That's racist!

>That's racist!


I remember when that used to be a joke. Now they really mean it.


>Thinking their videos are serious

I hope you're not one of those people who think absolutely everything about CinemaSins is a joke. Listen to how they present some of their SJW sins. They genuinely mean it.

I wonder if they only do it out of fear of backlash? Doubtful.

>That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?

Racist *ding*

>Cinemasins videos are 2-4 minute long collections of continuity errors and shot composition critiques in popular movies

>Cinemasins videos are 20-30 minute long compilations of cheap jokes made over movie scenes

There is essentially no difference structurally between Nostalgia Critic and Cinemasins at this point other than that Doug shows his face and Cinemasins guy doesn't.

this channel is so shitty. Their main audience is essentially 15 year olds and bad redditors

I'd say roughly ten minutes is the best length.

See that's their problem.

If you disagree with any sin, they say everything is a joke, but when you see their actual reviews, some of their complaints make it word by word into the Everything Wrong With videos.

I don't watch them anymore, for a channel that focuses on jokes, they're not funny at all, or funny once every 20 minute video; the problem is people that watch them before watching the movie and deem it terrible. Hell, they even edit, overlook or omit things to rank up the sin counter.

That bullshit sin in the Wicker Man still bothers me.

Ah yes, the one were they add 50 sins or something because of muh violence against women. Women that were responsible for torturing and burning him alive.

I never liked this, not even in the old days. It seems way too autistic and nitpicky.

>"social anxiety"
>cries on camera when people are mean to him
take a wild guess what his political leaning is

>Aaah, the classic stereotype of a woman in the kitchen. We just didn't know better back then.


Give me one (1) sin where they're unironically and unjokingly SJW.

and he isnt even nitpicky
his matrix one video was the breaking point, matrix has many famous continuity errors but he ignored all of them in favour of lapdance xD

>watching this garbage

>cinema sins
>your movie sucks
>plinkett reviews

Why does anyone watch this pointless masturbatory nitpicking horse shit?

I remember when the videos were 5-10 mins long and actually funny

He's basically to nitpicking as Tbbt is to nerd culture, normie bait that just exists to make them go "You're just like that cinema sins guy! XD bazooper- I mean Ding! :3"