Do not vote for this fricking idiot please tell me 1 reason why you would

do not vote for this fricking idiot please tell me 1 reason why you would

Attached: [email protected] (639x638, 560K)

hes literally trump

Lib Dems are traitorous idiots who only care about their middle class wealth.
Labour are commie lunatics who hate the white working class Britain's and want to replace them with Arabs and Africans.
Green are just shit tier socialists and man made climate change is laughable .
Brexit party and ukip are fun pipe dreams but like green and lib dem will get nowhere.

So it's Tory. If only they'd clean up the streets and round up the millions of coloured people labour let in and deport them back.

Because what else do I have to lose?

Because England - and I mean England, not rUK, Americans - a full of small minded “British Empire” racist POSs who have been dumb enough to believe the ‘damn foreigners’ shit. Country is fucked, but not because some poorer EU migrants have taken a min-wage job none of the local fags refuse to do.

ur all bonkers corbyn or UK is fall apart

Make Britain Great Britain Again.

Because brexit is the best thing for the uk, and Boris isn’t into stocking wearing traps like Corbyn

Imagine lying to yourself so much about others just to feel good about yourself.

So sad...

Why would anyone vote for a fucking leftist? So they can be as fucking stupid as this guy?

There are no jobs that locals refuse to do...

Attached: 1569238104585.jpg (540x468, 36K)

Nor this asshat. Can you imagine a game with these two fags?

Attached: My Dance Moves Are The Best.jpg (630x538, 43K)

I will vote for him, because I can, and I don't give a shit about you or your opinions

The 10,000,000 Arabs and blacks that have moved in since Blaire's human trafficking scheme to keep wages low and destroy the working class from his ivory tower are the ones we don't want. Not the dumb EU women working as nurses or the Slavs delivering Amazon packages.

Address the elephant in the room you dumb cunt.

Learn the language before suggesting horrible commie hypocrite scum.

How many Muslims and niggers do you live near?

Commie Corbyn wants more coloured slaves for his gulag.

I'll vote for him and watch him win, again, to see you faggots seethe and commit mass suicide as your dilation fails and your sex-wound becomes infected.

what if i told you im OP and i will be voting for him too, plot twist double cross


I'm voting for him because its hilarious, plus I dont mind him and his political bullshit, better than I can tolerate anyone else and their bull shit

If he's literally Trump, and Trump is literally Hitler, does that mean Hitler was this guy?