I want Trump to be impeached but I don't think that's going to happen

I want Trump to be impeached but I don't think that's going to happen.
Hypothetically speaking though, what do you think the consequences would be? As in riots, shootings? I don't think those manchildren have the emotional maturity to handle it without literally killing people. What do you think?

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Mike Pence would take office lmao. You think republicans would freak out?

No fucking shit, and yes, yes I do

impeachment does nothing. clinton served out his term after being impeached.

Mike Pence is president and the democrats will literally repeat this process all over again. Making up a new bullshit excuse for impeachment. Not that it matters because it's not gonna happen anyway.

You're still getting a flood of illegal aliens to replace white people, Jews still run the country, and you can still pretend to be against big corp while doing their bidding. Tell me, why is impeaching orange man so important to you?

I need wizard powers
.I don't want to make dounuts or look at them again.Gimme............I think they would be fine " people want owl man.not Orange baby man.but they would be fine /some maybe not the mexicans

It would prevent Trump from getting a second term you massive retard

Every time I read a post with the word Jews I know it's tinfoil-hat level shit

>It would prevent Trump from getting a second term you massive retard
Actually no it wouldn't

Consider yourself disregarded

I'm sorry, are facts upsetting for you, snowflake?

It doesn't take a genius to see that kikes are over-represented in positions of power within the United States, but of course thats just coincidence and they have no special concerns right? Oh btw, keep giving Israel money.

You’re retarded
If Bill Clinton was allowed to run again, he likely would have won. Once impeachment is over, people will forget about it and move on. It’ll have no affect on his re election. People who hate him will hate and people who support will still support

He lied repeatedly and obstructed justice. What he did to get to this point is irrelevant.

Clinton was brought up because he got sucked off in the oval office but the actual reasoning for his impeachment was the fact that he lied through his teeth and obstructed justice. Did his sexual misconduct actually matter? Nope. Did him lying about his inconsequential misconduct matter? Absolutely.

Trump WILL be impeached, sadly.

I want you to understand that I perceive you as being thoroughly insane. You're literally crazy

People who aren't insane aren't just going to become insane because you explained how racist you are

I think you might actually be retarded.

Being impeached bars you from ever running for president again. No second term. Ever. By law.

You're delusional.

You're an idiot. The democrats have been pushing impeachment ever since he got elected and have been trying to find any reason. It is a borderline coup d'etat. They can't win through legitimate. They have zero policy and can't win through actual democratic means so they cheat. Those are the people you want in power? All the faggots are on the left. Of course they don't mind when people play with their asses.

>Facts are racist

Who's insane here? And btw you dodged the original question nigger. The country is still going in the direction you want it, whats your worry nigger?

Dude he could type that entire thing out with voice to text meeting his bait is extremely low effort and you just took it

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>want Trump to be impeached but I don't think that's going to happen.
Of course it's going to happen. The votes are there.

What I assume you mean is that you don't think the Senate will vote to remove him from office after he is impeached by the House, in which case you're correct.

Here's how you say what you just said and not get called an insane person:

>It doesn't take a genius to see that Jewish people are generally overrepresented in positions of power which surely is not a coincidence. There's nothing wrong with anybody of any particular background being in charge of things, but it is important that no one group maintain a majority ruling.

Here's what you said:

>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kikes

>By law
Link to this supposed law?

People like you don't deserve the time of day

I can't wait for Trump to win again and to see all of you libtards cry again. This time when you riot I hope he has martial law and shoots you on sight.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Everything is bait. My post that you responded to was bait, ergo you took the bait.

stop taking the jewish bait user
>There are no lefties or niggers on Sup Forums


By that logic you just took my bait and I guess I should masturbate about it or something

You keep taking the bait because you're retarded or something

You just took my bait

no you took mine haha BAITED NEWFAG

So you don't have it and you pulled this non-sense out your asshole? That's what I thought

You're acting like you didn't think he knows that

What kind of a faggot of Country do you think we are? We shoot those fuckers down.

No I don't think he realizes that he's full of shit. These people think the bullshit they're saying is true. All because they heard it on kikebook.

Someday, hopefully soon, you guys are all going to realize how much you’ve been lied to. He’s not the bad guy. All the crooked politicians that are scared shitless of him are. They’ve just convinced you that he’s the bad guy because they desperately need him to go away. They don’t give a shit about us, they only give a shit about themselves

Nope, it is 100% bullshit
not that it matters because you faggots are still delusional thinking this guy is getting a 2nd term

He only won because nobody wanted Clinton. The odds of Clinton being on the ballot yet again are nil.She's old and sick. No Clinton, no re-election for Trump. We elected a meme, and somehow you faggots started taking the meme seriously because you're retarded

>He only won because nobody wanted Clinton
You think people want Biden, Sanders or Warren? They may as well have run Hilldog again. No one that voted for Trump is voting for any of those people.

