master ruser edition
The Expanse
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Just when I thought she couldn't possibly be any worse, she goes and does something like this and totally redeems herself!
>it's a Holden goes full obsessed retard episode
>Its a Naomis attrocious out of place accent and lack of acting skill are distracting me episode
>Its a Bobbie eats all the fucking food episode
>Belter is shorter than an Earther
I know that it is hard to find a lot of tall+skinny actors, but come on.
well Amos is a big guy
>tfw no belter qt
I think he really was going to kill himself, but then changed his mind
The poison he used would only have worked on Martians or Belters.
Turn himself in and face judgement maybe. Kill himself, nah.
>The poison he used would only have worked on Martians or Belters.
I haven't seen the episode yet, but what? How the fuck would that work?
holden was fucking awful last episode and i actually liked him
i wonder what's gonna happen to chrisjen and thicc marine
what gravity do belters live in? i thought it's equal to earth's
Two most boring characters turned based in one episode
the poison is made through some genetic magic to work only on one specific person and doesn't leave traces
I'm not sure where you saw or read that, because that's wrong. He didn't put the poison in the scotch, he already poisoned him 3 hours earlier.
Depends on the station they grew up on. Anywhere from 0.3 to zero G.
The drug he uses can be genecoded to a specific person or against people who take a certain drug (like drugs for withstanding 1g).
>what gravity do belters live in? i thought it's equal to earth's
If they did live in 1g, they wouldn't look like spooky skeletons
Space metabolism
>We spent billions developing this simple enzyme, to debilitate soldiers taking drugs for gravity sickness. Your soldiers. This enzyme can be genetically tailored for one recipient.
Space Magic
Wait nevermind this guy is right.
why when the roci was strolling through the ruins of ganymede station there seemed to be no gravity??
Brutal Holden is more interesting than touchy feely Holden. He does what's right at all costs, even at the expense of those around him.
>even at The Expanse™: Bluray Edition of those around him
Bravo Nolan.
it was hovering with it's thrusters
Ganymede only has 0.146g.
ahh right
fuck, how could i forget that
yea but i feel like alex is still the most intelligent from the whole roci crew and he knows the limits of his ship
i just didn't want to see him get pushed around
and while holden used to make naomi sad sometimes everyone knew he was right though
really, she's such an unsufferable bitch
So, how strong is this girl compared to other martian warships?
Standard issue. Alex is what makes her overpowered.
[autism intensifies]
Just as strong as all other martian corvettes. The pilot is fantastic though.
I still doubt trusters would be enough to keep it floating. 0.146g doesn't sound like a lot but the ship has a lot of mass.
It's "only" a gunship corvette, but it's Martian made, so it's like the equivalent of an Earth destroyer.
kinda funny that an emergency ship seems stronger than everything you could ever encounter in space
I don't mind Holden getting his hands dirty but he was just being stupid and unreasonable when there's a fleet of warships right above their heads. I'd like to see him be decisive without being reckless.
I knew I was right when I chose him to my favorite character.
It wasn't an emergency ship, it was a corvette docked inside a capital ship
wha-...? i may be not native english speaker, but i get that from his explaination that it was a 2-component poison, invented specially so the 2nd component being the drugs martian take. they just changed their mind from using it because of ethics.
He wasn't being that unreasonable.. He wanted to kill that thing at all costs on the off chance it was the last bit of protomolecule in the system. He's still coming to grips with the realization that the Protomolecule can't be contained and that all they are doing is putting out fires. Until he accepts that he will be very willing to sacrifice the Roci, himself, and his crew.
It's not an emergency ship, it's more like a patrol ship with anti-capital ship capabilities. This video covers it pretty well:
>but i get that from his explaination that it was a 2-component poison, invented specially so the 2nd component being the drugs martian take.
It's a very flexible poison, it can either be tailored to specific people or people who take certain drugs, not sure where you took that about the 2nd component.
> they just changed their mind from using it because of ethics.
It was officially banned but they still use it because it's hella useful and untraceable.
who's the other one? Errinwright?
esl here, didn't know how to say it
anyway it's a small ship that belongs to a proper fregate
still it remains uncontested and supposedly can destroy several standalone mcnr ships at once
>still it remains uncontested and supposedly can destroy several standalone mcnr ships at once
Why do you say that? If it's because of Holden's threats to the Martian ships, it's plausible that he would be able to take down several of them if they disregarded their own safety, since the Martian ships were already target locked. They would of course die in the process.
> can destroy several standalone mcnr ships at once
Nuclear torpedoes are a great equalizer. Those ships around Ganymede could PROBABLY have shot down the torpedoes from the Roci, but if they hadn't they would have been badly damaged or destroyed. Wasn't worth the risk.
