Shota and Freedom of Speech thread

Shota and Freedom of Speech thread
Fuck Jews.

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thred saging?

No. Just no shobros rn

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Last time I checked, 2D wasn't real.

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you say fuck jews, yet fail to acknowledge that jews control the porn industry. checkmate coomer.


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I wouldn't know. The japs draw mine.

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i do have some boys of the faith that are similarly blessed

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There's some good 3D animated shota pr0n on have you seen it?

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why do you lie to yourselves? I would at least respect you if you guys were honest

t. "counter strike made people go on shooting sprees" mom

No priest molesting the choir boys
Picture is unrealistic
Immersion has been broken
2/10, that's the best I can give your image

Pedos are oppressed. Sock the shota dick bigot.

God, I love this image.

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the only pictures i have of that particular flavor are straight

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It's not the same and you know it. Porn creates a visceral response in the consumer. Killing in a game is much further removed from the actual experience of killing, and isn't at all how it would be irl. However, stuff that you like in hentai form in many cases will shift over to real form.

Tell me, what exactly gets you off about shota? Is it really the "body type", or is it the fact that it is representative of kids? Why do you choose to fap to shota over some other choice?

Or you could just ... go to another thread.
Churchy boys are rlly cute, post more, but real talk, the church is fucking awful.
I'm a quiet person, an artist, have a job, living a normal life. I practice Buddhism, which has guidelines for sexuality: don't use sexuality to harm.
I hope one day to have a partner, a man or a woman, who I am spiritually and emotionally compatible with, and I'd enjoy sexual relations with such a person. In the meantime, I am fine taking care of things on my own, and there's nothing morally wrong I can find with drawn 2D images of fictional characters.

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Look, I'm for banning porn alltogether, but I honestly don't see much of a difference between what's in this thread and normal porn. These are drawings with no connection to reality, way too stylized. If it was a realistic drawing style then I'd be with you.

Global rule 3--read it

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yeah but of all things why not just fap to some twink hentai or trap hentai or whatever? Shota is a dark path as is loli

You can't. Sup Forums is the only board shota is allowed on.

By the way, are there any shota imageboards rn since 8 (board hasn't been restored to kun) went under and 7 /sm/ is gone?

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It is specificly the style, not the representation of kids. Some artists make them look more like real children which makes me feel visceral disgust and immediatly kills my boner. Shota posted ITT looks nothing like children.

freedom of speech and you choose to post porn over and over again

Usually the high art quality, but the androgynous body type helps. Shota doesn't suffer from the same exaggeration of proportions, and tends to be more artistically inclined.
I wouldn't actually diddle a child because look at em they're fucking disgusting.

To me, shota and twink are like the difference between redheads and blondes. Sometimes you like one more sometimes the other.

>Shota is a dark path as is loli
What religion are you? Or if you aren't religious, what religion did you grow up in, or were raised in?

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Make a shota board and I'll stop posting this on the literal containment board for the site. Until then mods can read their own fucking rules and get a clue.

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>aka, why not just fap to the same thing and call it something else?

So hot

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Merry Christmas everyone!

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Even with very stylised characters I would say the context/ situation in the image is more important to what makes them appear as kids, and that is what gets people off with their illegal fantasies. I don't think just hyper real stuff is the problem here and I don't believe that shota/ loli just means artstyle. Hell, shotacon and lolicon literally mean pedophile in japan. We are just gonna have to disagree on them looking like children or not
I'm atheist but I believe in the slippery slope, and it seems obvious that shota is a slippery slope to pedophilia. I'm not even trying to shame you just make you realise that this is not a good thing for you

Lincoln is an adorable angel

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>illegal fantasies

Read 1984.

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What a selfish boy. It wasn't really shota since I was 14, but he was 19, so still taboo, and I would have loved if he covered his cock in chocolate for me as valentine's day gift or something.

sorry user, this is the last holy boy i have i think. ill search for some more! also agree with both of your statements.

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Oh yeah if it's supposed to look like childrape then I heavily agree with you.
I could even say maybe I'm the outlier because I'm too autistic to see them as children and regular people that wank it to shota are all pedos, how could I know? As I said before, I'd ban porn alltogether if it was possible, but shota is no different from vanilla women to me.


