Other urls found in this thread:
I've literally never been to Sup Forums.
What is happening and why should I care?
Back to Sup Forumseddit, fagazoid
Fuck Sup Forums, it's just a wannabe version of Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums
ahh fuck you
fuck Sup Forums
they ruined this board
There's a sports board? What will they think of next?!
We're merging with Sup Forums because sports are shown on tv. We're also merging with /news/ for the same reason. We're also merging with /r9k/ because why the fuck not?
spuh has many friendly posters who enjoy the company of nice guys!!
>implying we aren't all the same person
Sup Forums was once the best board on this site but you haven't been here long enough to realize that
>ywn post on 2012 Sup Forums again
Yelling Timber!
IMO the last time it was close to that was probably the 2014 WC but even then
What's happening?
we can finally get /film/ now
2012/olympics was when it went to shit
Sup Forums sucking Sup Forums's dick incoming
sounds like complete fucking shit
Sup Forums crossposters are responsible for:
>TCAP threads
>My 600 Pound Life threads
>Big Brother threads
>Survivor threads
is it a trip/namefag circlejerk?
then Sup Forumsedditors are responsible
Almost all the garbage on here is because of them
even their cp spammer is here
Is that Jimena Sanchez??
they reintroduced pepe to Sup Forums, bringing it from back from plebbit
power rankings as a meme originates from them
no we aren't, link a /qa/ thread or Hiroshimoot post or GTFO
>My 600 Pound Life threads
all good threads desu
you forgot Kornheiser memes and their offshoots, that's objectively their biggest contribution to the site
So you Hope we stay Solo?
Sup Forums is probably the most autistic board on this site
Their janitor memes were pretty good
Sup Forums already did that almost a decade ago pleb
>forgetting Costanza.jpg
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
They're are bigger wierdos on Sup Forums
>pedo jew
>user that has a saved folder of faces shown on Sup Forums
dead meme, unfortunately
I shiggy hope you guys bring it back
Brace yourself Sup Forums because he's coming
you nerds have a problem?
you should welcome your /spee/ overlords
thread theme
Sup Forums moved in here in 2012; as early as 2011ish due to Big Brother threads "outlawed" due to "poor mean Sup Forums mods" that numerous posted have admitted (back then, not now, before revisionist history newfriends attempt to dissuade), and never left. They use memes to the extreme;, this is their Facebook, they don't care if they piss and shit in the same place they eat.
the bane meme started on Sup Forums
You're posting on the most reddit board on this site bar Sup Forums and trying to complain about the only board that was churning out site wide memes in 2009-2013
please kill yourself you massive newfag
this so much this
>tfw love the shitposting of Sup Forums and Sup Forums and the merge is going to bring out all the best of it
>Sup Forumstv/
/bb/ year-round is going to be real
There is no "merge". This thread is a meme.
>Go to Sup Forums
>See this thread
>That flag
Jebem ti mater Ustase
>the two most Reddit boards are merging
Should just add upvotes as well desu.
I'm migrating to /fit/ and Sup Forums
>>My 600 Pound Life threads
aren't those fitizen
/kino/ *
Oh man, threads about Television! Fuck that noise!!1!!
post links or go fuck your mother.
Better yet, I'm gonna go fuck your mother, you just post those links.
Ew, they're not even patrician reality shows like Nathan For You
Sup Forums wasn't mentioned in the OP
It's that chick from G4 and some football guy that sports people think is closeted. I wanna say it's 3-4 years old
Can somebody tell me what the fuck any of this shit is based on?
>liking that old whore
>I'm migrating to Sup Forums
>I'm migrating to edgy hipster closeted homo containment board
Stay there you absolute piece of faggot
hating Sup Forums is a numale trait, just letting you know redditbros
>reality show
>Nathan For You
pick one and only one
It is one, are you suggesting that it's staged?
It's funny because if the 2007 stuff was present now, it would be considered "Reddit"
Sup Forums is the best board in my opinion but I understand why a lot of people don't like it, because they probably use it during American hours. Euro Sup Forums is a different beast
ummmmmmmmmm rude
I unironically want this
This board is already fucked, let it go out in a glorious blaze of all out shitposting instead of keeping it on life support
Just get rid of flags desu, Sup Forums is the only board that needs flags. On Sup Forums they serve no purpose and all the jokes have been run into the ground, it's ruins the discussion
>a fucking leaf
>lol cuckistan
>lol Sweden
>lol cuckmany
>blah blah blah
>looks no different than being a guy or old
>looking like a female and she looks completely different
Missing blacked and late night cp threads on Sup Forums
This is the last great Sup Forums moment. It has been downhill from there and no board was hit harder from post timers and "x general" culture.
Isn't it the strict mods that ruined it?
this post is also rude
can you stop? pls
I'm only showing you proof.
>late night
She would be cute if not for the hairline. She's the most obvious steroid user I've ever seen in sports.
I wonder how big her clitoris is
Sup Forums was my home board 2011 - 2014
i'm afraid to visit now
>implying Sup Forums hasn't been the premiere pedo board for YEARS
i'm assuming you have to blame Sup Forums mods for banning "non-sports" GAME THREADS
That came later. Sup Forums being made also had a huge effect. Basically, the major feature of Sup Forums was game threads. Threads that everyone would post in to comment on a live event. This usually is usually sports events, but could also be major events like landing a rover on mars or a school shooting. The 1 minute post timer killed that because events are unpredictable so you could be making a post in that thread or another one and then something exciting happens and you want to comment on it, only to be cockblocked by the post timer. Major gamethreads could have 50 threads of 250+ posts in a few hours. Post timer and the catelog just caused everyone to meat up in slower moving general threads. Sup Forums also hurt gamethreads because live off topic events would just go there instead of Sup Forums; there is no longer any excuse to post offtopic gamethreads. The heavy moderation came after that and only served to kill the culture threads like World Star Hip Hop and POWERRANKINGS. Sup Forums is now stuck with just a few general threads with the rest of the board topics with 1-2 replies of people boasting about their team winning. When you strip away the live gamethreads and the culture stuff, you are left with just a nihilistic shell of a former GOAT board.
the two worst boards?
It's just sports. No shitposting or discussions about non-sports things is allowed.
merging these boards and getting a new set of jannies might actually save both of these shit boards.
The shitposting is now hiding in cancerous generals.
I got banned for posting pic related during a game thread. It's literally the no fun board
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the best memers. they both twist and manipulate memes in unique ways, whereas other boards are in your face "meme meme this is a meme did u know this meme?"
>all these second rate Sup Forums memes with posting the lel family
>not memorializing lyl in 2017
>not crying evry time ;_;
shiggidy ding dongs
Your mistake was that you did not post a trap. The janitor would have let a trap slide
Car chase threads were the best. I don't know why the mods hated amateur motorsports so much
literally get banned for posting SPORT RELATED IMAGES; Jannys delete SPORT RELATED THREADS.
fucking hate Sup Forums I stopped posting after the 5th ban
If they actually did this you would never hear the end of the complaining from people who think separating /film/ from Sup Forums is a good idea. Soccerfags from Sup Forums would throw a tantrum too.
>you now remember the futile fight for a Free /Speh/
>She's the most obvious steroid user I've ever seen in sports.
the EXTENSIVE bloodwork they do prior to the event says otherwise
she is pure and being pure means NO CHEEDING