The Handmaid's Tale

>based Peggy Olsen
>Rory Gilmore
>that blond chick from Chuck
>based Patty from The Leftovers
>Ralph Fiennes is ok as well I guess

are we hype?

>The Handmaid's Tale (1990)
>Script by Harold Pinter
>Robert Duvall
>Fay Dunaway
>Natasha Richardson

>dude lmao old white christian men are evil amirite
>feminism rules

How reddit can you possibly get?


>This is what Trump actually wants to do and thats a fact. RESIST!

Only he doesn't. I saw a supercut the other day of Hilary spending 30 years denouncing gay marriage and a very young Donald Trump saying he didn't have a problem with it.

Yet its still Donald that is going to open the death camps.

Trump is an arse but not that kind of arse.

Could be good. I wonder how faithful to the book they'll stay, though. Could be a SJW shitstorm.

None of them will have actually read the book though I suspect.
TFW they discover all the villains are women.

>we suspended the constitution because of terrorists
>women are property of the government now
>read your bible and have children or we'll beat and kill you

Looks like a circlejerk for alarmists on the left. Why do people love so much to imagine dystopias created by cartoon versions of their political opponents?

>the book itself
>not a sjw shitstorm

How can something be reddit if it existed before that shithole came to be? I read this book a decade ago in high school and it had very little feminism in it, other than the work itself being a response to the backlash feminism got in its heyday.

I liked that the former televangelist wife of the guy was living what she preached, and hates it. And it can be said the book is (post apocalyptic) scifi, so I liked it in general.

You ironic, memeing, bandwagoning neocons should try getting that prude stick up your asses and realize that organized religion is all about control and restricting freedom, and that liberal ideology isn't all just SJWs and MUH FEELINGS faggots. Fucking shortsighted teens, can't look past 6 fucking years. I remember the days before youtube.

Racist bigot, don't you realize that this is LITERALLY what the Christian right in American (aka AMERICAN TALIBAN) are trying to accomplish? Wake up

>>dude lmao old white christian men are evil amirite

Actually, you discover it's the Wives aka white women in power that are true devils. I loved the irony in how they got EXACTLY what they championed for only to end up hating to live in such a society.

>being this reddit

is this the sequel to Knight's Tale?

I always wondered why leftists compare their domestic enemies to the Taliban and then demand the actual Taliban be given citizenship

Never read the book, but I just perused the wikipedia page and didn't see anything in the plot about the women being the villains. What am I missing?

You realize that there's real world examples of theocracies that fuck over people/freedoms/rights today, right? Fucking mudslime countries exist, and some of them fuck over women ceaselessly.

And culture-wise, this shit also persists worldwide. I'm mexican and a lot of people still stick to traditional shit, as in the woman stays home and raises the kids while the guy goes out to work. It's worse than it sounds, as (according to these people) women can't go out unless it's to the store or to go for the kids or with the man. It's catholic-based, from what I learned.

Hell, abrahamic religions have fucked over people since their inception. It was against the law to be gay up until recently, couldn't abort or divorce, and non-christian religions and atheism was despised by the majority of religious people (in the US) until recently. And by recently I mean 5 decades ago, christianity has fucked over people for 2 thousand years now.

>current theocracies


>both bretty gud places

>It was against the law to be gay up until recently, couldn't abort or divorce, and non-christian religions and atheism was despised

wtf i love theocracy now

Basically people have roles. Those who don't fit into these roles, fail in their roles, or break the law are sent to work camps cleaning up radioactive sewage until they die. So people grudgingly do their jobs, fearful of being sent to the camps. Those that revel in their jobs are assholes, and those usually happen to be women. The trainers of the handmaids are known as Marthas (iirc), and they are basically catholic school nuns times a thousand. They abuse them and try to break them so that they know their place in society. There is also the wives of the men in positions of power, who mistreat the handmaids and despise them (they're infertile and the handmaids are surrogates, who get inseminated while the wives are present).

And the whole thing is a theocracy that took hold after a nuclear exchange or conflict, iirc. I also seem to recall that it's a response to the conservative hostility against feminism when the book was written. I see nothing wrong with that, as then feminism was actually needed, and it was nothing like these SJW faggots.

You're talking to a liberal atheist. I grew up in Catholic schools and think Abrahamic religion is a scourge.

But America is not a theocracy, nor are we in any serious danger of becoming one. If someone says otherwise, they're either a shrill conspiracy theorist or they're selling something.

I love how men basically go through everything mechanically and find no pleasure because, after all, they're just fucking these women to produce more children. It's not a great society for them either and certainly not for majority that cannot by law have a wife or be in a relationship because women are such a commodity. Needless to say, gays are also dealt with.

KEK what a dumb teenager. If you were under a religious theocracy you would be limited to what the laws allowed you to do, and they would be way more restrictive than they are now. This means no alcohol, pop music (and this means practically 99.9% of music is banned), you can be penalized for religious reasons (like you banged outside marriage), your female relatives and spouse have less rights, etc. You edgy fucks latch on to anything you think sounds good, but have no experience with. If half the shit Sup Forums wished happened came true, most of them would be killed or exiled or jailed. I was Jehovah's Witness for a while 15 years ago and trust me, religion isn't something to want to be bound by.

I have a boner for freedom and expanding rights, and dystopias like these remind me that shit can be worse so we must work towards not letting shit like that come about.

