How the hell do these shitty animated films keep getting funded? You know just the ones

How the hell do these shitty animated films keep getting funded? You know just the ones.

tell me what you didn't like about it


>worldwide Box office $217 million and not finished yet

I dont think you're cut out for the business world user.

Because people have children, children are morons, and these morons demand to see boss baby or something and scream and shout until their exasperated parents take them

Because most people don't know how to parent properly so they just set their kids down in front of a shitty movie while they play candy crush saga

yiur a moron binch

>Studio needs miney
>Make dumb shit
>Market to kids
>Kids are dumb
>Kids watch with parents
>2 tickets for kid (one for kid, one for parent)
>Studio makes much money

Eurobait. They laugh at anything, they still think the Benny Hill theme is funny.

>release capeshit
>one person buys one ticket
>release animated baby movie
>one person buys four tickets for entire family

they make shitloads of money Sherlock

what does Trump have to do with this?

>Movie is about baby boss
>Trump is a boss
>Trump is a baby
>Movie is about Trump


Boss Baby is the hero of the movie

Further proving my point

Isn't Boss Baby a bad example for this? I heard it's actually supposed to be pretty clever and for all age groups unlike shit like Smurves or Alvin and the Chipmunks.

At least the cast is white

Im watching this shit as we speak on kodi with my kid.

Serious question did someone hear Baldwin doing his boss role on 30 Rock and make this film based on that.

it's fun and has a lot of interesting stuff visually because the "real life" stuff is combined with the little kid's imagination and interpretation of what's going on but the moral of the story is that the family unit is important (the family is all white) the blonde green eyed baby is the hero and also a bit at the baby factory implies there can only be either male or female babies so maybe they it shit reviews because of the "traditional values"

i'm a manager at a cinema, most parents just buy tickets for their kids, shove them in the theater and gtfo to have 2 hours of quiet

Because the target demographic isn't 20yo neckbeards on Sup Forums who are too smart for it. It's 8 year olds who've never seen a talking baby before and think it's funny.

this was great and refreshing seeing no gays or minorities propaganda etc