so i called this the best super-hero movie oat, and then saw trailers that said so too. is it too much of a stretch to think the x-men film people are on Sup Forums?
So i called this the best super-hero movie oat, and then saw trailers that said so too...
>so i called this the best super-hero movie oat, and then saw trailers that said so too. is it too much of a stretch to think the x-men film people are on Sup Forums?
Not everyone speaks ebonics you baboon
>can't decipher oat as of all time
OP's a fag but you're an even bigger one.
oat = of all time
let no retard claim ignorance as an excuse
Post Dafne
I was more refering to this 'sentence' if you can call it one
>is it too much of a stretch to think the x-men film people are on Sup Forums?
Yes user, they trailers are directly quoting you by advertising their movie as best of all time.
rly? u've made me so happy...
>is it too much of a stretch to think the x-men film people are on Sup Forums?
what did OP mean by this
hello, OP
OP here, only the first one.
idk why it's so hard to understand. Does anyone else think the people who make the x-men films go on Sup Forums...and if they do, am i where they got the line from?
>am i where they got the line from?
>the line "best superhero movie of all time"
1. Learn English
2. Lurk moar
so cute~
You need to be 18 to post here.
>OMG White people are so evil and are using the poor innocent brown people for their world domination!
>we must get all the brown children to Canada because America is so mean and evil for Mexicans because of Trump and the wall!
>brown immigrants are great and white people are evil, ok
>we'll even put a hardworking black farmer family in the movie to drive that point home!
This movie is a pile of trash and anyone who actually thinks its anything other than kike propaganda is a moron and should kill themselves immediately.
Hey OP,
I know it can seem unusual when you recognize something you may have said before. However the phrase greatest of all time is not very uncommon and it is very likely the company who made the trailer thought of it on their own. As far as if they visit Sup Forums, it's anyone's guess
Sincerely hope you understand
there's also op encountering trailers that offer opinions, and what's more, echo his own opinions back at him. which is why it is not a stretch to think the x-men film people are on Sup Forums.
ITT: OP hella oat of all time stylin on mad jealous non-film people who can't Sup Forums
OP trolled everyone pretty good here.
The sentence and meaning is so stupid it didn't even make sense when read by a normal human brain.
Oh thanks for clearing that up dude. I don't think anyone could have guessed
reverse-trolled. damn dude get awol of youreself
>this thread
He is talking mad niggerish.