Is boys holding hands considered porn?

is boys holding hands considered porn?

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Hmm, maybe softcore. I'm sure some could still off to it

There is no porn ban. A faggot moderator went rogue. He was in a tranny/pol discord and was convinced by those faggots to spread the summer shit from 5 months ago to a new level. Stop being such a newfag redditor and go back to the subreddit you came from. Raids are cancer. You are cancer. 90% of this board are phonepissing newbabies anyway.

I wish my boyfriend would hold my hand in public :(

Its considered being a fucking faggot

yes, b-but it's so cute, it wouldn't be a dirty wank

i didn't even know what happened

where do you live?

and what are you basing this on?

There is no porn ban. A faggot moderator went rogue. He was in a tranny/pol discord and was convinced by those faggots to spread the summer shit from 5 months ago to a new level. Stop being a newfag and go back to the board you came from.

Make sure you paste this if you see idiot Sup Forums board hoppers shitting up our board with newfag politics.

I live in the south

No a absolutely wholesome and encouraged.

I've held hand with a friend jokingly, you just seem afraid to find out you're gay, user.

I see, is that the religious area? i live in Queensland Australia, and it's basically the same
do you hold hands when alone?

We hold hands when we go hiking and i also hold his arm. But yeah someone might say something in public. Also we work in the same company and they dont know, and he doesnt want them to see or attract attention.. He was my mentor at work. I rode with him in a semi everyday as a driver helper. We got to know each other a lot and now we are living together :). Its our first christmas and my first christmas in a relationship so lifes great!

so cute, you're lucky user

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Enjoy it man, you prolly deserve it. Being gay can be really hard sometimes but it's great to have someone for yourself.

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hand holding is the height of depravity.

Thanks guyssss

Im so glad that I found someone already. Im (20m) hes (34). He truly is a blessing.
Weve been dating for a little over a year now. Really never want it to end.

>tfw I am a bf that refuses to acknowledge his seething bf in public

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Absolutely evil

He walks so fast in stores that I cant keep up and I literally feel like a kid following around.

Based, I do this as well. On the flip side, I put in way more effort in the bedroom so that's definitely evening it out.

Any cute stories you guys do

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plot twist: you're the one being ignored in public and you get off on it

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I am terrible at telling stories, sry. I guess it's cute that half the time we are together we just lie down and tickle each other.