>Asian men are beat up on airplanes

this is still a meme?

This is so fucking dumb. Is this what the world is like, now?

>a dipping sauce is racist

If the internet didn't exist this stupid fucking thought wouldn't be allowed to exist without rightful scoffing and potential bullying. The internet is great, but at what cost? What price did we pay?

>implying McDonald's won't be paid billions to bring back Mulan sauce when the live action comes out

Where the fuck did these media groups like Inverse, AJ+, NowThis, etc come from?
I swear they all popped up with a year of each other with the same bland fonts and stories.

Americanized Asians are the worst SJWs on the planet.

Although I'd still argue blacks and white rich girls are the main culprits, americanized Asians are quickly gaining in the last couple years

>the diversity of their cultures in the same shade of faceless, nationless, Wstern-approved brown.

meanwhile it's okay for all white people to be considered the same

college students literally protested against their dining hall serving sushi because they claimed it was cultural appropriation.

people are fucking retarded.

>Sorry 'Rick and Morty' fans, the sauce is as contentious as it is delicious

Hahaha what the fuck is wrong with first world countries now a days?

Never thought i would see the day.


How is Szechuan sauce contentious?


America was a mistake look at what you've done to the planet in just over 100 years.

so much ruined.. it's actually quite impressive.

A certain group of people funded these sites.

>A sauce released for an old holiday to celebrate Chinese tradition can't happen today because now we're calling McDonald's racist


if they brought back the dipping sauce it would be the killing blow, just like the Chik fil' A scandal a few years ago

>found in Aokigahara
>image underneath is not of an asian man/woman

stop with the whitewashing

All white Americans consider themselves the same, and they are the ones that create the racial grouping of 'white'. Only Americans care about "whiteness" anyway. Ethnicity and culture matter a lot more in Europe

the asian guy wasn't beat up on the plane because he was asian though...why bring it up? He was just a man on a plane that got beat up, and he happened to be asian, just like he happened to be a man, and just like he happened to be wearing a shirt and pants.

It's fucking ridiculous, I saw people on Normiebook sperging out over McDonalds bringing this back like it was the greatest thing ever, yet I bet zero fucking percent of them would have even remembered what it even tasted like, let alone even existed before they saw that episode. For all they know it could have tasted like rancid dogshit and the whole thing was a joke on how Rick might enjoy crappy food.

>it's contentious

A handful of fucktards repeat something on Twitter and now every single opinion is "contentious."

I think Asian Americans are more whiney than blacks at this point.
>boo hop everything's going great for us but we have to endure white people in movies and people enjoying food inspired by our food

>work for one of United's regional airlines
>literally haven't heard the end of this for the last 2 weeks
>not once has his race ever been brought up even with off-color jokes when management isn't around
>coming from American heartlanders, a.k.a. ultra-Normies

Does it ever occur to SJWs that THEY are the racist ones?

why do right wingers obsess over clickbait headlines from web articles that would get 15 views if not for the advertisement they give them

I think they just want to feel oppressed because all the cool minorities are doing it.

Nobody beat the guy up because he's fucking asian, Jesus Christ. That's literally the last fucking thing that was wrong there.

They firmly believe that it isn't racist when they do it.

>it's a liberal doesn't know how adblock works episode

>>found in Aokigahara
But user i think that the caucasian person serves as a standing point, (a catalyst of sorts if i may) to depict or even sujest the emotion that the viewer should hold true as it serves to accent the tragicness of the quote but also serve as an indetifying figure, i mean, after all the message has been translated to english. Henceforth, submerging us deeper (the picture) into the relationship we have built with the symbolisims of this particular phrase.

They're reaching really hard trying to connect three unrelated events. The doctor being Asian had nothing to with the United fiasco.

>image underneath is not of an asian man/woman

Thats the point im trying to refute.


seriously, who gives a shit about some tweet made by "inverse", I've never even heard of them

do you faggots literally scour the internet to look for things that piss you off?

those poor oppressed asians, what can we do to help them survive in such a hate-filled world?

>it's a conservative completely misses the point flick

No they don't lol, thats the faggot liberals who are obsessed with race and sexual identity. Normal people can tell the difference between french and German etc

Are asian americans the new niggers?

Replace "Western" with "Jewish" and it's the truth.


>be Hanka Corporation
>have to make the perfect robot
>give it an Asian brain and a white girl's body
Ghostu in the Shellu a fucking kino!

>do you faggots literally scour the internet to look for things that piss you off?

You might be into something

Because it's our constitutional right to challenge their shitty fag tier opinions

The Confucius Institute (an organisation affiliated with the chinese government) of my university did some Chinese New Year things
White students and a few "asian" students complained about one of the events because it was cultural appropriation
The actual Chinese students who came from China to study ended up really enjoying it

These people can't be getting laid right?

obviously not because women can NEVER consent

Why do liberals throw a tantrum anytime someone calls them out on their garbage?

