Something we can all agree on

Something we can all agree on...

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What's it like to be wrong?

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whats it like to be claiming something just to a) make an unspecified group of people feel insulted or b) feel like you fit in with a group of internet weirdos?
you already feel the rush of an argument? i like being your strawman as long as you buy me dinner afterwards ;)

>implying trans faggots aren't suicidal, fucked up mentally ill pieces of shit.

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i like surf and turf

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alright its a deal then
want me to call you a fash next or maybe an incel? this is your thread, i want this to be a comfortable experience for you

People that have no interest in you still upset you this much ? You’re the mentally ill one. Get a life Ivan..

Uh oh we triggered a tranny

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youre gonna have to make it a dessert too man

I agree. If men want to LARP as women, I'm all for it, but they shouldn't expect others to play along.

>literally trapped in my thread
Keep denying your mental illness

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more like literally the only reason your thread is alive
you should be sucking my dick or somethin

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Stop telling them the truth, user... you'll hurt their little queer feelings.

>can't leave
Go on...

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Proper title being
>Hardly male to Hardly different.

Who cares lol

i... i can leave! i... just dont want to! its cozy here

I agree with you. I find them hot tho, the one's that keep their dicks at least, the one's that amputate it are totally batshit crazy.

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I laughed

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have you tried not being wrong OP

Everyone already knows this, even those who deny it.


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I have a question! What’s it like to be in denial? Do you support degenerate filth, or so you label it as something different so you can sleep at night? I’m legitimately curious.


I haven’t seen a “beautiful” picture of any trans-faggot yet. It’s images like these that remove all doubt as to why. I hate gays and all other sexual degenerates for that matter, but I can’t fucking stand filthy trans. I would gladly give them the rope.

To be fair, it takes a fucking headcase to have your dick butchered & turned inside out just so you can satisfy your transvestite fetish.

>Link Related - Surgical procedure turning a cock into a fake pussy.

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If that was all you wanted to say, you should shut the fuck up. Rather let people think you're and idiot than proving it.

I think we can also agree that if faggots just stop being gay then a lot of problems would work themselves out. They wouldn't need to complain so much if they were to just be normal.

faggot ass trannie detected

Nice balls nigga

Your trans-phobic piece of shit! It's because of bigots like you that trans people kill themselves. I reported your post! Die, Trumper Neo-Nazi motherfucker!

use the rope, it will solve all your problems

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>Join them
Yo bro, should join that 70% who make that permanent trip

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>"because of bigots like you that trans people kill themselves"

so true

I smoke crack it makes me deranged.

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uh yeah. We all know this. Thats why HRT is a medication option that most live normal happy lives on.

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But why would they kill themselves when they could just be straight and normal?

>implying there are no personal beliefs
>implying that social structures look favorably on attention seeking cries for help
>implying that this isn't the majority belief
>implying that the stigma is solely the correlation to the above average suicide rate
>implying anything but over affectionate, dislodged, and zealot like infatuation is a negative.
It's not that you don't have points, it's just that they're stupid as fuck. Look into killing yourself soon because I'm sure the sheer amount of crippling anxiety brought on by immense depression is eating alive the otherwise normal parents, who just wanted you to not butcher your body.

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As it ever accrue to you that them being trans and whatever sexual interest they happen to be is normal for them? And that being hateful to them is actually abnormal enough to force them into extreme places in their life where they want to commit suicide?

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No. Normal is normal. Being gay or hacking up your genitals to try to pretend to be the other gender is not normal. So they should just be normal and they won't have as many problems.
For example, I am a man and I have relationships with women. Getting married is very easy for me. So would be getting the cake for the wedding.
See how many problems would become non-issues if they just chose to be straight and normal?

even if it was, it seems like the only people who care are the ones against it. Who cares what other people do as long as they aren't hurting anyone?

Not the same guy but free speech bitch. They kill themselves because they are fucking over sensitive.
Also, excellent bait, you got me.

Having any sexual preference is fine, when you try to pretend something you are not and the only way to satisfy your delusion is using technology that was invented only some decades ago, that's when it's hurtful especially for the person undergoing the procedure.
I never said anything about who should die or whatever the fuck, this is my opinion and I have a right to say it without it being censored you massive sensitive faggot.

