Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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when your lazy and refuse to better yourself you resent those who will put in the work and achieve.

libtard in high school, i got better when i saw how the world really worked. its really pathetic to think you're owed the fruits of other peoples hard work.

What makes it sad is that there are grown ass men and women who never grow out of this phrase. They legit think they are entitled to other people's shit.

base post is based.

>. its really pathetic to think you're owed the fruits of other peoples hard work.
Meanwhile you use public libraries and call the police when you get scared, then drive on the well-maintained road on the way to your gay sex orgy.
Your views might have changed since high school, but you haven't become more informed beyond memes.

I love how liberal retards like you constantly bring up the fucking police. You do understand that's a fucking job and not just handing out money for dem programs and gibs, right? Or are you too fucking stupid to understand the difference?

This dick ain’t gonna suck itself

They is important. Just ask one.

I wonder how good it'd feel to have this furious bitch sucking your dick

You’re posting on Sup Forums...what the fuck have you achieved?

>implying she sucks dick

>the difference
Explain the difference between a job that provides a service that's funded by taxes, verses the police and countless other currently publicly funded services. For brainwashed imbeciles healthcare being state funded magically crosses the boarded into "You just want free shit!"

The poor hate the rich.

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>when your lazy and refuse to better yourself
Sounds to me like you have a lot of work in front of you if you truly want to better yourself.

The vast majority of American experts — i.e., PhDs — identify as liberal. Do you ever wonder why that may be?

You and have extremely blinkered views on ownership. Do you actually believe that the amount of money a person makes is perfectly linearly correlated with amount of value to society of their efforts?

Of course not. The system is stacked to benefit those who sit on the higher rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. But you'll need to break out of your simplistic model — to descend the peak of Mt. Stupid, as it were — to begin to really understand the big picture.

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>implying it'll be her choice

Well when you fucking people say you want "free" healthcare and "free" college, and then you insist it will be paid for by "taxing the rich", as if anybody is really suppose to believe that utter bullshit, yes it implies you want free shit. And it's going to be paid for by taxing the fucking middle class, home owners and people who actually work for a fucking living. Meanwhile the brown hoard who sell drugs, collect welfare and have hoards of kids they can't and don't support, will now have more gibs they leech off.

Oh, I love America, the parts I'm from.
But hicks get to claim that they're the "real america" for some reason, and that part of america sucks.

Red states receive the highest proportion of federal aid bro

>Do you actually believe that the amount of money a person makes is perfectly linearly correlated with amount of value to society of their efforts?
Yeah I do actually. But let me guess, you consider a fucking dishwasher to be on the same level of worth as an engineer right?

...do you not hate america?

Hint: you didn't understand the function of the modifier "perfectly" in my post. Try again.

Sure I do. Actually, they're both providing more value to society than you are.

>They legit think they are entitled to other people's shit.
Do mean the top 1% :)


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Was the point that you are a complete idiot? No worries there, you made that "perfectly" clear.

Sure kid, now get the fuck out while the adults talk

>The vast majority of American experts — i.e., PhDs — identify as liberal. Do you ever wonder why that may be?

Because useless academics who cant make it in the real world stay in school forever and suckle of the government tit.

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>you fucking people say you want "free" healthcare and "free" college, and then you insist it will be paid for by "taxing the rich",

> And it's going to be paid for by taxing the fucking middle class

rofl, keep it up. Maybe you'll accidentally realize that people who want free' healthcare also want many other reforms in how the government operates like not spending 400+ billion on the military annually and not having billionaires pay less taxes than the middle class. Your entire perception of the argument is hilariously basic.

The only reason why "free" is being said in the term "free healthcare" is because it's currently not free and in fact hideously expensive. If it wasn't in the retarded state that it's currently in, it would just be called 'healthcare' the same way you currently casually talk about other social services without using the word 'free' in front of it.

