How do I hide the fact that I don't brush my teeth from my new gf...

How do I hide the fact that I don't brush my teeth from my new gf? She's already noticed I don't have a toothbrush in my bathroom

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brush your fucking teeth dipass

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Why the fuck would you not brush your fucking teeth, wtf

Just never open your mouth and you should be good

No. Haven't brushed in 8 years and haven't had any issues. I obviously use mouthwash but I have no reason to brush


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Pull teeth out with pliers she'll never see the plaque built up on them if they're gone

I use mouthwash but she noticed I don't have a toothbrush the other day so I had to go get one to make it seem like I brush.

I hate you for this. Brush your teeth you fucking retard.

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I was fucking some girl for a while and I found out she didn't brush her teeth. She mentioned it so non chalantly. Her teeth looked fine and I didnt notice any smell but it weirded me the fuck out and I made sure to stay away from her mouth from then on out

>I have no reason to brush

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brb brushing teeth

post teeth

Enjoy heart disease you gross fuck

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I can smell you through the fucking screen

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My teeth are fine. Ive been to the dentist and they didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. As long as I have mouthwash on me im good. I used to smoke up until a few years ago but I realized that wasn't the best idea if I wasn't going to brush

OP post teeth before 404

Shut the fuck up and post your fucking teeth

quit smoking because of not brushing, three steps forward two steps back

Post teeth

Lol is that Jack salmonella

You better post your teeth you fucking freaksow

i very very rarely brush.
went to the dentist about 5 years ago, no cavities, no problems. they wanted to take out my wisdom teeth because "they can cause issues" i asked "Are they causing issues", they clarified "no, they can cause issues"
i told them to get fucked, and still rarely brush.

OP, post teeth faggot. mine are pretty yellow.

Okay here you guys go. They look better in person. See perfectly normal teeth.

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fuck off

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Hey, here's a wild idea:

What if you, in stead of using time and effort to hide this from your girlfriend, actually start brushing your teeth instead?

Don't be gross

Ok, sorry. Just a wild shot in the dark. These crazy ideas just comes to me!