Neither did this guy.

It is impossible to choose to be straight.
I agree with you that it is possible to accept ones true gender, Wich is defined by chromosomes and genitalia in 99.99% of the time. Nice b8 tho. Also free speech ftw.

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It's settled science, bigot. SETTLED.

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Would you call it mental illness if I wanted two robot arms like Jax from Mortal Kombat?

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No, I am quite certain that being gay or straight is a choice. Why else would there always be so many threads suggesting that normal people try having a gay experience? Or asking normal people to share their gay encounters? Afterall, if someone is normal and has a gay experience, then it is obviously a choice.

Can it be my fault too, please?

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More proof of the failure of public education. These poor kids cannot even correctly identify male and female biological functions. Genuinely sad.

>normal people try having a gay experience?
People who go through with it were never straight, they were at least bisexual. And despite what this site might make you think, they are still a minority

>if someone is normal and has a gay experience, then it is obviously a choice
In the process of discovering sexuality many things can happen, especially in teenage years. But ultimately people are either bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual or asexual. With a variety of aquired fetishes.

I don't want to come off pissy like the other replies, but at no point in history has an oppressed group had such a high suicide rate. Like, no matter how bad shit got during slavery, or during the fucking Holocaust even, the suicide rate was never near the mid 40 percents. Body dysmorphia is by all accounts a mental illness. The argument that it's society's fault for the rate being that high is just laughably wrong

The fucked up thing is that when people say “trans is a mental illness,” they don’t mean “we should treat them with care, compassion, and the best treatment available.” What they really mean is “we should be able to treat them as mental inferiors and bully them.”

Its fucking despicable. This is how America treats people with mental illness - they think we should be able to bully them.

Yes, Gender Dysphoria is listed in the DSMV, making it officially a mental illness. Lots of studies have been conducted on the best ways to reduce suicide. Most of those studies have found that transitioning with hormones/surgery is the most effective treatment - it does more than anything else in reducing suicide. We’ve tried psychotherapy and appropriate psychiatric medications and they only increased suicide rates.

So yes, it’s a mental illness, and we treat it like one - with care, compassion, and the treatments found by scientific research to result in the best outcomes.

But that’s not what you wanted to hear, is it?

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If it was completely unnecessary and not just to replace a damaged arm, I'd say yes. Also we are very far from having functional arms that are just not the same as normal arms. Giving them no reason to replace unless you original arm was damaged.
Same thing with trans surgeries with all the dilation and errors

So do I. I was trying to get one to fuck my ass but to be honest I was probably going to get real mad after and beat it to death so maybe it's for the best that it put the brakes on. I still need someone to fuck my ass though.

Yes, all choices, just as I said. So just choose to be normal and their lives would be easier.

It actually is recognized by the medical community as a mental disorder. That's why they treat it with medication, and phsyical transitioning.

Too bad that doesn't fix the suicide rates though so they need to find another way to treat it

You completely missed the point ya dingus.

As for the stupid fucking “cut off your arm” analogy, listen the fuck up.

Let’s pretend there was a mental disorder called “right arm dysphoria.” This makes people hate their right arm. In fact, 80% of people with RAD will cut try to cut off their right arm by age 30. Of these, almost half die. This means that a man with RAD has a 40% chance of dying before 30.

We tried all the meds and therapy, but none of it worked - in fact, most of these treatments INCREASED the chances of a deadly “home amputation.”

However, when a surgeon simply amputated the arm safely, the patient seemed to do perfectly well, though there is a 25% chance of developing “Left Arm Dysphoria” and cutting off the other arm.

This means that by cutting off the arm, you’re saving lives. If this disease with these numbers we real, then YES, this is what the medical community would do.

It does decrease suicide rates, though not by much. It’s done because nothing else known to medical knowledge decreases suicide rates - everything else does nothing of increases the chance.

Nah I'd rather have less mentally ill people everywhere.

I agree. I also think anyone with a BMI over 26 should be executed in public for the crime of lardassery. Also, everyone over 70 should be smothered because of the risk of dementia and the burden they’ll become to society.

