Official Star Wars Celebration Tread

previous It's the 40th anniversary of your favorite franchise.

Who are these geezers?


>of your favorite franchise.

Not anymore.

Krennic reporting in.

Fuck This Bitch she ruin Star Wars with SJW propaganda

Who is this old guy, I want to see Rian Johnson

i'm crying atm


Can I just say I am so happy we have Kathleen as our president? She knows exactly what to do, she has a clear direction for the franchise, a direction which I am fully behind. In her caring hands the universe is flourishing.
Thank you George for selling you've save the franchise you almost destroyed delusional old man.

What did they cover so far? Any TLJ footage? Did Hayden die of a heart attack? Any funny moments?

lmao triggered

>carrie was 1 in a billion
>there's still 6 carrie fishers

The stream keeps cutting out and glitching up on me I can't be the only one

my stream is cutting out. is anyone elsees?

>tfw you out grew star wars but you desperatly watch the convention hoping to feel a last spark of interest for the next episodes of the star wars franchise



Wew lads

it's live on youtube, on the star wars channel

Do us all a favor George and deck that sellout SJW bitch

Nothing. No. No. Senile old men reminiscing.

Same, and I have it down to 480p

same her lads

It keeps lagging for me as well

>accusing her of SJW
>doesn't know that George is married to a black woman
>doesn't know George donates to diversity programs

it's completely down for me.

just you man

Shit stream.

I refresh the page and it just goes back to the beginning of her speech

stream just shit he bed

fuckign shit stream ree



Right at "My mom used to say she never knew..."

youtube player on the site seems to keep up. only streams that rely on url fetching (kodi apps etc) cut out

Since the stream is down, predict the RT score.

>qt finally appears
>Stream dies



>presented by verizon
>stream keeps shitting itself

i thought this bad stream was only here

doesn't realize George cares more about the mythology/story than diversity/inclusion bullshit

George knew when to keep it out of the films. Kathleen betrayed George, convinced him to sell so she could take over and has ruined the franchise as a result. it exists only to pander and make money. star wars is dead.

this, go on the starwarsdatcom site lads

the power of virgins

>stream cut out her entire speech
fuck you, Vader

>71 thousand to 25 thousand
views in about a minute

Star Wars is DEAD

Seems to be working now

Kylo looks like he might have a fonzie wig on his helmet from the way this is cropped.

seems to be working on

70 thousand is where it shits the bed

Going through schedule, literally the only panels worth watching will be Last Jedi tomorrow and Rebels on Saturday, don't bother today.

Young Carrie was a semen demon. RIP

>Vader's heavy breathing when Leia kissed Luke

those will be fucking awful as well.

only good thing was bringing back George and Hayden. best thing disney has done since the takeover.

>George and Hayden
>not Ian

>Kathleen betrayed George
hahahahhaa what Sup Forums bullshit is this. Most bad things about star wars was George's idea. Kathleen has produced some of the best films of the Amblin era and George hand picked her.


>he doesn't remember that Carrie Fisher died

>muh strong womyn character
>muh star wars is for girls
Are they going to do this every year?

Only good thing will be the trailer, but that will be dropped on YouTube anyways

Maybe, are you gonna cry about it?

>Forgetting the Sheev Show

stream's about as stable as her heart on christmas morning


keep sucking the disney dick cuck

>Princess Leia's theme

fuck man

sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, too early

literally the only panel worth watching.

Scheduled for later

>23.00-00.30: LBGTQ+ in the Galaxy Far, Far Away

>Will we see the first major gay characters in The Last Jedi? JJ Abrams already confirmed their existence and many (including actor Oscaar Isaacs) have admitted there may be more to the The Finn and Poe bromance.


t. girl who's first star wars movie was TFA
t. girl who only likes TFA


me right now

Kathleen has saved the franchise. Star wars is not for white men anymore. get over it.

I wasn't expecting these feels, anons

>all these assholes with their phones out

it's not like you're there live or anything

>le disney boogieman

whatever you gotta do to uphold your bullshit fantasy, man.

>TLJ is said to be a """fun""" movie
>lead female character
>diversity casting
>Carrie Fisher is dead
It's impossible that it'll be bellow 90%

>my boi Star Wars Explained and his hot wife didn't get their own panel
>but there is a LGBTQ panel
fuck this gay shit

>he didn't watch Red Tails

>second movie

>b-but this can't be true lucas is a based racist like me

When is the trailer ??

>no trailer today
why watching this yeah?

I'm crying like a faggot, anons

Some random bearded guy is orchestrating

John Williams must be rolling in his grave...

Lmao how cucked is John Boyega right now?

>get cast in big lead role
>people hype you up
>your role is lackluster af
>overshadowed completely by kylo, Rey and bb8
>only contribution is acting sassy with han solo on nu-death star
>han solo film is announced
>donald glover is cast
>your newfound black tokenism is taken away
>no one gives af anymore
>now you're reduced to starring in gay fanfic for tumblrinas that will no doubt affect your career
>after all of this is over you'll be starring in lame ass netflix exclusives like you are now

Indict him into the JUST League already.

gee thanks Verizon

I've always wanted to know what the Star Wars score sounded like with frequent gaps and stoppages.

I wanna see this one

Ian McDiarmid: Tales from the Dark Side
April 13, 2017, 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM, Celebration Stage - Chapin Theater, 3rd Floor

Thanks bros, would have missed this. What have I missed, except half a laggy Leia orchestral?

>what is Star Wars about
>muh stronk female characters
>muh characters of color
>muh ebil white men

all the "explained" channels are shit tier, pure headcannonery with no basis in reality, revolting

Fuck that twat. Kathleen is the worse thing to happen to SW.

Episode 8 panel tomorrow?
No teaser/trailer today? ;_;

>Implying Empire wasn't fun

don't bother. it's just 2 hours of him spiral jumping.

It's not about the experience, it's about making sure everyone else knows you experienced it

Is Hayden coming back or is he done for Celebration? Because that was fucking disappointing.

Where are the big announcements the kennedy woman said would be made today?

Force awakens - female main character and black boyfriend
Rogue one - female main character
Forces of destiny - entire female only focused show
Battlefront 2 - Finally added an actual campaign wait.. female main character!

Star Wars is fucking dead.

>sponsored by verizon
>shit stream