They were once plowing your fields. Now they're plowing your women

They were once plowing your fields. Now they're plowing your women.

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they're the ones that are going to be stuck with pic related.

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more like pic related

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Upper right is DeNiro's son.

>cherry picking

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tbf these women arent white

Na, the women I've fucked are classier than that. I'm with a black girl now and she would never take black dick

All I see is a nice Italian couple?


Hmmm...So he was behind that...?

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Babies don’t come out darker than dad, do they you cunt? It’s not white genes getting erased, you’re just like the time we bred with Neanderthals, every step a little closer to becoming a real human.

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>your women

Not me.

I got a qt black girl that treats me like a God. Afters years of abuse from her own kind, she got BLEACHED and has never looked back. The best part is that I hardly have to do anything. Just show her just a tiny once of anything and she goes nuts over me cause her previous bfs were all POS niggers.

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I'm of Italian descent and all my family is blonde, try again

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This is the new italian race, white boi

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U mad nigger?

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black men win :)

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Lmaooooo prostitutes don't count

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Have the same thing.

Bottom right is cute. Rare exception, though.

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Nope. Not even close. :p

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>plowing your women
...and guys

i'm a bi white guy

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Cheap ass amerimutt, no Italians in that picture

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Sounds like somebody's jealous.

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Actually people of color are becoming more successful as our society moves towards full social diversity. And you fat nazi neckbeards can't stop it.

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seething nigincel.

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You're all race obsessed weirdos, you're all sick in the head. I want you to know this.

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kek stay mad niggers

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Good. Take your white fragility elsewhere, snowflake. Go back to your Sup Forums safe space

White women breed statistically less than black women.

At the cost of diluting some white genes, we're diluting black genes and lowering their population growth. Eventually the mixed mutts will become the new slaves and drive a new economy

Gross that black men would even want to touch a white b****

Average Mudshark

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What a waste of a beautiful girl. Bestiality really should be outlawed.

they can have the few they manage to get their paws on lol. black women are abandoning worthless nigger men in droves

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i wouldn't mind seeing her without all that caked on makeup and fake eyelashes. she'd probably still be a solid B+/A-

none of those are white women, they're brown people and billy eilish is a man, look at his cheekbones you dumb nigger
he looks just fucking like elliot rodger lol

Imagine being an emotional, insecure white loser who gets triggered by BBC bait.

Who is that again?

Not like you'd have a chance with her anyway faggot. That's the real reason you're so upset. Because you'll never be a Chad like him.


I'll never be a piece of shit from Chad like him?

Yeah, thank God.

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Niggers can't be Chads, they are not humans, and chadness is a human only thing. Niggers are just baboons and that girl must have severe neurological damage to date an inferior species such as that garbage.

Based, niggers are disgusting apes, but they can do some good things, from time to time.

nah you can have em. you are doin us a favor., THANKS!

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Did you make this, or one of your classmates?
¿Tú o uno de tus compañeros de clase hicieron esto?

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The poor white man is the new nigger. Russian shit post wants you to focus on anti-black sentiment. But who is taking your jobs? Why are you in your mom's basement?

Rich motherfuckers.

Ignore race bait. Ignore sex bait. Fight the rich,

“Nigga Love” shirt?


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