take a breath user if you want to live, live then, if not then i have nothing left to say
funnily enough i tried dmt this year just by chance. running away because its easier is perfectly fine.
ive mentioned earlier in the thread. it all just boils down to time.
Most insurance actually will pay on insurance there’s usually a time window where they won’t tho. 6-12 months is average, but if you’ve had prior documented attempts it might be different
Bye Bro, good luck
I've seen people that weren't good at committing suicide. You can't afford to doubt at the last moment, to pull that punch.
ive got two pretty well documented attempts. almost glad i didnt succeed just because i got to see a couple good movies i didnt expect to enjoy.
I didn't see the answer I'm looking for. My question isn't "why are you killing yourself". The reasons aren't important to me.
Killing yourself over a stupid fucking female? Grow up dude. Thats just a stupid reason.
Hey did you watch The Boys? Pretty awesome series on Amazon. Next season coming soon.
>im going to kill myself tonight
stopped reading right there. Nobody ever delivers. You probably just want a hug from your mommy
livestream it
she wasnt stupid. i grew up. i dont need a reason
see Much better with a picture