>You now remember the Jersey Shore
You now remember the Jersey Shore
some of the best live threads were watching this show with Sup Forums
>implying I'll ever forget JShore.
Get your shit together OP
jwoww fine af desu
1. DJ Pauly D
2. Jwoww
3. Vinny
4. The Situation
5. Snooki
6. Sammi
7. Ron
why was vinnie such a bro?
best guy for sure
>it's a ronnie loses his cool for the nth time episode
I'm the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet.
>it's a ronnie is high af and walks around with his dick out trying to emotionally manipulate people episode
and she was too
if you wouldn't fuck Snooki you're a faggot
>tfw cabs will never be here again
>it's a mike fucks everything that moves episode
>implying i ever forgot
season one was comfy as fuck trashkino
whoops meant mike. the mind wanders.
I never had a JS nick name like The Unit or The Situation. Kinda wished now.
They called me lil miigoo in high school so
1: Pauly
2: Vinny
3: Snooki
4: Ron
5: The Situation
6: Jwoww
7: Sammi
Argue this.
>it's a snooki gets punched in the face episode
mine was "faggot"
Ton should be higher. Appart dealing with Sammie he was a decent bro. Situation should be low
Paulie was better
>not differentiating between Single Ron and Relationship Ron
Come on
mine was patty trick
pretty cool desu
Never seen it haha
Jersey shore>geordie shore>gandia shore>>acapulco>super
I had a friend who tried to give himself a nickname and signed off every text with "the solution"
best thing was he wasn't like the JS guys at all, had zero ego he just really wanted to be that guy
It never caught on but he kept it up for a couple of years
i'm the sweetest dubs you'll ever check
They are both equally shit. All Ron did was mope around the house trying to bang Sammi and fighting with her. And he was jacking off all the time. Seriously look it up. There is so much unused footage from that show that is just Ron jacking off in front of people in the house and cumming all over the furniture. The producers literally had to restrain him a few times because he was hurting himself. 90% of the fights between him and Sammi were because he couldn't cum unless he jacked himself off.
>tfw it will never be t-shirt time again
who /gtl/ here?
You forgot >>>>>>>>>>>>>party down south
Still is
>90% of the fights between him and Sammi were because he couldn't cum unless he jacked himself off.
LOL seriously?
same desu
Tell us more JS lore user
But aren't steroids supposed to suppress your sex drive/erections?
Shit man. I was BigMatt even when I lost the weight I was still BigMatt.
I like Super Shore alot. Don't know what you are talking about
>tfw lost 10 kgs but your boss still calls you "big guy"
best girl
Can we get a livestream of this going on?
People you never meant refer to you as BigGuy. Can't tell if they are insulting me or miring my Mass.
>#1 not Sitch
if it weren't for him, there'd be little to no drama in the house outside of faggot ron and sam's bullshit.
gordie shore is very close imo. just because those hilarious accents.
The whole season where they go to Italy was fake. It was all just a set that looked like Italy. The stars where contractually obligated to live on the set and act as if they were actually in Italy. The part where the Situation headbutts the wall and gives himself a concussion was his way of escaping his overlords.
>some of the best live threads were watching this show with Sup Forums
Was the miami season an elaborate hoax as well?
How deep does this go?
How could I forget, back when Sup Forums was actually good, seems like ages ago
>aren't steroids supposed to suppress your sex drive/erections
Steroid user here, while on cycle you have 5th grade-tier raging boners and want to fuck everything
Huh. I thought they were supposed to make you impotent
2009 Sup Forums was the peak of Sup Forums. literally the best fucking website/community of all time.
no, they just shrink your balls
I always hear anons saying how great Sup Forums was back in the day. What the hell made it so good? I don't watch sports at all. Around 2009 I was still pretty much a Sup Forumstard
nobody crossboarded back then so everything a Sup Forumsartan wanted to talk about there was a thread for it on on Sup Forums and it was just a group of people that had a lot in common partly because of sports
no generals
that's pretty cheap for beach property
bro culture. madden franchise. sphl. haxball. game threads. no generals. fat man. tripfags were goat. wasn't normie central yet like Sup Forums is now. flyguy. wwe threads. brett favre. tyrone biggums. ian winning big brother. daily OC.
ya had to be there.
No. Last thing the US needs is you faggots fucking up the greatest state in the union.
>new jersey
>the greatest state
Is New Jersey really New York's Mexico?
most of the side effects of steroids come from people getting their gear/dosage information from shady gym bro's who don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
if you have bloodwork done and get advice from an actual physician (like many hollywood actors who use them do) you are totally fine.
>tfw you actually get banned for haxball threads now
here's this btw the english one is easier to find sill
bears posting
Gym tan and laundry!
>tfw no more Shore threads on Sup Forums
It was just a perfect storm. We had great OC, probably the funniest posters on all of Sup Forums and the mods/janitors allowed off topic threads that were great in between live threads and general sports threads.
For me, the janitors shutting down off topic threads was the end of the golden age. Sup Forums is still the best board on Sup Forums in my view, but it can never regain it's former glory while mods crack down on its unique culture.
i miss the old Sup Forums
i wonder where all my friends went
>ywn be friends with a Jersey idiot
car chase bowls, bro culture, rax grissman, solid 7, pes world championship between boards, DA JETS, official game threads, official power rankings, making fun of yuropoors daily before they invaded Sup Forums with their soccer shit threads, costanza, came up with mfw, 18-1, summer olympics, jersey shore gamethreads, the city of, legitimately hilarious copypasta, original content up the ass
I know I'm missing alot but it was just a simpler, better time.
just so many good memes
It should be everyone's goal to slowly make Sup Forums like early 2011-era Sup Forums.
Embrace trash tv. EMBRACE IT!
Janitors were put in their place, for one.
never gonna happen bro, too many teenagers and normies here now
just let it be and be glad you were apart of it when it existed
Fuck off Randy
Depends which part of NJ it is, anything going towards Jew York City is minorities. Central NJ is the sweet spot.
>brett favre
classic Sup Forums
You are part of the problem you fucking normalfag
To be honest, I think Sup Forums was so great because it was a little bit more normie.
maybe, but the point is the internet and our culture has changed and trying to go back is never gonna work unfortunately.
a big problem is there's just too many people now
especially too many yuropoors
>geordie second
Desu if they merged the boards it could save both
not even a little
Everyone knows Warsaw Shore is second
Geordie was unironically the best
god no
Snj is where it's at you got the better shore points and Philly right next door. How the fuck is Central the sweet spot?
>wanting to be close to philadelphia
>you guys watched this
I suppose these are both true. It's a shame, Sup Forums used to self moderate so well, I'd love to see off topic threads make a comeback.
>he wasn't watching this while getting drunk with his friends in 2009
it's the god damn yuropoors wanting nothing but divegrass threads. non english speaking countries should be banned
Why does this thread have more replies than my Man of Steel film thread?
Lived there for 9 years and out of all the cities I've been to it's my absolute favorite, especially to live. Go kill yourself. You've probably never even been there.