Opinions on this show?
Opinions on this show?
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i want to sniff her anus desu
Good characters, cast and cameos, funny, good story, and certified comfy[/spoilers]
Although S6 was the low point IMO but still an interesting way to end it
chuck the cuck
It was comfy and it captured nerd culture way better than Big Bang Theory. And it felt like a lighthearted 24. After watching a few episodes the main character got pretty annoying though. I enjoyed watching it back when I was 14 or so but I can't watch it again as an adult. I didn't watch all of the episodes and Idk if it was cancelled or how did it end or whatever.
super comfy
cute yvonne
drags a little in later seasons
overall very entertaining though
It's a very comfy show although the ending depressed me.
sarah made me so horny!
all shows should strive to have as many panty scene
It's comfy because the 2000s were a comfy decade in general.
There are supposed unedited/leaked photos from her Sobe ads. They seem to show her nude body, can anyone confirm that she is nude under the body paint, or is she wearing a subtle bikini?
I can't watch it anymore. It reminds me too much of the good times in college.
she had done some full nude scenes with that main actor from the pianist
it's one of those shows you watch alone because you don't wanna look like a gay faggot infront of your friends. You also secretly love the romance between Chuck and Sarah and smile like an idiot everytime they make up.
Overall, it's pretty good, but very cheesy.
>tfw 0:47 will never be you
Was always a fun watch especially the early series. Kind of flattened a little especially in the last series but it's a good show. Adam Baldwin was great and it had Yvonne who was cute and Sarah Lancaster who was always great to see.
Perfect description. The show is so fucking cute. Also really fucking comfy and entertaining until the final season, where they clearly ran out of ideas and just started passing the intersect around like a hot potato and struggled to find a plot
you don't have to *secretly* love the romance part. it's the main draw of the show.
Gr8 but when he becomes actually capable of doing things it ruins the point of the show
Anyone else suddenly craving a Subway?
Like they said, comfy, never outright bad, always stays at a 6 or above but never quite reaches that 9.
And people are going to hate me for this but this was far better of an ending that the show got, though quite melodramatic at times. fanfiction.net
Ending was worse than Dexter
What else can fill this void left
I stopped watching at the season where the finale revealed chucks mother was alive or something because it seemed like they were just grasping at straws to continue the show because everything before that part would have ended it all perfectly
Are the seasons after worth watching?
>revealed chucks mother was alive or something because it seemed like they were just grasping at straws to continue the show
that's the gist of the show past season 2. Writers just experimenting with random plot devices to see where it would take the show. later seasons are only worth checking out cause yvonne is eye candy, otherwise it's pretty bad.
pretty good until he loses his powers
Nobody has a career from this show.
Adam Baldwin does. he's always been based.
Great in Firefly, The Inside, Day Break, Chuck, and The Last Ship.
A great supporting-lead.
It was from one of the last generations of TV shows like LOST when being on a steady series was as good as it gets for actors' careers. Before GoT Walking Dead and House of Cards made TV cool for the masses and opened up career paths to movies on a broader scale.
Who /jeffster/ here
one of the worst things about the show
Good and fun. Last 2 seasons were crap though.
>not liking based Volkoff/Tuttle
Intersect Morgan was dumb.
Sara amnesia was dumb.
Lol mom was never dead was dumb. I mean they already did it with his Dad so it wasn't even something novel.
I remember liking it alright for a season or two, then I just completely stopped giving a shit. I also would like to sniff her anus.
Light, uncomplicated fun. I had a good time.