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I just wanted to say
your all fags.

>shota is a slippery slope to pedophilia
I am a legit pedo and I use shota to stop myself from looking at CP.

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what about my all fags?

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my all fags what?

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>I'm atheist but I believe in the slippery slope, and it seems obvious that shota is a slippery slope to pedophilia
Well, I disagree. I don't think the science backs you up there. At the very least the jury is out.
>I'm not even trying to shame you just make you realise that this is not a good thing for you
I appreciate the concern bro, but you're paranoid.

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what did my gay boys do, user

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naturally I meant the fantasies would be illegal should you carry them out irl or view 3DPD. I don't believe mere thoughts should be a crime, or art for that matter. But for your own mental health maybe weaning off of the 2D pizza might be a start?
I don't think porn or even this kind of porn should be outright banned but I think the people viewing porn need to realise how addictive and harmful it can be, and the people viewing loli and shota need to realise the dangerous road that could lead down. That is all. I don't advocate for any laws to restrict this stuff, the internet should be a wild west

How old are you? Slippery slope in general is very real in not just this area of life and if you fapped for a while you will have noticed that already. That said, I don't think shota is a slippery slope to pedophilia as it has nothing to do with children (I'm this user )

>I don't think porn should be banned
That's pretty funny to me, here I am fapping to shota and saying it should be banned and here you are telling me to stop but it should be allowed

I like big tits, lactation and mommy gfs. Guess what I look at if I want hentai? Exactly that. Now I am into 3D lactation porn and it started with hentai. I don't see why the same would not happen with shota. Just watch out for your mental state and try not to exclusively fap to this stuff. Go and watch some lesbians going at in on pornhub or something once in a while

i used to look at actual cp (i was a teenager cut me some slack, i stopped at age 16 when detectives came to my house and spooked me) and the appeal for it was completely different than shota and loli
i use shota as a way to stop myself from looking at cp, i just dont like that stuff anymore

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>i use shota
i dont use shota*

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I believe there are many things that people should stop doing but I don't believe in forcing my views on people through the oppressive way of policing. People should just be aware of their options. But yeah it is kind of funny how our approaches to this are so different

Straight shota is dope as hell. I was definitely a straight shota growing up lol. Super sheltered tho.

user, look at the characters depicted here . This is clearly meant to appeal to the fantasy of two young boys going at it in the school locker rooms. Please tell me how this has nothing to do with children

This and all this slippery slope bullshit just sounds like a bunch of people that actually want to look at 3dpd projecting their own thoughts onto others.

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not to put you down for your opinion, but when i think shota i dont think of girls

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>Appealing to a fantasy
As apposed to reality

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Well, I am very interested to hear what shotalovers find appealing/ arousing about it if they don't relate it to a real life setting. For me, when I watch porn like hentai, I am not really fapping to the lines on the screen but to my fantasies of what I want to happen irl. I fap to big tit mommy gf hentai because I self insert as the lad getting lucky. Same with 3D porn actually, I don't really fap to the pixels, just my fantasy of what I would do to the girl. That's why porn is arousing, it can trick the lizard brain into thinking you are really having sex or doing something similar.

If you are fapping to this stuff purely to the 2D, I don't get it. That shit is literally lines and colours

Yes, but doesn't fantasy imply the want to do something irl? If I say my fantasy is to live as a hobbit in lord of the rings, it's because I would love that to come true in real life. Otherwise what are you getting out of it?

I am gay. I like twinks, femboys, twunks, handsome men, 2D traps, androgynous anime characters, yaoi, and shota. I don't even really like shota porn. I mostly like /cm/ tier shota pics.

Honestly, you're projecting dude.

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>That shit is literally lines and colours

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3D pig disgusting also. 2D boys will forever be a thousand times purer than IRL boys

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I appreciate your opinion, and not immediately invalidating mine. Thanks.

And I totally get it, different strokes for different folks. For me porn is usually about putting myself in the person's shoes? Honestly not sure, but if I had known this stuff existed when I was that young, sex and all that. I would have been so down lol.

