Anybody seen this?
Just watched the trailer and looks pretty good. what does Sup Forums think?
Anybody seen this?
Just watched the trailer and looks pretty good. what does Sup Forums think?
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The trailer is amazing. The movie is alright. Nowhere near as good as his other movies but it has its moments
i liked old boy a lot but thats all ive seen of his.
which of his other films would you say are worth watching?
It was an entertaining movie.
It was of the best of the last year.
Spoiler pic, do not open.
Lady Vengeance
Its great, also its been out for months.
Go watch it.
is it just me or are koreans better story tellers than the japanese?
a lot of japanese films and anime seem to be a little convoluted and slightly all over the place. they go off on tangents a lot or get bogged down in uneccasary details which end up ruining potentially good stories.
Japan just stopped trying after the 90s and Korea became the only worth azn cinema to watch, outside of the occasional Hong Kong action flick.
it's the best film of 2017 and a masterpiece.
has clearly shit taste.
As for other Park Chan films:
Joint Security Area
Lady Vengeans (fade to black edition)
Sympathy for Mister Vengeance
A pleb trash flick for entry level imdb drones like everything else the trash master director has made
only just out here in the uk. will probably go and watch it this weekend hopefully. looks promising
>tfw american youtube 'reviewers' giving it low scores because they consider it a softporno
if you have the chance to see it in the cinema, do it! it's a gorgeous looking film.
Loved it, and love a lot of the stuff from Park-Chan Wook
It's a great movie. The best I've seen from 2016.
'Murrika is a puritanic state mang, except for BLACKED kinographie
How does this place?
>youtube 'reviewers'
that's all you need to know. putting youtube in front of any title just negates whatever comes afterwards
It deserves a place there, alonside The Wailing
thays what I meant but cool
Why did saetre have such shit taste?
What did you expect from a shitposting tripfag?
>Death Note
Spoiler question.
Why did both the jap and the exorcist take photos?
I get why one of them would, since it's just a creepy thing to do, but for both of them to do it seems strange.
Aiiiiee!! Why did you ask me, I haven't seen it and didn't know what you were exactly asking spoiler questions to!!!!!!1
Terribly sorry.
> Half the films are shit
> No Thirst
There's at most 15 good modern korean films, it's not hard to get them right.
It's because peopel hype the weirdness instead of the quality directors. Takashi Miike is weird but crap, Sion Sono is weird but crap. Anime is weird but crap. Then there's Koreeda who's boring and crap. And there's Shunji Iwai who got lucky with Lily Chou-Chou, but toherwise makes boring crap.
The only consistenly good jap is Nakashima, desu.
8.5/10 A return to form after shitty Stoker and Thirst
What the fuck are you plebs even talking about, all of those movies are all 7+/10. Are you mad because it was made by someone you don't like lol
death note was shit
millennium actress was okay but boring
akira is okay but overrated
princess mononoke was shit and a fucking snoozefest
battle royale was le edgy as fuck
entry-level shit
Stoker and Thirst are still great. Don't like this disparaging tone people have about those two movies when comparing to things like Lady Vengeance n shit
No clue who made it (other than his name) but The Host, A Bittersweet Life and I saw the Devil are not very good movies at all. And those aren't even the lowest tier on that list. you're the pleb here.
its not a tier list
korean cinema is kind of entry level but still better than japanese cinema post-kurosawa
if you like revenge stories and not so happy endings and the like then you will like korean movies until you get tired of them - which happens pretty quickly
No, but they're still obviously in tiers, unless you think he thought all movies there were equal.
There's nothing to imply one is better than the other. You read the chart wrong.
Somehow thread related but are there any samurai kinos made in the last decade worth checking out?
the host is garbage
>>Just watched the trailer and looks pretty good. what does Sup Forums think?
fucking waste of time jesus christ i want my three hours back
its weebshit i know but check out:
I really don't like the Host, and haven't for years, buy people really like it for some reason. Is it just first experience with quirky Korean Cinema? I also don't think Bong Joon-Ho is that great.
fucking waste of time jesus christ i want my three hours back
no they aren't, and tough shit
what did he mean by this?
i had my trip on by mistake please dont bully me user
They are. It's definitive and only embellishing needs would say they are anywhere close to shit or trash.
cliche movie carried by nude kim tae-ri
All of those Nip directors are better than Park Chan-Gook.
incorrect, you plebeian with shit taste
Stoker is great
Says you, like that means anything.
as opposed to the significance of your whining? don't make me laugh retard
me > you
Reminder to immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who thinks I Saw the Devil is anything more than a 2/10.
I saw it in the theater and really liked it.
>61 replies
this is the largest thread ive ever had
i did it momma, i made it
Went to watch this in a theater with a female friend of mine.
We're no longer friends.
fuck that bitch
What a fucking pleb, i bet she would probably hate The Neon Demon too.
oh no no no
it's a terribly written shlock fest. It's extremely overrated too
scenes only men understand
it's gud. genre-bending campy romantic melodrama.
the problem with gooks is that they think their films are being deep but they just come off as cheesy
Picked the fuck up.
it was better than oldboy, which is overrated.