I hadn't heard about this movie until netflix started the dear white people tv show and i just got done watching it. It does a great job at showing both sides of the story and holding very little bias. I really expected tons of far left pandering but it really was none of that.
I hadn't heard about this movie until netflix started the dear white people tv show and i just got done watching it...
Agreed, I liked it too.
so how is the show?`is it just as good?
Don't know. Is it even out yet? I don't think it would be worth getting netflix over hulu for me. But i expect so little and got a lot. Really covered so much.
Alright OP. I'm going to give it a try. You better not be lying about this not being pandering.
I'm not. A literal Sup Forumsack said i should watch the movie and its okay. Again, if you go in expecting nothing you'll enjoy it more. But its worth giving it a chance.
I watched the movie and while it's obviously not BLM the movie I still thought it was extremely weak. It's not sjw levels of biased but it's not the objective voice on the matter we all look for
The shills are real.
The title is racist. Something truly unbiased would have been called Dear Races/People or something to that effect.
I could only imagine the outrage and rioting if a film named Dear Black People with a similar subject matter was released.
If racism is bad, ban all forms of it.
I won't watch this.
How could there ever be an "objective voice" on issues that are purely emotional?
>If racism is bad, ban all forms of it.
You can't "ban" an idea or a thought process. Is that really what you want?
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
more like gook amirite
All of these posts are from Netflix shills
but i said its not worth getting netflix over hulu for it right here
>I hadn't heard about this movie until netflix started the dear white people tv show
That's because you're a newfie
And by newfie I mean a newfag
And that means you should leave
The solution for shilling is piracy. Look into it, mate.
more like gook amirite
Fuckin got em bro!
You're wrong, I'm not Vietnamese.