"We live in a racist country."
— Massa Gregg Popovich
"We live in a racist country."
— Massa Gregg Popovich
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>this triggers the amerimutt
0 rings without Duncan
You do, though.
Everyone does desu
What would be non racist america?
Stay mad
racism wont be gone from america until all white people are gone from america
>A 2011 poll shows that 66% of Finnish respondents considered Finland to be a racist country
you do also
white = racist
>Racist country
>Africa has the most slaves currently than in any point in history.
tells black people how high to jump
if only there were a league where african americans could prove their athletic prowess.
Didn't say I don't. Finland is the most racist Northern European country.
that's not what racist is
Wouldn't it be easier to get rid of all the blacks?
who cares, where did the valuation come from to not be? why is it accepted as something divine ?
ding ding ding
White American men are literally the most evil people on the planet
all white countries are called racist
country is white? racist
country has diversity? still racist
can you explain the Finnish racism against other finns?
B-B-But the NBA is so diverse!
>87% black
>uses a racist remark to mock racists
Brainlet Mehmet, kys.
pop confirmed racist
what a brainlet you re
It's actually 75% black, still raciz as fuck.
Only a brainlet would ignore the point of this image and focus on the word politics
daily reminder that asia is for asians, africa for africans, and europe is for everyone
>coach in the Nigger Bitch Association
>an anti-white cuck
>NBA only 75% black
That is only if you count the slave rape genes in every black player
the point of the image is to associated anyone with a viewpoint you disagree with as neckbeards, which is not an argument
Wow, you weren't kidding
Why are Brits, the Irish and the Norwegians so tolerant and non-racist tho?
>Europe, Asia, and South America are exponentially more racist than the United States
>"B-but America is the racist country, guys."
fucc wypipooo
I like shitstorms and triggered people on both sides of the coin, monkeyboy
Why american focus on racism instead of being grateful for what they have accomplished? Blacks are allowed to do everything that whites do, and if they are a minority in some area in society is either for their disinterest or because American society has been mainly white for most of it's history, and will take some time to integrate everybody.
What he expect white people to do? You can't force people to like each other.
Fuck this guy already. I'm tired of his leftist propaganda. You're a basketball coach, nothing less nothing more.
>serbia the least racist country in Europe
i call bullshit on that
>Europe, Asia, and South America
Ah, yes, those famous countries
Never thought I'd see the day that Sup Forums went from pro-white to anti-white in just a few months.
What happened?
It's true though. You're so obsessed with race, every single one of you.
>Implying minorities won’t treat whites worse than we treated them when they become the majority
I truly hate this country sometimes
>Former Yugoslavia countries
>Not racist
The difference is it's a crime for white people to think about race whereas non-white people are allowed to race bait in public freely without consequence.
American education. That's why you're racist, because you're stupid.
"Finns" are racist against actual Finns, Sami people. Blame Swedish crusaders.
Popovich is so woke. He needs to run for office!!!! No political experience is good if he's on OUR side.
t. low test numale who was bullied by black kids in high school which makes up 90%of this website