Thankfully as far as I'm aware, minus some accidentally walking in on stuff, I didn't know sex was a thing you could find pictures of online till I was 13.

I jumped basically anything I could figure out how to make into a sex toy tho xD

All of that to say that b/b is just as sexy to me as b/g and I totally get it if one or both doesn't agree with someone. I'm not into anything M/M and now I'm basically only sexually attracted to females in general and penises are just a really hot piece of art.

I'd probably enjoy giving a hj tho.

>detectives came to my house

Story time!

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I self insert as the shota because they are small and hairless and cute, and I am (and hate being) a tall, broad shouldered hairy man. I literally don't think I'm good enough to be a gay sub. So unless you have a time machine you're hiding somewhere, this doesn't translate to reality at all for me. That's the projection I'm talking about. Just because you want to fuck kids and blame your urges on those damn internet drawings, doesn't mean we're all as weird as you.

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For me Its entirely about wishful thinking of what could have happened if I lived a hypothetical childhood. Perhaps the life of someone who had been sexually active earlier.

It's definitely not something I want to have happened irl now or ever tho. (For me) It's an extreme thought experiment, not a plan for action.

I like sexual imagery of many types. The idea of taboo is arousing, but harming people, especially children, is a turn off. in 3dpd someone is getting hurt so it loses its appeal. I like entertaining the idea while not causing any harm.

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>equating freedom of speech with being a disgusting pedo faggot

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>Just because you want to fuck kids and blame your urges on those damn internet drawings
I brain my urges on my brain being fucked up. I've known I'm into that kind of thing since my early teens. Shota helps me cope.

Seconded. Pls storytime

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but you are just proving my point? The primitive lines have appeal because the lizard brain turns the symbols into a more realistic experience in the mind. If we just took them at face value as lines they wouldn't arouse us
I don't want to fuck kids I just find it interesting when people who fap to loli and shota completely deny any link to irl attraction. I guess if you are inserting as the shota that is ok since you are not getting off directly from the shota, but still the fact that you insert as a shota i.e underage boy still has some link to reality. You can't just completely seperate that. You are not fantasising about being lines on a page, you are fantasising about being a little boy. Yet again, I'm not judging, just pointing out what I see


yeah these answers make sense too. It seems to me that many people into shota have great nostalgia for a past they never had. I get it. As long as you are not getting off on the idea of fucking kids, it's all good with me

Who doesn't

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It seems like a lot of us in these threads want to be the boy. I can at least RP with my hookups though, I'm short and keep myself smooth. It isn't hard to find a bigger guy that'll spank me and roleplay me as a boy again while he fucks me. I feel for you user.

Not any of the anons that have posted in the thread already, but the images themselves are enough for me. I rarely self-insert and think about it, and when I do it's usually as the shota. Also not attracted to real kids at all, they're disgusting and anyone who is attracted to them is even more disgusting and should jump off a bridge.

Yeah but that's like saying if you like killing people in a video game you're attracted to the idea of killing people in real life. 2D shota, especially anime styled shota, don't look like real kids at all. You have to account for how stylized shota is.

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this is a character called Astral from some Yugioh anime. I watched a few episodes. It was kind of shit.

This character design though is fascinating. Astral is a male character, who is androgynous, and doesn't appear to have genitalia. He appears naked throughout the show.
I find this design fascinating to look at. It's a fantasy design. Shota is the same way for me. I can't speak of other anons here, I rarely fap to shota, but I had some gay experiences as a kid with another kid my age. I have fapped to the memory of that gay experience. Does that make me a pedophile? Fapping to the thought of my 6(?) year old self playing around with another boy? What about fapping to kaworu X shinji porn? What if I'm self inserting as Shinji or a Shinji-like character, and fantasizing about being younger, and having an angelic/alien/otherworldly being be with me? I have had that fantasy. I don't think anyone can call any of that morally wrong: unless you're one of those people who believes gay is wrong.

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I like shota because you can make a disgusting thing look beautiful while also removing harm.

If it leads to negative actions that's unfortunate. But alcohol is a leading cause of death and that's just, often loosely, regulated. (If we are merely comparing things done recreationally leading to harm)

Wanna know how I know you're Jewish?