Ask a mulatto Cuban living in America anything

Ask a mulatto Cuban living in America anything

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Don't need to register to a specific party

Sup Forums probably has never talked to one

So does my life not matter to you guys ? CLM

have you packed yet?
where will you go? what are your plans after the Great Deportation?

jk hows life going Carlito what do you do for a living

If trump wins I really hope minorities don't leave. I teach p.e for now

If you are here legally, welcome. If you are here illegally, you have to go back.

Also, do you have a great Cuban sandwich recipe


got any student underage pussy? they always get infatuated with their PE professor


Cubans have wet foot dry foot policy, (we are legal as long as no one caught us before we got here) as opposed to other countries lol it kinda not fair. But yeah I hope that if you don't have citizenship yet you can still stay... I know so many people from other countries who have been here for years but haven't gotten their citizenship yet so they're technically illegal

And yeah ham, smoked ham, Swiss cheese, light mustard, on Cuban bread and press it

Lol tryna get me in trouble. I don't get involved but yeah those girls love me

Are you here legally?

Yup, it's actually impossible for Cubans to be illegal according to u.s law

Methinks they was some old Cold War shenanigans adopted under Kennedy admin for Cubans fleeing Communist Cuba to have legal entry. Search that up, not sure if it expired yet since Cuba has been officially Communist all these years before declaring itself a Republican Dictatorship, ie Dictator elected into or entrusted into office.

Yea it is why. It was written into law in 1966 so it was LBJ I think, whoever came after Kennedy I forgot lol. Since Cuba was communist the United States accepted refugees with more open arms than other countries. Plus the complicated Cuban immigration that followed, hundreds of people coming by boat in short periods of time they just came up with a law that if you're on u.s. soil you're allowed to be here.

>not being a white cuban

Get off this board nigger only white Cubans are allowed!

My family has a propensity for liking the darker side haha

Vecino, vayase de Miami a otro lugar, recomiendo JAX.

Eso si, dominican cigars > cuban

Why not both?? Hmm

Hello my fellow Mulatto brother. Who was the white parent?

My aceres. White cuban master race.
>superiority complex
>higher income than the average white american
>blue eyes

Are you friends with CIA terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles?

Por que jax?

Ehh ese es Tu opinión, Pero me gusta tanto cigarros dominicano

My mom. It's a weird life outside of family but it's interesting

Noo I prefer to stay away from any shady activities lol

Because Cuban culture is top tier

Quite the demand for biligual speakers on different areas and what not, plus it's quite a super chill place unless you are into the nightlife crap.

Interesante, mi madre es de Catalunya mientras mi padre es Dominicano con sangre Haitiano. Como te consideras? Americano o Cubano?

It's hard for me to leave Miami lol. I lived in Orlando for a while but I came right back

Los dos, Cubano Americano. Nací alla Pero viví aqui en America Por mucho años

Republicano, Libertario? Y tu familia es conservadora?

Mas conservadora porque Cuba es communista y muyyy mal, Pero mis padres son izquierdas un poquito, y yo también, Pero conservador al mismo tiempo, con los leyes