It'll be overpowered as fuck once it gets a railgun and engine upgrades
It could have also kick-started the shooting war between earth and mars.
>Just steal my water rations already
Isn't that gonna happen anyway because the Martian black ops ship got blown up? You'd think the Martians would have started attacking the moment that happened...
Because those were used so well when they were above Illus
Yeah that was a little weird, maybe they haven't gotten the orders yet from HQ since they didn't know what the fuck the black ops ship was doing there anyways.
It takes nearly 2 hours for a message to bounce from Mars to Ganymede.
Why are they calling their missiles torpedoes though? Kinda makes no sense. And where the fuck Roci get's ordnance for it's guns? It's not like Martian military grade weapons are everywhere on the black market in the belt. Right?
Because space shit is based around the navy. And they use torpedoes instead of missiles.
>Holden announces he is on a stolen martian gunship and that the martian fleet shouldn't fuck with them
>it actually works
Absolute madman
I loved Alex going "oh fuck, not this shit again" when Holden asked to put him through.
how do I get a haircut like Holden? Do I need 6 more parents for that?
fred probably restocked them on tycho
all you need is curly hair and a lot of gel
Thats exactly how I experienced it too!
Space hair-gel
>he doesn't get crazy hair naturally
heh, nothing personnel
Really though, my hair goes up instead of down on its own and I'm surprised so very few people's hair actually do that.
I wouldn't be surprised if everybody in the future had a ton of gel in their hair to keep it from floating everywhere in zero-g.
We don't know how many torpedoes a Martian gunship carries, but they're only used a couple. One to nuke the stealth ship they found that had been taken over by the protomolecule, and one floating around with the proto sample they found that was going to be launched in to the sun. The only thing they've used real quantities of is probably ammo for the PDCs, but again it's a gunship so they probably had plenty of ammo before they left the Donnager.
Through Tycho they can get all the ordinance they need. Fred has connections.
>21 posters
>64 replies
you guys... still not as bad as big brother
The Rocinante caries 14 torpedoes in the books and I'm not sure how much PDC ammo. From memory it's 50.000 rounds but I could be completely wrong there.
No one watches this show, which is a damn shame.
>It's not like Martian military grade weapons are everywhere on the black market in the belt. Right?
That's exactly what they pointed out after tey counted how many ammo they left, they will run out fast if they keep getting into battles.
who's gonna be doing the mods?
I deeply...sincerely...hope you faggots enjoy reading.
I do, though???
Anyone have a .webm of Alex having fun with beer in zero G?
>being this buthurt that someone posted the webs before you could post the pasta
was it autusm?
no, just gluttony
>The pilot is fantastic though.
he said in s2e3 that he couldn't make the maneuvers in ep2, he always faild in the simulation. I was thinking, maybe all the crew got some infection from the protomolecule, and that helped him, amplified his senses or something. Or maybe the Roci got it, even at that time.
bookfags don't spoil
why did she act like that all of sudden?
didn't even thought if the food is safe?
if i saw this without knowing she was a soldier i wouldn't believe
just nah
alex is intelligent and a trained pilot
He pulled those maneuvers off, they got very lucky. If they got infected by the protonmeme they'd be dead.
Maybe she wasn't fed well while they were holding her?
>eating cucumber sandwiches
Ah yes, everyone's first choice when pigging out. FUCKING CUCUMBER SANDWICHES. What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid fuck? There's nothing more revolting on Earth than cucumbers, well except maybe radishes and beetroot.
gotta eat big to get big cmon
Because Martians don't have good food, idiots.
She looks more than well fed though.
>if i saw this without knowing she was a soldier i wouldn't believe
Good thing you knew then huh?
She hasn't eaten for a while obviously. And then she got presented with food, and a food you don't see on Mars at that, so she begun stuffing her mouth like the fatass she is.
cucumber for taste
bread for calories
this show is so damn melodramatic.
yea but that was so out of place and out of character
Be nice. That's just the extra Earth gravity pulling on her.
It was Mao's private ship, it was probably gourmet cucumbers from Whole Foods or some such
I don't think so. It really humanized her for me a lot.
bookfag here, i'm gonna spoil it for you:
you're correct. the protomolecule infected the crew and now they have proto-chlorians in their cells. they're basically all jedis but they just don't know it yet.
You're out of character.
>be mao
>own a big company
>have private ships
>prepare sandwiches with cucumbers
really nigga?
what's with the cucumber hate?
why was this episode so much better than anything else this season holy shit, glad I kept watching