>stay in school forever and suckle of the government tit

as everyone knows, school in america is notorious for being free

Keep what up you stupid fuck? So if the "rich" don't pay taxes, why doesn't your fucking team fix it? Why didn't Obama do something about it? Oh right, because you people are full of fucking shit. You love bitching about rich people everyday but when it's time for dem programs all of a sudden it's the middle class that's expected to foot the fucking bill. But yea, college and healthcare gets more and more expensive every fucking year and you retards want to make it worse by making it (((free))). Because we don't have enough retards in college wasting everybody's fucking time being there, and then majoring in blunt rolling and ass twerking or some other bullshit major that will land them no jobs. Your team is perfectly fine with that though.

>Because useless academics who cant make it in the real world stay in school forever and suckle of the government tit.
You sound like a man with an enormous chip on his shoulder.

You get a PhD so that you can be a college professor dummy

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because they are nuts.

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You sound like a gender fluid demi-faggot with a cock in your mouth

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I love seeing a thread like this full of people that think they are political theorists

conservatism and liberalism are both dumb as shit

two bad theories in a sea of theories and the all the experts here acting like the world is as simple as their brain is

I don't have a team, bro. I'm center left-leaning purely based on that fact that the right and republicans are largely anti-science. It's just utterly idiotic to be enjoying enjoying the police and many other tax-funded services, but healthcare—which is literal life or death—is somehow "too close to socialism".

>Both sides are dumb
I'm the real smart guy because I dont have any idea about anything

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Shhhhhh... let them continue.

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Liberals don't hate America. They see the potential that America has and feel frustrated by the evil of the political right and the self-destructive stupidity of it's supporters.

Then why bother at all with the center part, and not just go full lefty?
You're not going to just say it's because you dislike poor people and taxes, are you?

Then fucking move your useless ass to Cuba with the rest of the lazy ass beaners if you want "free" healthcare

they make u free

that is not how it works my friend

I literally just said "both sides" does not exist

He's not center, that's why. Liberals love saying this so when they propose their retarded fucking ideas, they play it off as if most center feel that same way and want what they're asking for. Like when they say oh yea i'm center and own guns but we should ban AR-15s. These people are full of shit.

No, the stupid poor love the rich and believe everything they tell them to because they believe they are on the same team.

>No Trump, no wall, no USA at all
>America is a racist country
>Every american holiday is racist and evil
>The American flag is a symbol of hate

Th left hates America and everything it represents.

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This but unironically. The government has no problem giving Tyrone 50k in undefaultable high interest loans. Colleges have a vested interest in perpetuate this cycle. This decade their tactic shifted from "because you'll get a high paying job" to faux morality, virtue signaling, and feels over reals.

What's the right answer then BIG BRAIN, spill it

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Funny you picked Cuba and not other first world nations like South Korea with excellent free or cheap healthcare.
Think about comparing the U.S. to a shithole like Cuba. Is that the bar you're setting? Sad, mang. Sad.

Soo...he was behind that...?

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america is a third world shithole lol. the countries with the highest standard of living have healthcare as a human right and a much more meritocratic distribution of wealth. there are rich people but 1 dude doesn't own more wealth than the bottom half of citizens, with cucked bootlickers saying "they earned it! stop asking for the right to live, you leech!"

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And what "team" is that? Let me guess, they should vote democrat because giving niggers and spics free shit and taking guns and free speech away is "in their best interest". That's what you're going to say next right?

white spanish killed the inca lol

do you think that liberalism and conservatism are the only two things a person can think. I'll literally make a picture for you right now to help

Exactly and liberals want to make this problem worse by making it "free". As if that'll magically make college cheaper.

But you haven't moved to South Korea either, why's that?

I'm center because I'm entirely on the right when it comes to boarders and immigration, as well as other things.
Nuance: try it.

>implying the biggest threat to free speech isn't the conservatives in both parties trying to censor the BDS movement

I compared it to Cuba because that is what your team wants the US to become. So why don't you fucking move there if you love communism so much?

>giving niggers and spics free shit
>pretending poor and middle class whites won't benefit from moving to a first world style of healthcare and education like in the countries where it's already implemented

Who did you vote for?
Or did you not vote?