>obama gets re-elected, no issue
>trump gets elected, dems cry and bitch about collusion, obstruction, normal foreign policy, etc.
I watched dems claw at the door of the supreme court over kavanaugh (who dems railroaded as a gang rapist) but conservatives are the manchilds

>he thinks the republicans are going to put forth Trump again as a serious nomination

Seriously. It's delusional thinking. He has ZERO dem support and something like half of the Republican Party wants him gone and sees him as a literal embarrassment.

we have a shapiro here boys

Then why haven't they done it already? What the fuck are they waiting for, valentine's day? Or are they waiting for the gay pride parade in the summer, where you will be front and center parading around like a fucking faggot?

how so? I'm not aware of anything in the constitution barring him from running again after being impeached. afaik there's not even anything saying he can't run for a second term after being removed from office.

Because you can't just say "you're not president now", you have to go through the proper legal channels and begin impeachment hearings.

I don't know what else to say except that it's delusional thinking even suggesting that republicans will nominate Trump as their pick for President

He can run, he just won't win. Losing support by the day.

it would have to be in the constitution, and I don't see anything. I think he's just delusional.

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Riots and mass shootings have been happening BECAUSE Trump got into office. If he gets impeached, what will happen is the same thing that happen when Obama won, republicans will keep on doing their things while complaining and making memes until they get an opportunity to come out in force to vote for someone they feels represent their interests.

Read Haidt, he's a partisan leftie and even he has to admit the right is a lot better at understanding how the other side of the political spectrum thinks.

I think you might be delusional if you think Donald Trump is getting a 2nd term as president

I think you might also be a smidge on the retarded side as well since I've already admitted to pulling it out of my ass to troll with. Good to see I'm succeeding even after openly admitting to trolling

>I've already admitted to being a faggot
No worries there bud. That was obvious from the fucking start.

lmao butthurt snowflake alert

sorry to rob you of your aha moment, dunning

You probably think that pelosi automatically becomes president don't you? You fucking dumbass

yep, utterly deluded

what exactly has he done that is legal reason for impeachment?

Keep repeating this and it still won't make it true. Libtard

Keep telling yourself that.

it doesn't prevent him from running, but it absolutely will prevent him from winning
republicans are not going to risk seriously nominating trump for a 2nd term with the political situation the way it is

I know it's hard for you to understand but there are a lot of conservatives who don't like Trump and will just not vote if they feel there is no conservative candidate that matches their interest

You are? Yes, yes you are.


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>Here have a picture with no argument somebody else made because I am too smooth-brained to be creative


Did you pay attention to which side is doing the rioting and looting.....oh it's the Looney left.

Trump has Regan levels of popularity within the republican party. He'll get a second term, and nothing will come of this impeachment bullshit then the democrap party committing electoral suicide.

The really crazy fringe republicans would, but pence, while not being a great guy overall, is at least a rational guy.

I don't like his stance on a lot f thinks like choice and gay marriage, but he wouldn't insult our allies or abandon them a to die when a dictator calls with flattering words, he'd be much loser to a president than the idiot whose now insisting on reversing water use regulations because he thinks people now have to flush 15 times instead of once.

The man is either stupid or dishonest, Pence would at least be a somewhat normal human being.

You might get a few crazies after trump but that's better than four more years of this shit, america won't have any allies left. I mean the idiot is complaining the other Nato members are taking advantage of America when article 5 was used only once. By America. To call the others to support them us in the war on terror. And they all lost money and lives doing so.

BUT here's the rub, impeachment doesn't mean removal. He still retains office.

Again you think impeachment means Hillary becomes president. Not happening flake.


>Trump has Regan levels of popularity within the republican party.

Now that is some Grade A delusion right there
I guess you'll find out how wrong you are soon enough

Liberal liberal Looney Looney

Wow that's a huge logical leap. Where did I say that again?
Oh you mean you made it up because you're a crazy person fighting a boogey man?


Nice projection. Have you upped your meds yet?

Unclench your little fists Timmy. Mommy has your tendies coming soon! It'll soothe the butthurt you're having. I know you tried to talk when the adults are talking. It's ok come to mommy's bussom

I can read your little pea sized brain. Now isn't it tendies time

>I have no argument: the post

I'm trying to imagine being this retarded, but I just can't. It's akin to thinking Communism is a good thing. Both are on separate sides of the fascist wagon but both are equally psychotic.

I can't type with clenched fists to begin with ergo what you just said is really stupid

It's also cute that you think I'm the one getting mad when I slid my way into this thread and have been trolling the ever loving fuck out of it for the last 20 minutes

We're saying the same thing, the media never advertises it for very long but riots in major cities, the death threats and offers to pay for hitmens, school teachers firing guns at themselves or setting themselves on fire, the Dayton shooter, the various border control office firebombers, the violence in protest to Trump is way more intense than anything ever directed at democrats of living memories.

He's an idiot for one. Not only does he constantly insult America's allies, he cozies up to the worst dictators on the planet, and even that he fails at with Korea testing a missile just last week and calling him a dotard again. Meanwhile Canada, France, and Germany are heckling him behind his back, the UN laughs at him openly during a speech, and he's taken half our tax deductions away to give tax breaks to the ultra rich. America is less than it was before because of him.

