Write the snl joke

Write the snl joke

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Well Hitler didn't use chemical weapons....

What the fuck is snl

are they seriously gonna make a big deal out of this

he was 100% correct, hitler didnt use chemical weapons

These are trump voters

I'm British, I couldn't have voted Trump if I wanted to

did you guys really never learn about gas chambers or am I just talking to hardline holocaust deniers

more like DRUMPF voters

but you voted Trumpexit

Yeah fuck off. Voting exit was the same thing as enabling trump.

For fuck's sake even if he was technically correct the comparison was in extremely poor taste and he should have known better. It's almost like he's trying to erode his own credibility. Is it wrong for the media to get triggered every time someone makes a Hitler comparison, of course, but Spicer knows better or at the very least should know better.

>somehow a chemical

Maybe in liquid form. Based spicer did nothing wrong

Zyklon B technically isn't a chemical weapon.

>say that hitler never used chemical weapons in warfare
>but muh holocaust

if hitler used chemical weapons then you got at least a dozen in your household

that wasnt a weapon you mongoloid

>Weapon, a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
>A gas chamber is an apparatus for killing humans with gas, consisting of hydrogen cyanide; carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
>Gas chambers were used as a method of execution during the Holocaust used by Nazi Germany as part of their genocide program.

what the fuck is it then?

>Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in Germany in the early 1920s. It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid), as well as a cautionary eye irritant and one of several adsorbents such as diatomaceous earth.

Sounds pretty fucking chemical to me

Cyanide in the gas chambers.

Literally who gives a fuck about what the anne frank center thinks




Last 2 digits is the average IQ of a Trump supporter

Time to nuke France for putting Anti-Freeze in wine then

I like how literally nobody gives a shit that he said TWICE that US wants to destabilize Middle East.

>"I don't know who this Anne Frank chick is, an frankly she better apologize before it Holo-costs her her job"

maybe they'll get that fat chick to dress as spicer and say something like that

There's a lot of people on both sides of the aisle now who want Sean Spicer's head on a plate.

I for one think he should keep his job, if only because he's so hilariously inept and he perfectly fits with the rest of Trump's cabinet

the germans had chemical weapons (ex. sarin gas) but didn't use them, probably because hitler was gassed in ww1

Chemicals cant be gases

>America education


no prussian blue stain on the walls of the alleged gas chambers
Doesn't make any sense
No physically practical killing mechanism

Certainly not because he thought it was unethical. He didn't use them because WW1 proved that chemical weapons are ineffective to fight an army (at least the chemical weapons available back then).

EU Exit is good for Britain

comedians will stop writing jokes about Trump when he stops being a fucking blathering idiot

>I'm British
Stopped reading

Like clockwork

>The EU is a good thing
yeah no

Not even mad, just excited
SNL's spicer parodies have genuinely been the best thing they've done in years

You couldn't make it to the end of a sentence with your poor learning skills?

You poor poor American.

Ane frank died from typhus. Wait why didnt they gas the worthles female child?

It was used for pest extermination, not for warfare purposes.
There's a difference.

If anyone used chemichal weapons on populated areas it was the brits.


>You couldn't make it to
Stopped reading

you have to go back.

Poor child.

Spicer should press a button thinking he's in a elevator and ends up gassing 50 jews and go "DID I DO THAT" like Urkel

Stopped reading

Hitler never used chemical weapons due to a personal experience with being gassed in WW1.

He never used it on Allied or Soviet forces on a battlefield.

During the Bush years, comedians had to alter their portrayal from the real Bush to create comedy.

At this point all SNL has to do is use direct quotes from Trump/Spicer.

You first buddy boy

Hitler literally did abstain from using chemical weapons.
Gassing jews in chambers =/= gassing soldiers with bombs.

>There's a difference.

only technically. In the context of who's the badder bad guy, Assad using chemical weapons on his own people in Aleppo is not as evil as systematically wiping out all the Jews in Europe with pesticides.

Sean Spicer is like a shitty wrestling MC who is trying to drum up hate for Assad, but accidentally stepped in a pile of shit underselling Hitler of all people.

So you agree you belong on reddit then? Glad we cleared that up

Did Trump ever recover from getting DESTROYED here or is he still drafting his resignation letter?

We're did it reddit!


Now THIS is how you defeat Trump, with butthurt musicals.

Guy was literally sucking up to jew overlords by saying the villain jews hate is akin to our western central demon jews hate

jews still get mad

So you agree to go back? I think you'll be safe there.

I spotted at least 15 Trump supporters in this thread lol


>A country choosing not to be in the EU decides a non-EU country presidential election.
How would you come to such a conclusion, and why does it seem so common?
Why do americans care so much about Brexit?

t. confused swiss

The use of chemical weapons during ww2 wasnt really useful. That's the real reason they didn't use them. An old fashioned explosive round was simply better for basically every situation during the war. They also did very little in the preceding war.

