What is the best slasher movie?

What is the best slasher movie?

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Whichever one is the shortest. They're all utter shit with no redeeming features other than hot literally who actresses.

Scream. It stands on the shoulders of giants, sure, but its like a crystal clear distillation of the genre and did just about everything right save for a lack of full frontal nudity.


it's the most obvious choice, and you can be a dick and say Maniac or something, but that's just being a pretentious cunt.

Agree with this, it's been a while since I saw it but I can't think of a bad thing to say about it

The sequels are kind of trash.

I only saw the first two, how much shittier are the others?

Halloween. And TCM is not a slasher. TCM > Halloween tho.

Probably Halloween.
Intruder is pretty fucking underrated though. Has this GOAT kill: youtube.com/watch?v=ENHUTfTUSJI

Psycho and Halloween are the best.
Then you have several very good ones like Black Christmas, ANoES, TCM and Scream. Some people are huge fans of Giallo like Suspiria.

Regarding the other posters:
Allien is not a slasher.
TCM is. (Only the first one and the remakes.)

>all these pretension manchildren on an anime board
The first Nightmare on elm street is the best "serious" slasher film whereas the 3rd one is the best comedic one.

The burning, happy birthday to me and sleepaway camp are some good obscure ones.

Jason Lives
Here's also an underrated pick:April Fools

The original Maniac is a sleazeball movie with a little bit of smarts behind it. Mostly notable for the Tom Savini gore though.

Dream Warriors is the best because it has that fantasy, almost D&D like aspect to it where the kids band together with their dream powers to fight the monster. It's my favorite in the series for that reason. Part 4 was decent too.

Texas Chainsaw if it counts, Halloween if not. I actually prefer both to Psycho, but that's great too.

And yes, I'm aware I've gone for the boring obvious answer, but it's obvious for a reason.

>sleepaway camp

kek, best ending to any slasher

2&3 aren't the worst things, but they never reach the same heights as the original.
Scre4m feels like it tries a little to hard, but worth a look if you've seen the others.

Blood and Black Lace and Bay of Blood are good, early giallo slashers.

my favorite one is the sequel to the movie where the killer is invincible and presumed to be dead at the end but he really isn't

i don't wanna spoil it but in the sequel he is invincible and presumed to be dead at the end, it's genius

of those pictured I'd go for NoES, twice the character of any of the others. Also watching the whole saga is a blast
it goes: Scary, Gay, Fun, Gross, Awesome, Hilarious, Meta-Scary