What are some jobs from home where i don't need to answer a phone all day?

What are some jobs from home where i don't need to answer a phone all day?

Attached: 2019-11-27 11.14.28.jpg (800x600, 112K)

collecting welfare

That's not a job and I'm not black user

ur probably a half white half beaner so go get ur welfare

Farm or craft goods in demand

Nope just hate driving through town with all the fucking retards on the road

Be a codemonkey.

Porn artist.

u sound like a little bitch antifa faggot

I have a few old guys who give me 50 a hour for my hole its paid rent for years , no idea how I will survive as a old fag

doubt anyone wants to watch a guy fuck a fleshlight and jerk off


Am too fugly and deformed for that, the local could easily tell its me even if I go full jihad face cover.

a nigger shot a car for honking at him this place sucks

Answer solved niggers love crack slang crack

don't honk at niggers dumbass

Pretty sure he meant that you DRAW porn.

What resources to learn code?

Their are lots of them on patreon guess i could draw traps and futa since they make bank off that shit

as an old fag, its cool you do that. Wish I had a twink who would let me rail him for $50. sadly not



I only need 4 minutes heres 9$ keep the change

Buy things wholesale
Break it down, put it in nice packaging, sell it

Idiots will pay an extra $5-10 for a piece of shit if it's in a nice presentation box

God speed

If you really wanna make bank draw furry. They pay out the ass for you to draw their neon-colored fursonas

thanks for the advice