Trump sucks. He's a shitty person. He lies about everything, even stupid shit he doesn't need to lie about, and he doesn't give two shits about you or I. He doesn't command respect, or fear, people just don't trust us anymore because he betrays everybody sooner or later.

This is why I can't take conservative seriously

There's been disorder, but how many people have antifa killed? None.

You act like there were no riots when Obama was elected.

Grow up man, there are people who suck on both sides. People are people.

If he does itll be hilarious to watch Pence become president...and ascend the pulpit like raiden

This bait is just so shit. I hate you and you should feel bad about yourself

lmao projecting much simpleton?

You're now entering the phase where you're withdrawing and insulting people for being far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be in a desperate bid to protect what remains of your delicate, fragile little ego

I would feel sorry for you, but I don't

Yeah nobody said that dude, and nobody wanted Hillary. She sucks too, but she sucks slightly less than the idiot who just stood in front of the Israeli American council and told them all they aren't nice people but they'll vote for him because of money. He's not an intelligent man,

>He's an idiot for one. Not only does he constantly insult America's allies, he cozies up to the worst dictators on the planet
The entire left is nothing but rants at America being some horrible white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy that deserves to be dismantled and cozying up to socialist dictators... sounds like you're just angry he's proving your preferred methods that have been consistently failing could actually work if done slightly differently. It's not like his cozying up to NK happen because he wants America to be more like his communist regime like the left has been doing with the Castros.

>what do you think the consequences would be?
The next Democrat president will be impeached by the Republicans for any reason.

Except it's not, that's a boogeyman you've constructed because you keep hearing about all these fringe weirdo groups in big cities where statistically speaking there are going to be more fringe weirdos because there are more people condensed into a smaller area

I know it's hard to understand but fringe weirdos are not representative of a whole. It's the same trap lefties fall into calling all conservatives ignorant rednecks.

It's unbecoming.

I want you to know that was my honest thoughts and in this is a genuine inquiry into everyone's perspective on the issue. Not everything is bait

Dude, you can't just go and claim opinions that are consistently expressed by lawmakers in congress are some fringe boogeyman that only exist in fringe inner city circles. This year's largest and most advertised policy proposal was literally written by a team of mostly gender and ethnic studies graduates, you loon

I mean, your opinions are a clusterfuck of buzzwords... how am I supposed you seriously when it sounds like you've been fed what to think?

He will almost certainly be impeached by the House. Removal from office by the Senate is far less likely.

Impeachment, with or without removal, may result in some isolated acts of violence by right-wing extremists, but I doubt they have the organization necessary to stage a full-blown uprising. Remember that their last big event in Charlottesville resulted in chaos and eventually descended into petty infighting.

Well if that’s the case I guess I will give my opinion. I hate politicians so much. To get to where they are they had to kiss so much ass all of them have no more integrity or morals values to uphold. They do everything for money. I dint think Trump is an exception but I do think has had to kiss slightly less asshole because he was the getting his ass kissed most of his life so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on this whole impeachment thing. I honestly think the media are all liars too including Fox News so it’s really hard to even care about politics anymore

You're falling into the classic trap of "everyone else's beliefs are opinions, but mine are fact"
I bet if I asked you to list just five specific examples of extreme left policy passing on a federal level, you wouldn't be able to provide it, because extreme left policy never passes because of the checks and balances of a party system.

It sounds to me like you're raging over things people would LIKE to see done that are pretty much guaranteed to not actually be done... which seems like a huge waste of rage to me, personally.

To each their own

>what do you think the consequences would be? As in riots, shootings?

the democrats would stage a "White Nationalist" terrorist attack on all the catholic churches and call them all Jewish synagogues

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Lol, what an arrogant way to admit you're simply unable to disprove my point so you'll just ignore it. You can't deny the "squad" in congress is routinely pushing for race and gender politics on top of expressing support for fringe dysfunctional socialist or Islamic fundamentalist regimes. If anything, the one who's been programmed to follow a strict narrative that prevents him from facing what's hitting him right in the face, it's you.

The sad thing about the media being exposed as Liars is that people assume the people that they're talking about must be telling the truth and I don't think Trump has kept his nose clean. Just because the media lies doesn't make that untrue

> It sounds to me like you're raging over things people would LIKE to see done that are pretty much guaranteed to not actually be done
That's beside the point. The argument was about how the other user claimed these opinions only ever made it into some fringe circles, which would be wrong since they actually made it into congress and the house

I don’t think Trump has kept his nose completely clean but I don’t think it’s anything impeachable. I feel like he’s just doing what every president does but because he’s sort of an outsider they are using it to stall his presidency because I’m pretty sure they know they won’t impeach but maybe it will stop his reelection

Well you've figured out why people still support Trump. Both sides lie and play dirty but at least Trump gets results

Manchildren? I'm pretty sure impeachment is exactly what ANTIFA want, so I don't know why you'd think they'd have a problem with it.

Bet you would love to feel Joes hairy legs in the pool too.
Did you know, he knows all about roaches?

Banning my bump stock wasn't the kind of results I was looking for TBH