But JW is no fun allowed whereas Catholics and Shias are based

That aint ralph thats his brother Joseph

That makes a disgusting kind of sense. I grew up Catholic and nobody in those communities as as nasty and hateful as the older women: the nuns and the moms.

You're high. The Catholic Church only puts on a decent face because they know they can't get away with their old bullshit in the West anymore. If they had real power, it would be the same.

It's one of my favorite books, so yes I'm hyped. No Hulu sub though. Suppose I'll have to pirate even though I don't like to.

We're talking about the book here, and the author took real-world concepts and bad shit that was done and put them in a scifi fictional narrative to entertain people. The question isn't whether the US, as it is right this moment, is under danger of being put under religious control. If anything, when the book was written, things were politically shit (or were turning shit) for women. IIRC, around that time you had a turn to conservative shit in the US (Reagan years, and he wasn't liberal at all) and government takeovers in the middle east, along with economic downturns. It wasn't such a far-reaching idea to think a theocracy could happen in the US. Mad Max was made around the same time so sentiments like that were common.

>le ebin feminist power fantasy

ill pass thx

Mudslimes are mudslimes, though the middle east was turning more progressive until the religious takeover. But catholicism is restrictive as fuck, true catholics are similar to the religious mother of Carrie from that stephen king book. I'd rather choose to be jewish than catholic, I was raised catholic until my brother died and my ma went to Jehovah's Witness for a couple of years. Catholics are some of the most ignorant people around, both religious-wise and knowledge-wise, it's just that they follow traditions and dogma to the letter.

holy shit i'm fucking sold

I could watch it, because I survived Top of the Lake (also starring the scientology witch) which is probably one of the most feminist and anti-men shows I've ever seen, but, no, I'm sorry. Maybe if it was shorter, but it's probably 13 episodes. That's too much. I honestly don't know why the fuck would Sup Forums watch, unless they were a fucking female.

>We're talking about the book here

Except we're not. We're talking about a tv show which is coming out in the near future, not 35 years ago.

>people think this is in any way pro-feminist

Unless they change it from the source material it really isn't. If anything it's a cautionary tale.

some of us are just going by the trailer man

if they pull a switcheroo and do something interesting, then good on them

in this day and age? that's exactly what they're going to do. you can also bet it won't be a retrospective story like it is in the book.

>dat feel when this was just among the first waves of the society and it got even worse as time went on and previous leaders go purged

Are you demented or just dishonest? The source material is avowedly feminist, it's author is a TERF radfem.

That show also had some other things going on. This just looks so on the nose, I don't know how anyone could stomach it.

>Peggy Olsen

>TERF radfem

Source? She is definitely a feminist, but as far as I can tell she's the pre-insanity old-school type.

The book is so fucking bad. I did it in high school, holy shit it's garbage. This will be equally shit.

>pre-insanity old-school type

Unless she's a suffragette, she's not 'pre-insanity'. The cancer was firmly set in by the 2nd wave.

So you're saying you don't have any source?

You thought the feminist propaganda was bad before, now they're starting to adapt actual man hating radical feminist books.

You'll be shocked at how subtle the "all men are stupid and lazy, all women are smart go-getting achievers" thing from daytime comedy was in comparison to this.

The breeder women storyline from Fury Road is like a gateway into this world of feminist plotlines. Kids/pregnancy are bad, men are war seeking brutes who enslave women, rape is the way of their society..

These are the values society is going to promote for the next decade, alongside "fun" shows like Jazz the underage tranny finding out the hormones gave her a babydick they can't turn inside out into a "vagina".

But remember, there's no agenda.
You're a fool and a nazi for suggesting it.

>Needless to say, gays are also dealt with.

that only makes sense from a ideological point of view. From a 'it just werls' POV you'd maybe want to encourage homosexuality since most men can't mate with a woman, like they did in The Forever War to control population.

looks good but also like a tough watch. will probably check it out at some point.

also, here's your friendly reminder that HBO pulled the plug on Darren Aronofsky's adapation of Atwood's MADDADDAM novels.

>like they did in The Forever War to control population
the forced homosexuality on The Forever War still stands as the hardest I ever laughed reading a book. when the protag returns to earth and finds out his mom has been forced into lesbianism. Ridley Scott wanted to make this a couple years back. He'd probably have ruined it.


thank fuck for that

cronenberg should do it

It makes sense in-universe because women can be given as rewards to loyal people.

>pre-insanity old-school type

All feminists are bad, don't fall for the "only 3rd-wave types are crazy" memes

It's not a meme user. The most basic premise of feminism - that women should have equal dignity and agency to men - is fine. It's where you go from there that makes you crazy or not.

cronenberg is old as shit and stopped being interested in genre filmmaking decades ago.

>that women should have equal dignity and agency to men

That's just a default element of 'Western Values' now. It's the baseline. Anyone who identifies themselves as a feminist ergo believes something in excess of that principle.

>no alcohol
>no pop music
>no infidelity
I don't see a problem. These are all degenerate.

That does not follow at all. It's still feminism regardless of how common a belief it is.

>as then feminism was actually needed
It literally wasn't.

>and it was nothing like these SJW faggots.
They were terrorists in every sense of the word.

YFW delusional feminists actually think this is a plausible future.

The only way this would happen is if men stopped making hard choices and let women rule the world.

I liked the book but I think while the old adaptation is too cheesy, this one looks cringeworthy and too in your face.