>It's an Americuck lolberals try to tell Brits what's best for them episode

He literally never gassed jews in chambers. Did some of the feeble die from the lice treatment? Probably.

But ok think about this. Who you gonna kill first in your work camp? The 12 year old girls should be right up there they aint gonna work.

Anne frank was never gassed. She died of typhus.

They all died from natural causes from beeing abandoned by the germans in their camps.

>Why do americans care so much about Brexit?

For a lot of us on the left, we care the way you would care about a good friend who started doing heroin and angrily quit his job.

>Yeah fuck off. Voting exit was the same thing as enabling trump.
Why are you so upset senpai?

that guy seems like a faggot but he's not wrong in that very last line
>reading comprehension this low
exactly what I'd expect of a trump supporter, fuck off zionist shill

>“[Claude] Lanzmann was young. He had just directed A Visitor From the Living. Lanzmann had called a meeting to discuss his “next project.” Everyone knew Lanzmann had written a treatment for Shoah 2 that nobody would touch because Shoah was not a massive financial success. Shoah 2 was not on the table. We expected a professional pitch from Lanzmann, an outline and a treatment of what he had in mind with a cursory budget; perhaps a couple assistants to run a slide show. Instead Lanzmann walked in the room without so much as a piece of paper. He went to the chalk board in the room and simply wrote the word SHOAH. Then he added an ‘S’ to make SHOAHS. Dramatically, he drew two vertical lines through the ‘S’, SHOAH$. He turned around and grinned. We greenlit the project that day for $18 million.”

Has the holocaust industry gone too far?

>For a lot of us on the left

Not even 1 jew was killed in WW2.
Wake up.

did someone say zyklon b?

motherfucker I've been to Aushwitz and Buchenvald. I saw the gas chambers. I saw how the rooms have a small section designed for the Zyklon B canisters to slip in

>Television & Film

t. Noseberg Goldawitz

>7 months later
>still this mad

>or am I just talking to hardline holocaust deniers

The MSM compared Trump to Hitler and then they say the number one rule of Journalism is to never compare anything to Hitler.

Op's post is actually on topic. Write the joke for the television show.


well yeah, Trump isn't Hitler, obviously.

he's Mussolini

>Anne Frank makes a remark about her job at the Hitler Chemical call center

>on the left

You saw the empty rooms and the section you were told that housed Zyklon B canisters. I don't deny the holocaust, but that's still true that what I said is what you saw.

t. hipster

There are as much chances of Assad dropping this gas on his populations than Saddam having WMD in 2002 or him having his soldiers kill kuwaiti babies 1991. You know what I mean.

The same accusations in 2013 by the Obama administration weren't ultimately proven true and many elements pointed toward the US-backed rebels' responsability.

Spicer's statement is ridiculous not because of the comparison (since he was talking about the war strategy, not the extermination occuring within the regime's territories) but because he has NO FUCKING PROOF.

you notice jews are seriously pushing that the camps were death camps in ways they never did before.

It used to be told that it was mostly work camps with slave labor where nazis killed anyone "not useful to the war effort" and people dying overworked and sick amidst war chaos + actual extermination efforts when the demonization was coupled to lack of resources (and jews on the bottom of the hierarchy were seen even more as parasites).

Now they're pushing full "6000 gassed a day, all burned in futuristic ovens that burn better than today" wtf

you have to go back


>on the left
But the EU is pretty much a neoliberal propaganda institution, why are leftists the one who want the UK to stay?

Typing this from the cold streets where i'm starving to death from not being european btw.

Mussolini was like Hitler's beta cuck though wasn't he.

Supposedly eating 200 apple seeds will kill you because of the cynide they contain.

So if you're planning on a genocide just feed your subjects some apple seed mush.

You can't just slap "write the snl joke" or "what are some movies about" on a Sup Forums thread and make it a Sup Forums thread.

Show one thread with actual discussion you STUPID NIGGER

>this is the average iq and response of any "conservative"

Why am not shocked?


>Why am not shocked?
>Paki in charge of speaking English

Don't worry goyim, we'll have holograms to remind you about the holocaust in the future.

It's over man. Trump won. Stop crying already it's bad for your health.

Yeah I thought so, so what I was getting at was that Trump definitely isn't a beta even if you hate his guts. No matter how much you dislike him, if you do, Trump is the anti-beta in how alpha he is.

they're cheapening this shit big time, goddamn

There are plenty of on topic threads. Like the star wars one.

>Trump definitely isn't a beta even if you hate his guts

Try asking Russians what they think of Trump. They all think he's Putin's bitch boy and our version of Yeltzin.

Actually the Remain side lost because socialists like Corbyn weren't so enthusiast about defending the EU. So those voters mostly stayed home.