Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Gal Gadot
I like muscle girls but thats just to much for me desu.
I like both of those and want to cum on them and in them.
>tfw ywn cum on a muscle girls perfect abs
Who is this gains goblin?
rip siren
idris elba
So am I supposed to know who this is or something?
>doesn't know who Siren is
Sophie a cute!
>Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
A man.
giv muscle gf
haha what if she choked you from behind and jerked you really hard hahah
t. low test
haha what if she gave you a bicepjob or something ahah
>pecs overtaking titties
>every time
>tfw all these FBBs are always shaved and waxed
haha thats so wierd man your crazy haha
Idris elba
Shelley was pure.
>Shelley Beattie thought she should write a book. She had a powerful story to tell.
>About being abused while in foster care. About pumping iron so no man would ever hurt her again. About her professional bodybuilding career. About the drug use within that culture. About reaching the top three in Ms. Olympia and Ms. International competitions. About becoming a TV celebrity on "American Gladiator."
>About growing up deaf, realizing she was gay, and struggling with bipolar disorder.
>For Shelley, being deaf was never that much of a disability. She read lips so well and spoke so clearly most people didn't realize she was deaf. She used to say, "The only thing I can't do is hear."
>Shelley was a sweetly naive spirit who liked to please. Sun poured out of her. That's the way most people saw her.
>She didn't like to let the other side show. She didn't open the windows. Being deaf was a good place to hide. That was her struggle with bipolar disorder.
Cindy's smile is a miracle of the universe!
I didn't know she was deaf.
Yes, and?
The thing that ruins a muscle girl for me is when they're shredded. I like muscle on a girl but I need a little softness too.
>not posting the webm
haha I want to put my penis between her pecs hahah
I didn't come here for feels.
It truly is.
this is some oscar bait
No actress would bulk to even half as big as Shelley even if it was the role of a lifetime