I'm a newly wealthy 28-year old male. I have a college alumni event coming up in about a month...

I'm a newly wealthy 28-year old male. I have a college alumni event coming up in about a month. How can I display my newfound wealth without coming across as an asshole?

There's gonna be a few girls there that had previously expressed interest in me but nothing happened because I was in a relationship at the time, and I haven't seen or talked to them in a couple years outside of Facebook

TL; DR: How can I use my new wealth to help me get laid without coming off as an asshole?

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You're gonna lose all your money and mongoloids in the divorce.

Dress nice, not flashy and just have normal conversation till it gets flirtatious

You can't. Quit being a fucking pussy and just get whatever you want to get. I've been a broke motherfucker my whole life and 90% of the time I get girls I want to because I'm direct and I'm not a little bitch. Girls don't actually care if you have money or not, you're just an insecure weeb. No, I can tell you from experience, girls don't think Gurren Lagann or Full Metal Alchemist are cool. They like guys who are like Chris Watts, just less murdery.

Attached: dollarcollar.jpg (1414x1824, 550K)

I've done fine with women in the past, I've just been single and out of the game for the past couple years because I was concerned about making ends meet. Now that money isn't a concern anymore, I'm looking for how I can use that money to streamline/improve the dating process.

Even a guy who's great with women would be foolish not to incorporate something like this into his approach, but thanks for the advice Captain Alpha.

>How can I use my new wealth to help me get laid without coming off as an asshole?
That's literally why prostitution exists, kiddo. Get into the escort or sugarbaby scene in your town.

Obviously I don't need help on how to order hookers, jesus christ Sup Forums

Money doesn't buy women. Being a dude who tells women what they want to hear gets women. How many broke niggas you see with a decent chick? You have to actually approach women you like and talk to them. Make it clear you like them. Don't try to be their friend, try to be their boyfriend. Is it that hard??? Impress them with a BMW or something, and make it clear to them. You're not looking for a friend; you're looking for a date. Don't be a retard now, my dude.

>Chris Watts, just less murdery
girls wouldn't like him if he weren't a murderer

Actually OP, I am now in full disagreement with myself. Just buy a chain like this other fine user posted, you'll be fine Mr. Moneybags.

You’ve already proven that you’re an asshole.
The rest will fall into place on its own...

For something like this, go watch, belt, and shoes.

Not sure "wealthy" means to you, or what range we're talking here. But go with a swiss, mechanical watch from a recognizable brand, and don't get anything below Rolex level. If you don't already have a good watch, a Submariner (or better yet, a Sea Dweller) is a good place to start.

For shoes, look at the $600+ range, and belt in the $500+ range.

But don't be a douche about it. And don't get some dumb belt buckle with the logo of the brand.

Beyond that, just wear jeans, a tee shirt, and maybe a custom sport jacket.

Think Neiman Marcus, or Sacks. Not Nordstrom.

Hey fuck you, I'm just as bad with women as OP, but that last line was kind of funny

The thing you should be more concerned about is your dog shit mental state, they’ll spot that a mile away

If you have to ask neckbearded basement dwellers on Sup Forums about appearance then you're on the wrong path.

Yeah, I agree with this dude. Women can pick up fake confidence a mile and a half away. If you're not really confident with yourself, you. Just be yourself, and be confident in one and only one person:. You.

Honestly, confidence is the one thing I've never struggled with. That's not the issue here.

I mean, if confidence isn't the issue than idk what to tell you. Maybe you're just ugly? Don't want to be a dick, but even ugly guys can get a hot chick if they're confident. Are you really confident, or are you just thinking you're confident. I always had trouble distinguishing between the two, and always thought I was confident, when I really wasn't. I don't know what else to tell you, just be yourself. Girls like guys who are real, and confident.

I believe I'm confident, and I've been told I'm confident in the past, but sometimes I do feel like I'm faking my confidence, and as you said, I sometimes have a hard time distinguishing between real confidence and fake confidence.

I never have trouble making women laugh, and I have no problem saying whatever is on my mind, but since I peg myself as a 4 or a 5, maybe there's a part of me that is in disbelief that 8s and occasionally 9s could be into me and they're picking up on that despite my outward confidence.

high quality traditional but fashionable clothes:
>Cesar Attolini
>Luigi Borrelli

if you're dressed in this shit, everything else will follow:
-- people will treat you differently
-- they'll be happier to see you
-- women will pay attention and hang around you
-- old friends might be intimidated