MST3K Thread

Finished watching the new season. If you aren't a backer, you'll be able to see it on Netflix (and presumably Pirate Bay) starting tomorrow.

Jonah is good. Crow is good. Servo is grating at first because he's so different, but turns out to be pretty good. Felicia and Oswald are bad. There are cameos by celebrities and old cast members, but none of them are funny. Overall the skits are similar to the old ones.

The movies are very well chosen. None of them are already memes, there's a wide variety of genres, and there's some interesting celebrities sprinkled in them.

The riffs are a good mix. Some newer pop culture stuff, but also plenty of references to film, literature, music, and old episodes. I was afraid of lazy political jokes, but it didn't happen. I didn't catch a single reference to Trump.

Overall it's very similar in tone and quality to the old series. Old fans who don't hate it on principle will enjoy it. Normies will also enjoy it and it seems pretty likely they'll be able to make more.

Thoughts/questions/meme-based insults?

So it's shit?

>Oswald is bad

Can't believe they still put that wife-murderer on TV

What movies?

how long do felicia and patton actually appear on screen? i remember one thing i hated about the pearl seasons is that it seemed like the villain segments went on for fucking EVER.

none of the backers uploading a torrent?
I guess it is on netflix soon

Is it on Netflix UK at 12 too?

see pic

I personally found it less grating than the seasons 8-10 stuff, but the length is similar. The invention exchange is back and there is a small bit of developing story in the last few episodes.

I personally didn't because I like it and I want them to make more.

No idea, sorry.

Thank god no political jokes, I might be able to enjoy it
Yes I am that autistic, I just want comfy episodes that are calming, charming and has good banter that's not "TRUMPS RACIST AMIRITE?"

Do they say shit and fuck or is it still watered down?

Obscenities are just a silly crutch for inarticulate fuckers.

The closest it came was a few riffs with the terms "manspreading" and "mansplaining" used as jokes.

Nope, no cursing.

>I personally didn't because I like it and I want them to make more.
Lol, Joel took your money and ran. Even Netflix are pissed at the deal they got.

Shut the fuck up

Felicia Day is an annoying cunt.

>took your money and ran
But he literally already delivered the promised product... Are you retarded?

What movies did they watch?

You paid for the full production of the episodes, then Netflix paid for the broadcast rights to the episodes, without adding any more. Where do you think the money went, lad?

did he manage to squeeze in some political jabs? that's mostly what I know him from

nvm im retarded

Why should I give a shit about broadcast rights? I paid money to help the episodes get made and they got made. I got exactly what I wanted. Where's the problem?

Nope. He's just an off-brand TV's Frank.

Dude no1 thinks that's autistic, it's shit-tier when The Simpsons does half-assed pandering to the cluelessly "woke", be far worse if an iconic show was revived just to have the humourless fake activism flavour of the week ruin its appeal
Good stuff. Those terms are retarded non-jokes for bitter Twitter virgins, but if they're the only ones you noticed it bodes well for the writers not trying to using that shit as a crutch