>BDS movement
Am I suppose to know what the fuck that is? Meanwhile your team wants to ban "hate speech", and is trying to force Twitter and Facebook to censor anyone not on the left. But I understand, you don't want people to pay attention to those things.

The same reason you don't move out of your home if there's something that needs fixing. You fix it: you don't run away from it.
If you have such a problem with liberal, why don't you move to any Islamic country and enjoy your conservatism?

There are billions of possibilities, but I don't have to tell a genius like you that. You're so smart you look at our pathetic ideas like "conservatism" and "progressivism" and laugh. You're so unimaginably smart that you know the best way forward is... what?

Surely a mental colossus such as yourself will have no problem giving me a brief explanation.

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It's some alt-right Jew hating organization.

And how many people in those countries are collecting welfare, food stamps and living in public housing? Because you faggots love leaving out this inconvenient detail. But sure, they "benefit" by paying more in taxes while Juan crawls his monkey ass across the border illegally, you faggots wanna give that motherfucker a fine and sent him on his mary way AND give that spic free healthcare. Give me a fucking break with this bullshit.

so you agree that the united states needs to end the drug war, which funds drug cartels that decapitate police and mayors in latin america causing people to flee shitholes we enshittened? not to mention active CIA destabilization and outright coups in latin america? google "banana republics" and "contra death squads" if you weren't aware. and we also agree that the border wall is a giant symbolic waste of billions of dollars that won't significantly affect illegal immigration but is only proposed to make racists feel safe (no canadian wall has been proposed despite comparable amounts of illegal immigration)?

Ah, but what if I don't think there's anything that needs fixing?
And you know, it's not that weird to move out of your home if you don't like living there.

the potential that America has have gone after the 1965 immigration law.

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You're paying far more for a useless military than you are for welfare.

And here comes the muh CIA horse shit. I love when you dumbasses bring this up though, because you're basically saying that spics are too fucking stupid to fix their own shit countries. You do realize that's what you're saying right?

ok boomer

It only looks that way since the white people got their money and the money with which to pay taxes by exploiting black people.

The only potential that liberals see in America, is how to turn it into a spic infested 3rd world dump. Just like they're trying to do today.

>you know the best way forward is

I never said I know what the best way forward is. I said I love seeing a thread full of people who think they are political theorists. Afterwards, I said conservatism and liberalism are both dumb as shit.

(So far I haven't said I know what the best way forward is so I'm not sure from what ass you have pulled those goal posts)

Then, I said those two theories are both bad, and there are a lot of theories, but everyone here is acting like there are only these two very bad ones.

You might say, "Then what's the best way forward?"

Just re-read this thread or any of the other ones.

Since that's out of the way, do you want more detail on what I was actually talking about and not what you made up?

Lemme retract. I don't believe the wall is the answer or even logical. I just happen to not take the open-boarders illegal-immigration-isn't-an-issue stance that many liberals do and underplay. I value preserving culture and detest actively trying to change it in a number of ways like with Europe.
I agree with everything you mentioned about the drug war since the early 2000's. The answer isn't giving these people refugee status, it's ending the drug war and leaving these countries alone.

Oh boy is it shill o'clock already?!

>And how many people in those countries are collecting welfare, food stamps and living in public housing?
well perhaps the fact that their conservatives aren't die hard advocates for outsourcing, their jobs pay living wages, and they aren't going broke paying for the healthcare and education that is their right, may have something to do with their higher standard of living lol. but yeah actually free housing is cheaper than homelessness. stop shooting america in the foot to spite niggers and spics, dude. you don't have to invite them in your home you know.

>But sure, they "benefit" by paying more in taxes
the quotes are dishonest since they have a higher standard of living lol. i'm starting to suspect you're a troll pretending to be retarded

>while Juan crawls his monkey ass across the border illegally
yeah i proposed here actual productive solutions to reducing illegal immigration, ie stop knowingly and intentionally fucking up latin america so juan won't want to leave his home, family, friends, culture, and language to move to a new place that hates him just so he can work and live in safety lol. god damn your incompetence is irritating. but i guess trolls gonna troll

>you faggots wanna give that motherfucker a fine and sent him on his mary way AND give that spic free healthcare. Give me a fucking break with this bullshit.
pretty much, yeah. just like if a bank robber's appendix bursts in prison i want him to receive healthcare to fix it. it's called not being joseph stalin, you should try it sometime

>by exploiting black people.
ROFL you've got to be fucking kidding me with this. Yeah Tyrone keep on spewing that utterly retarded shit. You wuz kangz n shet. Goddamn ridiculous.

