So wait, was it just a hack? Is porn banned or not?

So wait, was it just a hack? Is porn banned or not?

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it was literally nothing
Sup Forums is still shit and just 100% cocks

A mod doing something to cause chaos and change things up nothing more. Chances are they will do it a couple more nights and then stop. This was required because the coomers caused stagnancy and flooded the board.

Yes porn is banned, porn belongs on the porn board

My guess is to gauge traffic before and after a rule change on Sup Forums due to the stagnation of clicks. tl;dr more ad revenue

But where can I post lolis now? Make a board for loli/shota porn then

Makes sense, since loli can only be posted on Sup Forums banning porn on Sup Forums effective bans loli porn from all of Sup Forums and loli porn is anathema to ads

can u pedos fuck off to a deepweb site or something

hiro told them to revert the ban, his higher ups started to complain

do you have proof, or just speculation?

Learn the meaning of pedophile before you're posting here please. Or learn the difference between drawings and children.

beck 2 leddit with u, tourist

I'll be checking tomorrow to see if it was just a troll or not. Hoping it's not, the board would actually be interesting without porn plastered everywhere

No faggot, porn has always been on Sup Forums. Get the fuck over it. Some liberal mk ultra mod tried to flex nuts and now he got the banhammer. Think supply and demand. If the majority didn't want porn here do you think they would allow it? Just because your kind screams louder doesn't make you right. Stay butthurt.

Sup Forums has been shit for a decade, it's getting cleaned up, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Porn now goes on the porn boards

rogue moderator will come back and banish coomers for good

mod was shitcanned, porn is back

He went to sleep, he'll be back

Source faggot.

Then why is the music still playing?

>Think economics
For most of it's life this site barely or didn't turn a profit. Ads are recent and remove the need for giving a shit about your self masturbation disfunction.

you are the cancer killing Sup Forums

Go back
You also need to go back you fucking newfag. The difference between reddit and Sup Forums is that at least Sup Forums doesn't fucking lie to themselves or others about what they like.

If you like little girls just admit to yourself that you like little girls you fucking faggot nigger.

>reddit spacing
Why are the most retarded cancerous posts always behind a reddit spacer?

>deepweb for anime porn
Based retard

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I'm late. What exactly happend?

>calling other people newfag
>not ending insult tirade with -fag

nice LARP ledditfag

Porns gone. Cope harder coom nigger.

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Mod banned porn on Sup Forums stickied some threads, played music and personally banned all coomers
It's unclear whether it was rouge mod, a hacked mod account, some sort of raid (there were a bunch of faggots yelling about yellow) or official testing to see the reaction to porn being banned on Sup Forums
The coomers are back in force though so obviously any rule changes aren't permanent, at least so far

>Porns gone
It's not.

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Imagine actually being this delusional.

If you are attracted to the drawn image of sexualised child, you are attracted to a child, you're not in court and you don't have to act like you're not a pedo because it's not illegal to be one.

See, I can't believe you are this much of a retard. I mean I don't know you, but I can't believe it none the less. If you enjoy masturbating to drawings of little kids, HOW can you claim not to be a paedo? It doesn't matter if they are cartoons or not, you are sexually aroused by drawings of children. Just admit it ffs, your non arguments are so so tiring.

Take your meds skitzo

Thank you.

And killing people in videogames is murder.

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Seeing them as children is your pedo mind at work. Loli has nothing to do with underage girls.

Imagine being such a faggot that you care about men masturbating.

Is loli not derived from Lolita? As in the book about a little girl seducing a grown ass man?

Non argument, you're attracted sexually to children. kys

I assumed it was a japanese word for little girl, but I'm not googling that shit.

See, I can't believe you are this much of a retard. I mean I don't know you, but I can't believe it none the less. If you enjoy killing people in video games, HOW can you claim not to be a murderer? It doesn't matter if they are polygonal or not, you are gratified by killing people. Just admit it ffs, your non arguments are so so tiring.

See? I can strawman too. Also I'm willing to bet you're a europoor, so I can't really hold it against you for being sexually repressed.

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Sup Forums isn't random is everything is porn
Sup Forums needs a separate board for random pornography
Maybe call it something like "coomer/pornography" board
/cp/, if you will

Thing is, it is hilarious to take the porn off the coomers and let you tradfags claim victory as they seethe. Then it is hilarious to give the porn back to the coomers and watch you tradfags seethe. Mods can ban porn for a couple of hours enjoy the chaos and salt that decision causes, then put it back and watch and enjoy the chaos and salt that decision causes. All the tradfags have achieved is putting themselves into a position where they get their hopes raised and dashed continually for Sup Forums's amusement whilst having the side effect of having the coomers despair for a couple of hours for Sup Forums's amusement. It's that type of chaos and the upset caused by it that makes things great.

That doesn't make any sense. The argument isn't whether kids are getting hurt by you masturbating to Loli. They obviously aren't. You're still attracted to children though.
>Thinks that not being a paedophile means you're sexually repressed

And I think footfags are weird too, but I don't go into footfag threads and cry about it like a reddit raised soyboy

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