Any globetards wanna try and explain this?

Any globetards wanna try and explain this?

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Attached: Think for once Globetards.jpg (400x400, 42K)

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You forgot about time zones ya dingus


I'm trying to comprehend your stupidity, but it's impossible. It takes the Earth 24 hours for a turn around it's own axis. And 365 days around the sun. You noticed that days are longer on the nothern hemisphere in Summer, but shorter on The southern hemisphere??. And during Winter, the situation is the oposite. Mystery solved.

Days are actually 23 hours and 56 minutes long.
We just set our clocks to 24.
Over the course of a year the extra four minutes gives enough variation to account for the change in days and thus we keep functioning during the day like normies.

I mean the axis of rotation of the earth is relative to the earth right? So it just keeps spinning and the other side of the world is on the same side of the sun because we're falling in very slowly, relative to sphess

what you are calling a "day" is actually a "stellar day", meaning the time span between the stars reaching the same apparent position in the sky on any two consecutive days.

We, however, live by the "solar day", which is longer than that. It's defined by the time it takes the sun to reach the highest point in the sky for two consecutive times.

So this "problem" or yours is already corrected by a slight deviation each day (about 4minutes). these close to 4 minutes add up to 12 hours over half a year.

>when you have no substance or refutations, resort to insults.

I see you're all still struggling to refute the OP's post.

Maybe Flat Earthers are on to something...

Google solar day and sidereal day, faggot.




i lost braincells

That's just the difference between a solar day and a sidereal day.
Sidereal time is relative to the stars, which move very little in the sky relative to the earth and sun.
Solar time is relative to the sun.
They differ by about 1 day per year, because, as you pointed out in your image, the earth gets one extra daily rotation per orbit. (if the earth spun the other way OR orbited the other way, but not both, it would get one less)

This explains it all, irrefutable evidence by doctors that there's no way the earth is a "sphere".

You got us. I guess the Earth is flat.

told you fag

And what about all the irrefutable evidence, by doctors, engineers, astronauts, and hell, pilots, that it is a sphere?

> irrefutable
> can all be refuted by school kids in 9th grade with a basic understanding of physics and maths

have you ever seen the sphere? no? then the evidence you have before you is a flat earth.

and yet... it can't.

Yes, I have. Through a great deal of photographic, and physical evidence.

such as? "photos" from "astronauts"?

Are you blind?

Yes. Photos from Astronauts, videos from planes. Thousands of sources like those.

there's no such thing as an "earth".

people have never been to space, that's ludicrous
moreover any photos you've seen are propaganda. you don't live on a ball.
and they call me the dumb one lol

By all mean, post your proof.

Oh wait...

If you drive around a center with your car your car will show the same side towards that center. Driving in a circle causes a rotation relative to a fixed coordination sphere.

your moon landing: debunked. nasa photos debunked. spacex photos et al: debunked.

my proof is what I can see. your proof? govt sponsored propaganda (that's always been debunked).

Government sponsored propaganda, like planes, and boats, and circumnavigating the globe, and astronauts.

None debunked, ever.

Its not a conspiracy you downy.

all debunked. circumnavigating the "globe" has never happened.

Never debunked.

So this is a centuries old conspiracy?

Can you see air? Guess air doesn't exist either.

Glowbees ruined yet again. Pathetic showing as usual. Why can't you cowards just accept the truth? It's flat.

you globetards never cease to amaze with your rampant stupidity.

So you cant counter logic? Didn't think so.

No, flat models can not account for 4 days simultaneous each rotation.
Earth body 4 corner time equals 4 leg mobility.
Your ignorance of Harmonic Cube is demonic.

>Harmonic Cube
What schizo nonense is this?

logic (globetards) vs fact (flatearthers)

fact wins, globefilth.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time.

First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day marshmallow.

So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days.

The marshmallow time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much boring feed from it's wrong.

No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

jesus fuck

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Cant see air, guess its not real?

Flattards BTFO.


My fellow cubic.

Attached: keisha-grey-julesjordan-com-80.jpg (1067x1600, 903K)

flatbags are right, balls are flat

Attached: flat ball.jpg (697x853, 85K)

your balls may be falt, tranny. the earth is certainly flat.


proves nothing. Deflate the ball do the same thing nothing changes. Retsrd.

Damn near killed him user.

Attached: 1547262719596.jpg (774x720, 251K)

Flattards BTFO. This is embarrassing for them.

ITT rational anons being trolled hard mode

then inflate your disc to a ball and nothing changes too. debunked yourself flatbrain


Next Plz, OP. Maybe troll better on the next one.

if it's the same in either state then nothing has been proven or disproven you sexual accident

Attached: ZPZfhot.jpg (997x872, 51K)

ok now move the cameraup away from the baskeball and see if the horizon rises to eye level.