Nah, asians aren't stupid, they're just trying to cash in on the gibs while the gibbins good

Nah. Every once in a while a black person might have a valid reason to feel oppressed.

Finally a combination of my 3 favorite things! Rick and Morty, Fried Chicken, and Racism

Same reason children throw tantrums when you tell them no

>when you bring upthe benefits of diversity the only pluses that get named are other "viewpoints" and food
>enjoying another cultures food is now appropriation instead of just saying it is a diverse inclusive food selection
I swear even when they win they claim it is a loss.

that's 4 things

Literally no one would give a shit about these if you didn't give them free advertisement

>that literally who website totally represents the views and ideology of liberals

you've got to shut off your brain to write that without feeling like a dumbass

>go on Twitter to check out this account and tweet
>this tweet only has 1 like and 2 retweets
Jesus fucking Christ, why do fags waste your time searching for no name liberals on Twitter? I don't why you guys are so intent on creating some manufactured sjw narrative when literally no one gives a shit about this

>a fucking SAUCE is contentious
professional victims

>Japanese death poems
Some traditions are just 10/10



Not how the left works bro. Every liberal news outlet drags his race into it. Even the ones that don't focus on his race still make sure to mention it. It isn't just "passenger violently removed from plane" it has to be "Asian Male Doctor literally raped and abused and ejected from plane mid flight!".

Of course the left ignores Asians in all other situations unless its convienent to their agendas.

Best answer ever.

It's become a victim showdown for the ages. Muslim women and black women are winning by far, white women still trying to compete, Asian and Latina women seem to have given up

Chinese and Japs don't care about this shit. It's always low tier asians like Filipinos and Koreans making a fuss.

>caring this much about some no name sjw tweet that only got 1 or 2 likes

>saying 'current year' ironically

>Your guy represents everyone but mine is an isolated case

So liking something from another culture is racist and bad now. Okay, got it.

>asian american women
So Americans then, not actual asians. It's literally fucking nothing.

Is this what people mean when they talk about "intersectional feminism"?

>black girl protesting with asians

Mentally ill whites always love to 'advocate' for minorities that have 2 times their IQ and salary don't they?

Get your nu male cucks under control.

It's amazing how America went from a melting pot, encouraging the melding and fusion of cultures, to arguing over fast food restaurants serving a Chinese-themed dipping sauce.

"Cultural appropriation" is a fucking joke. There's being disrespectful to a culture, sure, but having a fucking sour sauce at a fucking burger restaurant is not.

White progressives are such insufferable cucks with God complex. Gas them all already.

I went to see what Dan Harmon said and all I saw was pic related.

They get all the perks of being almost white and still get to claim diversity dollars.

he wasn't beat up her was a sperge that bit his own tongue. + sex fiend.

Are asians the new blacks? They've been so annoying lately.

>muh rights

Exactly. Like, is there no way to do something 'of a different culture' without it automatically being bad and appropriation? Like wtf, that's why they made the szechuan sauce in the first place, because no one gave a fuck even if it was "appropriation" that shit does not matter at all... same with representation in the movies, like how many blacks are there in the country anyway? not that many so why does there need to be so many in tv and movies...

christ what a faggot

Imagine going to Japan and telling them they can't eat pizza or hamburgers, because it's cultural appropriation.

God I love Roiland.

He may not make ultra-deep shows but he isn't nearly as pretentious or pathetic as fucking Harmon.

He just wants to make funny cartoons.

You'd think Dan Harmon would have something better to do than bitch about Trump on twitter all day

Fuck no. I consider Midwesterners, South-Pacific Hipsters, Southern Hicks and New Yorkers to all be considered basically subhuman and not a fellow white.

I wonder how much someone gets paid to write bullshit like that.

Imagine those idiots saying nobody could eat pizza because it's offensive to the Italians and Greeks.

wtf I LOVE Rick and Morty now!


or french fries
or half of the starbucks beverages

You deserve to have 50% of the representation, even if you make up only 10% of the population. Makes sense.

Nobody has ever propositioned the stuff in that sign to the one on the left or Rock Lee in the back.

>thinking the united thing was in any way race related
How can these people function day to day without getting triggered by everything

>mulan take two sake boogaloo

bro you don't GET IT. The algorithm they use to select him is biased towards AZNs. HE WAS SINGLED OUT

Was this article written by a (((white))) dude?

Who comes up with this shit? Why does everything have to be racist these days? Fuck you whatever race you are.

Racism is power + prejudice.

>yellow fever
Why do they get mad about this, just like I don't understand fat people getting mad about guys who have a fat fetish. It literally just means they find them really attractive. Why would Asian women hate guys who find them really attractive

I thought people were complaining about a doctor being thrown off. At what point did it become a race thing?

>le melting pot meme

Anglo supremacists ruled over this country with an iron fist until like the mid 20th century.
My German ancestors were ruthlessly oppressed by them and we lost our traditions.