Mods = Fags

Mods = Fags.

>Sup Forums and trannies on discord
>collaborate to spam our board with yellow shit for weeks making porn more aggressive
>mods for some reason start making stupid stickies making shitty remarks about people who post porn
>eventually try to censor it
>not gonna work, faggots. this is the most popular board and this website makes its money from its porn ads
TL:DR Mods = Newfags that hang out in Sup Forums and tranny discord servers. Niggers tongue my anus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

actually most old fags go to /pol whens the last time /b did a raid?


Porn isn't banned anyway. Neggress thread?

Nigger I don't care where you browse. I've been on Sup Forums for over a decade. Idgaf about Sup Forums unless they're spamming their yellow raid faggotry

Coomers I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you post is "NSFW". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you posted a pussy! This totally shocks my unenlightened puritan mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

Coomers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about ass or tits. Always with animebikini.jpg and ranting about how hot she is. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, coomers cant help but broadcast the fact that they are coomers.

What does the chest size of some instagram thot have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the randomness? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO HORNY! YOU SHOULD POST PORN!

TL;DR Coomers are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "SFW".

Prove. Me. Wrong.

reminder to bump all non-porn threads on page 10!

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>most oldfags go to a board that fell to complete shit during the election.
Whatever you say kid.

fuck off newfag

Just came from /trash/
So they're banning smut from Sup Forums eh?

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To come from behind, stick my cock in her and cum inside...

on /b theres 15 blacked threads 5 ylyl threads fb/insta cuck 2-3 trap threads wwyd rekt gore furry gay furry loli shota its 99.9% porn

Yellowfags are literal summer boys. Mods are confirmed newfags

I'll make the same autistic argument you retards make: There are other boards.

>this is the most popular board
Wrong. Most visited board is Sup Forums for 23 hours of the day. Sup Forums wins for an hour around 8pm est

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>zoomer meme video
case in point

>That anons channel has been commenting on and uploading Sup Forums content for 9 years.
You're an idiot.

This. We don't care about the porn, it's the low effort threads filling the catalogue. It's why nobody comes to Sup Forums anymore. Maybe it's a feedback loop, but it needs to be fixed

>That anons channel
stopped reading there
kill yourself, I bet you also follow Sup Forums facebook pages

Imagine unironically thinking Youtube isn't the birthplace of some of the best memes this board has ever seen. Your newfag is really showing.

sauce on that pic

\*pffft\* Uh oh Stinky! Poop hahahahaha Poopies Funny poopies alalalahahaha Funny poop Poop funny Weeeeee Haha yay more poopy Good poopy Poopy funny hahahahaha poo poo poopoopoopoopoo funny Yay fun poop hehehe poo Poopy yay poop make me happy happy happy hahahahahahaaa uh oh I think I made a poopy Poop in pants no diaper That's funny hahahaha Oopsie Poopy underwear now hehehehe We want poopies! We want poopies! hahahahahahahhahahhaaa Poo cough POO!

When you're not 16 anymore you'll look back in shame at your porn addiction

dunno im 35 and still pretty addicted

So is porn really going to be banned here or not?

fuck off coomer

A lot of men look back in shame at the women who they had real sex and had a baby with.
