He's right you know

He's right you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't he literally say all pre-1970 movies are bad?
Also he fucks dogs

He's not wrong, but he's on the retarded fucks that scream "waah all old movies are bad"

He is right, but he also fucks dogs

he is right, but not for the reason he thinks.


name one (1) good movie made within the last 5 years

Way to argue around the actual issue.
The problem is that mainstream movies from bak then had a higher chance to be good than they do now

>Listening to a dogfucker

Adam "I'd rather fuck dogs than watch movies made before 1990" Johnston


Even today's directors admit that the movies being made today a bad compared to a decade ago

>you have to look extra hard nowadays to find good films

did he just play himself?

Honestly, if you're one of those "Dogs used to be good to fuck but now it just sucks" people, you're just not fucking them hard enough.


Hey, is it true you fuck dogs

10 years ago triple a titles could still be based on historical events and shit. Now you can only make a big movie if it's part of an already existing manchild franchise.
God I hate 'nerd culture'.

He's just an idiot on twitter, his opinion is irrelevant and in this case wrong.

>the pic of dragon dildoes on his bed

Yes but I preferred it when based Kermode said it
The percentage of good to bad movies coming out is the same, it's just harder to find the good ones because it's vastly easier to market the bad ones

The pseudo intellectual shit isn't good now either.

I do like the guys reviews, but his rating system seems completely wack.

>He rated Avatar, TFA & GOTG higher than Apocalypse Now.

That's not true. Bad movies are just forgotten over time.

Bullshit. The last truly good movie was No Country.

Sin City is a masterpiece to him.

He just released a 40 minute video about how a PBS show gave him nightmares when he was a kid

I hope you liked it patreon cucks

Lol u


That's the fella who think Kurosawa is arthouse, right?

The Witch
Mad Max
Welcome to New York
The Master

ayo dis cat fuck dogs

are correct.

>When you realize he kept inflating his video length because he realized just how fucking stupid being afraid of that was to try and justify it
>When he even admits half of the episodes was dedicated to some Asian cuck trying to get in the pants of a latino chick


Adum & Merk playthroughs of David Cage games are infinitely better than his movie reviews and everything else he does

>when they see Cage's self-insert dancing in the bonus level of Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit and nearly die of laughter


He's talking about capekino you know

>He rated Avatar, TFA & GOTG higher than Apocalypse Now.

And people take this guy seriously?

why do people pay him to make this shit
none of it is good
half of his "arguements" are barely valid

What went wrong?

Long haired faggot

Damn! Miranda Cosgrove looks like *THAT*?

He sure does look like the type of person that would fuck a dog in the ass.

What's with this "Adam fucks dogs" thing? This is news to me

I want to fuck 2013 Adam.
No homo.

He's a furry. It literally never comes up during his movie reviews but he's open about it in his personal shit. Of course since he can string together coherent sentences and has slightly different opinions tv hates the shit out of him


I knew something was up with him.

Either he was a furry or a brony. Maybe both. With them, you can just...TELL if they're into that stuff

What films is he talking about specifically?

Dog ones?

I haven't looked to much into it but I believe he's into the candian furry scene. his YMS reviews (back when he actually put out content on a semi regular basis) was entertaining and actually shit on some movies that deserved to be shit on. that being said, I wouldnt seek his opinions on anything other than certain types of film

This. Also, underrated.

This is why I too unsubscribed to Adam who fucks dogs

I think it's safe to say mainstream big budget Hollywood movies have gotten significantly worse over the last ten years

Critics would have completely wrecked any Disney Marvel film back then

Look at the example of Remo Williams. Slammed by critics and a big flop
Yet it's a lot better than any recent action flick coming out of Hollywood

muy gracioso

how does something like this happens?

in a certain regard cinema is completely fucked

the next director on the level of, say, kubrick is probably out there somewhere, but this person's vision will never again be bankrolled by huge studios and producers

today you either languish in indie hell or get chewed up by the machine

Is this what fucking dogs does to you?


Sing Street
The Lobster

I have NEVER seen it confirmed that he himself fucks dogs, but he does think it should be legal to fuck dogs.

he's stated that he watched the shitty redux version and that's why he gave it a bad rating

posting this here since nobody will see it

i'm a virgin

>Didn't he literally say all pre-1970 movies are bad?

That's not wrong

they're all shit

The Master
Tree of Life (technically 6 years ago thou)
Inside Llewellyn Davis
Under the Skin

Its funny because he's one of those "films used to suck and now they're all good".


It is though. It's very dumb thing to say..

The Gift

>American Sniper
>Inside Out
>Straight Outta Compton
>The Revenant
All high grossing, original films from within the last 10 years.

Goodbye to Language
Cemetery of Splendour
Arabian Nights
Inherent Vice
Certain Women

plebs get out

Overrated shit that's only liked by senile cucks

It's true, with (maybe) one or two exceptions

>American Sniper
Hold your horses friendo

>It's true

Care to explain why?


You just don't care about cinema. Why put your opinions out there? .

Is there a lower form of trash than youtube reviewers? I've never looked at this dogfuckers youtube but I've seen his imdb posted in these threads and it says enough

>Is there a lower form of trash than youtube reviewers?

I've always thought that people that make reaction videos are the worst..

People just remember the classics. They forget the mediocre trash

Jurassic World
Transformers 4
Suicide Squad
Angry Birds

>rick and morty and birdman rated 10
>apocalypse now silence of the lambs and the exorcist rated 6
How can anyone take this guy seriously?

>watch a trailer reaction video out of morbid curiosity and immediately feel dirty afterwards.

Truly the lowest.

I think you can say without any hyperbole that big budget blockbuster have gotten much worse since the dawn of capeshit.

actually you remember your own personal experiences with movies, classics or not

>he wants to fuck a dog in the ass

>Overrated shit that's only liked by senile cucks

watch your language young man when I was your age I was up to my ass in paddy water

>thinly veiled recommendation thread

The Fool (2014)
The Handmaiden
Zeit der Kannibalen
Force Majeure