How was this show so based?
How was this show so based?
Other urls found in this thread:
Roddenberry era:
>Napoleonic allegory
>pro science fiction writers writing stories about consequences of immortality, mind uploading, cryonics, android servitude
>literally The Twilight Zone with a recurring cast
>soap opera shit
>plagued with war
>little to do with exploring humanities potential for progress
>pap for pleb actionbabbies with WWE-tier character development
>Quoting the constitution to defeat the bad guy
Such hard sci-fi
Black male lead = based alpha not at all like the surrendering Eurocuck or the psycho bitch making everyone obey her.
t. balding uptalking nu-male faggot
>tfw this it would could have been but never will be
They think that having a war makes it mature forgetting that a lot of soap operas are set during historical periods with war. They are delusional
>I have never watched TOS
Oh, it shows
Says the guy liking the show with the bald nigger.
Go prep the bull, cuck.
>muh niggers
kys Sup Forumsbeard
>multiple replies
what a faggot
nu-male faggot scared of a little racism
no wonder you like DS Affirmative Action 9
>reddit spacing
showing your true colors at last
Racists aren't allowed in /trek/ threads. Kill yourself.
>look mommy i'm a edgy teen racist, that proves i'm not a fat disgusting sexless nu-male faggot
whatever you say nu-male faggot
neither are DS9 fans since it's not Star Trek
I am not a nu-male and that's why I am not impressed by Sisko """""""alpha"""""" behavior for nu-males
>Sup Forums buzzword retards ruining a good thread
every time
>DS9 circle jerk
>good thread
It was doomed from the start.
Trek threads are like a seesaw where one month everyone is sucking DS9's dick and then another you are immediately asking for a derailment by praising it.
>DS9 shitposters whining because they are getting a taste of their own medicine
It was a pretty bad show. Hard pressed to even call it Star Trek desu.
I fucking love how nuts Sisko gets, later seasons you can almost see the other actors struggling to make sense of his words/delivery
It's fucking fantastic, the dude just looks nuts and it even matches up with all the stress and shit the character has been through
>that cast
Little Jake was a faggot
He looks nuts because he is.
>"This planet is just like earth in [x time period]!"
>pro science fiction writers
Go back to your grave, Roddenberry. Nobody believes this.
forgot sisko's actors name, I know he's fucking looney
Does anyone have that one quote from berman or someone talking about brooks and some crazy shit he said on set? Something about ferengi
>barely 4 episodes like that
>lol TOS was so silly!
t. DS9 fan that only knows TOS from the DS9 episodes where they were desperate for better ratings so they brought back stuff from TOS
>pap for pleb actionbabbies with WWE-tier character development
Speaking of which...
Its not
Its a Star Trek themed soap opera made for people that dont like Star Trek
Bajorans = Jews
Cardassians = Nazis
Narn = Indians
Centauri = European colonists
Is this correct?
Because it wasn't Star Trek.
stop making these terrible DS9 threads. Nobody in here thinks that show was any good. the fact that it was better than voyager doesn't make it "based".
The only Star Trek made for people who don't like Star Trek are the JewJew movies though.
Those movies are more Star Treky than DS9
TNG > TOS > Voy > DS9
Your arguments are futile
Tall of the shows are good
>space Jews and Nazis
>spotted whore is a coal burner
>greedy capitalists
>sailing in space episode where the actually tac to the fucking wind
>the village is strong!
>hey let's go back in time so we can have a racism episode!
Nah this show was shit with a few good episodes mixed in. The only saving grace was the dominion arc and Jeffery fucking Combs.
>Better than anything
Because even though it tanked in ratings near the end it kept the quality up right to the bitter end.
Show proved Cardassians are the best Trek alien race in the entire franchise.
I finished watching through TOS literally a week ago. There were at least 4 'earth planet' episodes -per season-.