Actually, fuck it - medicine in general should be illegal - it encourages weakness. If you need a doctor, you’re weak and should be ground to food to feed the strong.

Hmmm, no. Quite sure that you're wrong. Try not over thinking things, you're just confusing yourself and having a difficult time following along. It's silly watching your clumsy ideas trip all over the place.
Just be normal. See? Simple.

BMI means shit if you have muscle. But obese people, yes. Feed them to the homeless.

Fuck no, that's fucking badass

But ONLY should be allowed to have robot arms

Cool, so we're on the same page when it comes to no publicly funded healthcare. This is great! What other common ground can we find!?
Hell, if we keep going at this rate we're gonna be closer friends than faggots and Muslims that want to throw faggots off of rooftops.

Let me ask you this. Are you straight? Do you think you can make yourself like another person of the same sex? Then you never were straight to begin with.

Thats against nature in all levels.
Imagine if we have (pure presumption) in nature : Trans-Mountaon lions, Non-binary brown bear, Demiurge Dolphins....a sight of hell....

You seem to be not very good at following a conversation. Should I use smaller words so you can follow along? I already said that I am straight. This is why my life is easier. Gays should choose to be straight as well so their lives would be easier. I'm trying to help here.




You didn't answer my other question. Basically what I'm asking you is, do you think you can make yourself be gay or bisexual? If yes then you are not and never was straight. If no you just proved my point, you can't choose your sexual preference.
You seem to be the one that can't follow a conversation.

If you are a guy and dont dress like a girl, its fine.


As indicated, I'm normal. So I would not choose to be otherwise.
If it were not a choice, then gay people would not suggest to normal people that they try being gay. But they know it is a choice so they try to convince normal people to try being gay.

You're an idiot if you think this pic is real lol

Haha he is the literal faggot who tried to host the pedo swim party. How has he not been shot yet?

>As indicated, I'm normal. So I would not choose to be otherwise.
Ok, so you are straight, and therefore not gay, and no circumstances will make you gay, so you can't choose to be gay.

>If it were not a choice, then gay people would not suggest to normal people that they try being gay. But they know it is a choice so they try to convince normal people to try being gay.
I already invalidated this argument. People can't choose to be gay, the ones that "do" were gay all along and now accepted it , or were bisexual, Wich are not that many.


Here's an easy way to look at it. Sex change op? Trans, no sex change op? CD/sissy/trap

Trans means you transitioned already and the only way to truly transition into a woman is hormones and a vaginoplasty.

I know this is that bait shit but truth be spoken in this post.

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You invalidated nothing. You made an assertion. An incorrect one at that since the premise would work both ways. You are simply trying to assert that gay somehow overrides normal while choosing to ignore the choice factor that had been at play all along. You don't get to do that here, not without me getting to employ the same tactic.
So, choose to be normal because having been gay and then trying out a straight experience means they were never gay in the first place.
Care to try again?

The mentally ill are all around us. It's really not a big deal unless it puts them at the end of a rope or in prison. Robin Williams was mentally ill, it killed him. A good friend of mine is schizophrenic, and it's mostly just really annoying for him.

The mentally ill just have to find a way to get by, for trans people that just means that they transitioned.

Why make a miserable man out of a perfectly happy woman? Or vise versa

Ugh. The planet is overpopulated anyways. Let the transgender people kill themselves, stop resuscitating junkies that overdose and as someone else said, feed the obese people to the homeless. Bam. Multiple problems fucking solved.

Amen. Kill all transsexuals.

Except that homosexuality is learned, not genetic.

It may not be your fault you're a faggot...but it's not born into you, either.

Well the scientific community disagrees with you so there's that.

You may as well be claiming that the moon is made of cheese, friend

Ok so we should treat them with therapy and drugs like other mental illnesses? They tried that with faggot conversion therapy and now it’s outlawed.

you think homosexuals enjoy being shunned by their families, friends and society along with enduring higher levels of violence than the general public? eat shit.

Lol. Imagine thinking sexual preference is genetic and not a learned behaviour. Completely retarded