How exactly do illegal immigrants destroy culture?
Your culture is that weak? Actually, yeah, it is, white boy.

Why do computers hate communist conservatives?

>white libshit larping.

Whole world hate america.

>communist conservatives
what's that supposed to be, free healthcare but only for white people?

Even if we ended the drug war today, these people will just invent a new reason for coming here. Anyone who believes otherwise is fucking delusional. Stop entertaining that fucking idiot and his bleeding heart bullshit.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is very real.

Every culture is weak. People make up a culture—you replace the people, you replace the culture. Even in a homogeneous culture it can still fade away with new generations.

Hey, if we are not intentionally fucking up Latin America, then the Cartel and corrupt officials would be having all the fun. Gotta get in while the gettin’ is good.

What "culture" do illegals bring here, besides drunk driving and wife beating?

imagine being terrified of black people dancing

Oh, so they don't bring in any culture at all?
How come you're afraid that they'll wreck yours, then?

>I just happen to not take the open-boarders illegal-immigration-isn't-an-issue stance that many liberals do and underplay.
okay first of all, it's borders, not boarders. you aren't playing a mantis ship in FTL. second of all yeah there are fringe individuals who advocate open borders, basically anarcho-socialists. but no politician in washington is advocating open borders and saying or implying they do is ignorant or dishonest

>I value preserving culture and detest actively trying to change it
fuck either one dude, all culture is a mix of other previous cultures anyway. let people enjoy the music, architecture, fashion, food, etc they want without top down guidance in any direction. it's not the government's place to enforce culture, that's for individuals to decide

>The answer isn't giving these people refugee status
no, that's just taking responsibility for our own actions on the victims we created. like if your criminal malice injures someone you have to pay the hospital bills. obviously while taking in legit refugees we need to stop creating refugee crises

>besides drunk driving and wife beating?
>implying these aren't part of white culture especially among conservatives


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That's what your taxes cover you dolt.

I'm not the one who said that, retard. You didn't answer my fucking question though. What culture do they bring to the table? Because the only "culture" those monkeys are bringing is crime and worse quality of life for everyone.

>invent a new reason
They come here since it's better, it's always been that way.
No matter how hard you try to crack down on immigration, it'll always be better here than there. So anyone trying to sell you a wall, or whatever sort of regulations you think are necessary, they're scamming you.

they haven't realized how useless they are

You Republitards don't know which way is up, do you? Confiscating guns is a - ready for it? - RIGHT WING POLICY YOU FUCKING MORON - let's see what Karl Marx has to say about it:
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."

B-b-b-but muh conservatives!

The restriction of military weaponry is a distraction from the central argument of enforcing existing laws on gun ownership. The Republicans don't give two shits about your rights and they don't care if you kill each other as long as you believe their propaganda that the sems are the boogie an who want to disarm you. The democrats are proposing restrictions on weapons because it has proven to reduce mass shootings and because it appeals to their base. Both parties suck, but the democrats are at least trying to save lives, even if it is for tawdry political reasons.

As far as your racist bullshit, this is more right wing propaganda. The largest - listening? Lemme repeat - THE LARGEST RECIPIENTS OF WELFARE ARE BILLIONAIRE CORPORATIONS, YOU UTTER FUCKING CABBAGE - the same organizations shipping yer fuckin jerbs to China and Mexico. The illegal immigrants are being leveraged by businesses as cheap labor without rights and they're the ones benefitting while you blame their victims.

But yeah, whatever, go drink some more Fox news kool-aid you absolute imbecile.

All cultures, societies, systems succumb to entropy. Your efforts are futile. The impact you will have is null. So let’s party.