Webm Thread

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Not bad


kek source pls

Wasn't that V: The Final Battle?

its from V, read the filename, faggot

Kek, mecha Trump

V - The Final Battle

80's V. Mom was burning alien reptile coal.








all the V webms aren't playing well
is it my browser or is anyone else having this problem?

There are shitty digital glitches in the copy I'm cutting from.

they work fine for me in chrome



what show?


boku no pico





If you think about it this show was a head of it's time. It had a female leader in the resistance. It portrayed people from different races or backgrounds all fighting to liberate themselves from an invader.

And it did it without being preachy about it.


The effects in this movie were so visceral.

Yes the moral character of this show was outstanding.









Great theme

Robin was such a fucking retard idiot whore
She deserved every shit thing that happened to her
Polly was a boss


I know Robin was so annoying. Too bad sis wasn't in it much.

Do you remember the blond resistance member who slept with that collaborator?

Also, would you have any webm with the collaborator? Do you remember him getting hauled away?

Wasn't V pretty much a WW2 analog with its presentation? Especially the way humans began selling each other out to appease their Visitor overlords?














Hold on let me have a look, he was such a shit head that I skipped over him.



muh dick

where is this from



I will never get tired of this meme.




Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 1


>mfw I'm a teacher.

Where does one start with V?

The 1983 mini series

and afterwards the Final Battle. Aight!








>something behind a character/on characters back
>other characters in the scene somehow notice it and react to it even though it's not visible




Saw this movie a couple of days ago. Fucking great. The body gore really creeped me out.

Plus Goldblum was a boss in it.

Yeah that's the collaborator. What an asshole.

That is the woman who sleeps with the collaborator to get him to steal something from him. He later sent to be punished.

Great job.



She has to gather information from him.





a fiction both sides wish existed

Isla fisher got fat.


Jesus Christ.

Thank you. You didn't have to do any of these. However, I appreciate it.

in all the right places
